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Ukraine war veterans on how Kiev plundered US aid, wasted soldiers, endangered civilians, and lost the war

“The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to this country have gone,”


{Before the war started, Andrey spent several years reporting on corruption and crooked politicians in Ukraine. After an investigation into a government official in Odessa resulted in death threats against his wife and young daughter, Andrey sent them to live with relatives in France. “Ukraine is a democracy, right? So the government won’t press on you in an official way. First, you get phone calls warning you to stop. Then, they offer you money to stop. And then, if you refuse to be bought, you should be prepared for an attack.

“Real journalism is dangerous here,” he continued. “You see, since the war started, we have these new star reporters, and every day, they write that ‘Putin is bad, the Russian soldiers behave very badly…today, the Ukrainian army killed 1,000 Russians and destroyed 500 Russian tanks.’ They get a million followers on Twitter because they lie, and this isn’t real reporting. But if you write about the corruption in the Armed Forces, and have real examples…you won’t be famous, and you’ll be in trouble.”}

This apparently would be soon after 2014 , April I believe, when Azov invaded Odessa and opened fire on innocent civilians and police without any serious provocation. April is when the order came down from Kiev giving Azov and the Ukrainian army to basically just kill the "terrorist Russian ethnic" population. The same scenario played out in Mariupol also. In which that Mayor also was supporting Kiev agendas. In both cases and other towns and villages, Kiev forces spent the next 8 years digging in for a war where the military essentially ransacked the cities killing at will and plundering markets, malls, and businesses. Forcing people from their homes, either into basements of or herding them into basements of large buildings as they set up positions in those homes and buildings to use them as human shields when the local militias came to defend them, and then after Russia came to their aid.

{“I have worked with about a dozen journalists from different countries in Europe,” he said. “All of them have been shocked. They left Ukraine shocked. They said they could not believe the situation here. But this shock did not make it into any of their articles about the war. Their articles said that Ukraine is on the road to victory, which is not true.”}

The truth will not be tolerated!

{A former US serviceman who goes by the moniker “Benjamin Velcro” was a volunteer fighter for the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ official unit for foreign volunteers. He spent five months in various parts of Ukraine, and says that soldiers being stationed in civilian areas was a common occurrence.

“Whenever I hear that Russia bombed a school, I just kinda shrug,” the American foreign fighter said. “Because I garrisoned inside a school. That’s a fact. The school didn’t have kids in it, so it’s not like they were endangering children. So all it takes is for Ukraine to say, ‘Ah! They hit a school!’ And that cumulates into an easy media narrative on their part.”}

William_Mary 8 Sep 4
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Why does none of that surprise me? The MIC always get all the money they seek from our congress, and more, but nobody ever criticizes it for ballooning the debt or the money being wasted. It's the biggest and best scam in our federal government..

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