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Blinded by propaganda: What’s really happening in Syria while the new government talks peace? (DISTURBING VIDEOS)

While the militants who have seized power make promises that delight Western journalists, the country is drowning in blood


Abu Mohammad al-Julani---apparently the new leader of Syria now, after the take down of Bashar Assad and the accomplished rushing of the capital and other various towns and villages, in a remarkably short span of time. Our medias portray him as a rebel, freedom fighter. Although those 2 aspects of the above aren't anywhere near being accurate. This is one of those moments where I restate {I told you so} that bring me no pleasure of being right, again. Or, especially, the Syrian citizenship. Pleasure obviously.

Abu Mohammad al-Julani has been a member of both ISIS and Al-Qaeda in the past. Most likely still is in some regard, one or both. Currently there's supposedly still a 10 million dollar bounty posted on him, unless it has been just recently removed from the government site. I'm talking a day or 2. This is the guy our medias are attempting to white wash his crimes away. This is the guy who has played an large, essential even, role in nearly 4800 deaths of our service members in Iraq! Wounded, mentally and physically harmed, suicides 3 X the death toll. That's all being buried in the sand in the middle east today. Along with a potentially long list of other dead that haven't been found yet. Those being murdered since the swarm began. Those numbers are mounting each day within ethnic and religious cleansing, anyone who would be seen as opposition or collaborated with any enemy they have.

They, you might ask. As I {told you so} for years. Some numbers were around 28 factions of Al Qaeda were being funded and supported by the CIA and DOD during all the years western government have been illegally interfering in Syria. This new terrorist adventure was also. Yea, shit, I left that out above. That word our representation and medias won't say, terrorist. These terrorist factions, although more grouped together today, are also competing for other regions within the country. Outside the capital where Julani is. It's a haven of chaos with bloodbaths going on from one end of the country to the other end. Add in Israel as they move to take over all of the Golan Heights, destroy military targets, and Turkeys own little war near their border. Wait for it. American troops who face attacks also in particularly ruling class self interest. We don't hear of those deaths in our media though do we? They come to us as accidents if we hear of them at all.

Within this article there is a video. You'll see a trigger warning on it. Violence and murders within. Not for the faint of heart, so to say. Welcome to the new Syria! Democracy and freedom is not in the minds of the new rulers. And peace will not be seen for years. This is a mirroring of Libya.

If you're interested in keeping up with the events playing out in Syria, I highly recommend following Vanessa Beeley. A British journalist who until recently has been living in Syria covering the crimes of western governments. She has attended multiple UN and UNSC hearings to provide testimony on events in Syria. Occasionally beside Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate. Along with the false accusations of chemical weapons use in the past. Which we'll most likely find in the future that the recent bombing claim of a chemical weapons manufacturing was actually an accuse to bomb someone or something else. Her site >>> []

I also included another video, below, of some coverage in Syria that Vanessa Beeley was interviewed in. I took the liberty to jump to her first part, she comes into it again shortly after. At this point the context is on the role the US played in supporting and funding the terrorist. It's only 27 minutes and worth the time to view its entirety.

Invisible Borders: A glimpse of US war crimes in East Syria

The American people should be campaigning to remove American troops from Syria? More body bags sent home to America. Our families are sacrificial lambs for the ruling class!

William_Mary 8 Dec 15
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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