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People man. I'm back to working the register and all the things people do are driving me nuts.

Someone comes to the register with fruit, I pick up the bag, looking for the plu. Invariably most of them begin shouting "it's an orange, pepper etc" like it's wheel of fortune and they're yelling out suggestions.Yes, folks I know that I can't just type "blood orange"into the register ffs, I need the number.

I can't tell you how many people come along and park their carts sideways so that no one can get to the register behind them either. A man said something to a woman who'd done that the other day and she was baffled. "What's his problem?" She asked as he walked off. Being a cashier, I couldn't point out that she was a self centered ass for taking up two registers. She saw no issue at all with what she'd done, of course.

One of my personal favorites is when people shove ahead to the credit card machine if the person ahead of them is bagging their own groceries or just standing too far forward of it. Some of them get pushy, literally. I've seen folks ram people in front of them with their shopping carts because they felt the person ahead of them was taking too long.Erm, do you not see me still ringing their order? Did no one ever teach you to wait your turn?

One thing that's glaringly obvious from behind a register is the utter self absorption of most people. Folks just don't seem to ever think "this person is just trying to get their groceries and have their questions answered, just like I am". So many seem to view one another as impersonal objects to be moved out of their "way". Drives me fucking bonkers,y'all.

OpposingOpposum 9 May 19
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One thing that I've learned from being a cashier is that some people are clueless AF. It makes being a nice person trying at times.

Islandgurl Level 6 Aug 31, 2018

ROTFL ??? OMG you sound like me! I can totally relate to everything you said and you are so right! They just seem to have no clue. This week have been particularly taxing due to an influx of a..holes (tourist season) as opposed to the regular a..holes. Ain't life grand???? hee hee


We need a new term, similar to "road rage", for the ridiculous rages that some shoppers get into.

Petter Level 9 May 19, 2018

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Posted by AmiSueWalking in traffic.

Posted by KojaksmomYep, it's always this way!

Posted by AmiSueAh! Winter. When corporate lets you close the store only after the roads are closed.

Posted by AmiSueIn a nutshell.

Posted by josh_karpfWhat music do you/must you work to?

Posted by josh_karpfWhat music do you/must you work to?

Posted by RavenCTI thought of you guys when I saw this one

Posted by josh_karpfI've been away from the site for months, so Christmastime seemed perfect for coming back.

Posted by AmiSueBy the skin of my teeth... My store is trashed. I was cussed at, yelled at, and disrespected in all manner of ways. We made the goddamn sales plan :)

Posted by idlopalevBack to work pulling Uboats to stock shelves today

Posted by idlopalevFirst rule of Pharmacy training X the opened bottles

Posted by idlopalevLet my Bays be in one piece after my day off. Please!

Posted by idlopalevLet my Bays be in one piece after my day off. Please!

Posted by idlopalevNext two days off Yay

Posted by idlopalevNext two days off Yay

Posted by idlopalevNext two days off Yay

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