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The Forever War https:// Part I - From The Killing Fields

Marine Corps infantryman turned anti-war activist tells Abby Martin the hidden reality of the endless Afghanistan War.

Going on 20 years. A year ago we were told it has been known this war was a scam almost from the very beginning. So this is what "support the troops" means? Who's really being supported!?!

William_Mary 8 May 18
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OK I watched the whole thing. This is really depressing. What is it all about?Is it that weapons manufacturers want t o continually make and sell weapons and persuade their governments to fight endless wars to ensure a steady stream of weapon requirements? Is there any interest at all in who gets killed or are those deaths just needed to maintain the wars. The Taliban originally shut down the poppy growing. The Americans went in and the poppies grew again. Now the poppies grow in order to make money for the Taliban or as this suggests to make money for the warlords. What advantage is being gained by any Afghanis? Is this purely a war for weapons manufacturers?

America invaded Afghanistan, as a part of the war on terror, and then proceeded to impress Western values upon a Muslim country. Leaving aside the ethical issues that this raises, the Afghans were not going to change their values for anyone.

The Americans originally stopped opium production, which had been a way of life for many Afghans for centuries, but they had no intentions of stopping.

It is likely that the real reason that America stayed on was not to destroy Al-Quaeda, its base of operations and capture Osama Bin Laden, but because they wanted to exploit the oil and mineral wealth of the country, just as Iraq was really about oil.

If in doubt, just ask yourself whether any profit can be made from the war, and if there are any natural resources, that's bound to be at the bottom of it.

@Magister Yes of course.

@rogerbenham In fact Bush and Blair should have had to face war crimes for taking the USA and UK, respectively, into the Iraq War looking for non-existent WMD.

What makes it possible for some individuals to openly break international law, and get away with it? you and I would be arrested at the drop of a hat for the slightest infringement, yet politicians can be responsible for the deaths of thousands, and no-one seems to dare bring them to account.

@Magister I agree with you.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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