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Anyone else have the problem of constantly being pressured to get into management? I work for a large grocery store chain and they're constantly pushing for managers in my department which is Floral. It sounds like a good deal, but it's one person in the floral department at all times with almost zero help even during holidays and proms. They may throw a buck or two more at you, but the work is overwhelming and one person takes all of the responsibilities. It just isn't a deal for me at my age. Everything is beyond your control

Kojaksmom 8 Jan 20
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The big P?

I have not been pressured recently but Im 55. I have seen in some areas where they pressure people to roi then a few years later those people are quitting or stepping way down

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

I think most people think that management is giving them a promotion. They throw a few bucks at you and throw you into the hell pit. It's my personal feeling pressuring people into management positions is for them not you.

@Kojaksmom Or in the case of those up front, they give them a title and let them wear their own clothes but no extra money and call it a step up

@Lucy_Fehr lol reminds me of woody on cheers. Instead of giving him a raise they give him a big name.

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Posted by AmiSueWalking in traffic.

Posted by KojaksmomYep, it's always this way!

Posted by AmiSueAh! Winter. When corporate lets you close the store only after the roads are closed.

Posted by AmiSueIn a nutshell.

Posted by josh_karpfWhat music do you/must you work to?

Posted by josh_karpfWhat music do you/must you work to?

Posted by RavenCTI thought of you guys when I saw this one

Posted by josh_karpfI've been away from the site for months, so Christmastime seemed perfect for coming back.

Posted by AmiSueBy the skin of my teeth... My store is trashed. I was cussed at, yelled at, and disrespected in all manner of ways. We made the goddamn sales plan :)

Posted by idlopalevBack to work pulling Uboats to stock shelves today

Posted by idlopalevFirst rule of Pharmacy training X the opened bottles

Posted by idlopalevLet my Bays be in one piece after my day off. Please!

Posted by idlopalevLet my Bays be in one piece after my day off. Please!

Posted by idlopalevNext two days off Yay

Posted by idlopalevNext two days off Yay

Posted by idlopalevNext two days off Yay

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