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Socialism against oligarchy, fascism and war

In his monumental essay “The Class Struggles in France,” one of the earliest applications of the method of historical materialism to the analysis of politics, Karl Marx noted that the “secret of the revolution” which brought the Duke of Orleans to power in July 1830 was summed up in the words of the financial wizard Laffitte: “From now on the bankers will rule.” Updating Laffitte to Elon Musk, and shifting from 1830 to 2024, the “secret” of Trump’s election can be summed up with the words, “From now on the oligarchs will rule.”

The incoming administration will be a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich. To a degree unprecedented in American history, the oligarchy itself will exercise direct control over the state–from Musk, the world’s richest man and head of the Orwellian “Department of Government Efficiency,” to the assemblage of billionaires that will staff Trump’s cabinet and White House. As of mid-December, the total wealth of this top tier of the Trump administration was estimated at nearly half a trillion dollars.


With the now obvious successful program of turning the American society into a totally compliant arena of servitude, they've become embolden to step out from behind the curtain and take the reigns themselves.

{The re-election of Trump is a political expression of the “normalization” of fascistic barbarism and capitalist dictatorship. This has been signaled by the Democratic Party and the capitalist media dropping all references to Trump’s threat to democracy, let alone the “f-word,” fascism, and instead pledging their full collaboration with Trump and the Republicans.}

The Mentally challenged Biden served, was used, as the lead up to the devastating atmosphere that is building up around us and the world. Being ran from behind him by his cabinet picks which were clearing exposed as the war hawks they were going into his presidency. From the lack of handling the Jan 6th riot within legal parameters available, Trump's own multiple legal matters, the timely uptick in the Ukraine war, Gaza and Lebanon genocides, Yemen war, and Sudan genocide, Ukrainian terrorist spreading across the global south and middle east, Syria white washing of terrorist. The deep state now has on hands control of all of it and the judicial system behind it to legalize what ever they so chose to do. Just waiting to get the last puppet out of the way.

{The incoming administration is planning, from “day one,” to implement a massive assault on democratic rights, focused initially on immigrants and refugees. Among its most extreme proposals is the abolition of birthright citizenship, a cornerstone of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, adopted after the Civil War. The targeting of immigrant workers is the spearhead for a broader attack on the democratic and social rights of the entire working class, as the government prepares to enact further tax cuts for the rich and a coordinated assault on every social program won by workers through bitter struggle.

The processes clearly evident in the United States are in fact universal. Across the world, capitalist governments are staggered by massive political crises, confronting popular opposition and increasingly turning to authoritarian measures.}

It didn't work out so well for us the last time! It will be worse this time, as the conditions from then weren't adequately addressed. I had a dry withered broken stick claim on another post of mine from last week where he attempted to deliver a list of achievements of Biden's that are a vision of delusional realities managed by MSM that never took place. When you actually do the research, they're either of misguiding information and or off set by variable stresses countering their effectiveness. Just as Trump's self exaggerations. Must be that divisional party thing. You see it only in the party you oppose, but never within the party you support. Which is why we keep drifting further into fascism. O wait! We there now! Can't any longer be denied! It's plainly in the Trump Speak. From his entire cabinet picks. And we have only ourselves to blame for it. Those of you who have the bravery to actually read. WSWS list a number of examples by countries.

The global eruption of imperialist war

The foreign policy of oligarchy is imperialist war and plunder. “Imperialism,” Lenin explained, is “(1) monopoly capitalism; (2) parasitic, or decaying capitalism; (3) moribund capitalism. The supplanting of free competition by monopoly is the fundamental economic feature, the quintessence of imperialism.” In the competition over resources and raw materials, the imperialist powers threaten to plunge mankind into catastrophe.

Trump’s inflammatory statements about taking over the Panama Canal, buying Greenland and threatening to deploy the military to Mexico exemplify the imperialist ambitions of the incoming administration. The corollary to Trump’s “America First” nationalism is a global policy of “Fortress America,” in which control over the Western Hemisphere is seen as essential in the developing confrontation with China.

Under Biden, the three decades of regional wars of American imperialism expanded into an open confrontation with Russia, the second-largest nuclear-armed power. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was a bankrupt and reactionary action by the Putin regime, which represents the interests of the capitalist oligarchy that arose from the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It was not, however, “unprovoked,” as universally claimed by the capitalist media. It was the response of the Russian government to NATO’s relentless eastward expansion and the refusal to negotiate over Ukraine’s incorporation into the US-led military alliance.

Simultaneously, Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, backed by the US and NATO powers and aided and abetted by the bourgeois-nationalist regimes in the Middle East, has exposed the depths of imperialist barbarism.

The genocide, marked by the destruction of entire cities, the targeting of hospitals and schools and the displacement of hundreds of thousands, is part of a broader regional strategy. The aim is to reorganize the Middle East in line with imperialist interests, including the toppling of the Assad government in Syria, the decapitation of Hezbollah’s leadership and escalating provocations against Iran.

The crisis of capitalism and the growth of the class struggle

Imperialist war is the response of the ruling class to the increasingly intractable crisis of the entire capitalist order. The eruption of ever more extreme economic crises over the past decades has deepened the parasitism and recklessness of the financial oligarchy, whose immense wealth is increasingly detached from the production of real value.

{It's nice to know that stick is so well off this fact evades his intellect. Read on to understand it. Don't let the employment numbers fool you either. They exist in a delusional unexplained reality also.}

The fight for Trotskyism in the decade of revolution

As humanity enters the second half of the decade, the objective conditions for socialist revolution are ripening at an extraordinary pace. The conditions created by global capitalism—imperialist war, staggering inequality, climate catastrophe and the threat of dictatorship—are driving millions of workers and young people into struggle.

The ruling class is itself aware of the danger of revolutionary leadership in the working class. Trump’s hysterical denunciations of socialism express a fear that the rising anger in the working class will intersect with a program and perspective that articulates workers’ interests. Immense resources have been devoted by layers within academia to counter the “peril” of Trotskyism.

William_Mary 8 Jan 11
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Ummmm, short term maybe a Big problem, but if you slash the work force by eliminating a lot of migration, and deporting a bunch of workers, soon actual workers remaining will be able to command premium wages....and come into power.
Remember what happened when China made one-chid-per-family a law?
And most families opted for males, supposedly more valuable?
20 years later parents of girls can demand fabulous sums, the law of shortages Always prevails.

You're inside the box that has been created for you to think from. Most immigrants come here today due to the killing foreign policies western governments unleash on their countries. Devastating their societies on multiple levels while stealing their resources that once went towards supporting themselves. They come here because they can no longer support themselves under the conditions that were manufactured, in which criminal gangs and drug cartels along with corrupt government puppets of the west make targets of anyone who speaks out. Their children become targets of the drug trade and sex trafficking, rape, and servitude. Their entire social structure is basically erased, rights and unions denied, teachers and journalist targeted by paramilitary gangs, killing austerity measures applied. Indigenous people are hunted down and killed, their homelands stolen for corporate endeavors. Stop the killing policies and they'll quit seeking refuge at our borders. They don't want to leave their countries and other family members to that madness anymore than you would want to be in their situation. Anymore than you would want to be scooped up and dropped into any metropolitan area in the US which is largely overran by drug and gun selling gangs where shootings and death are a daily and nightly occurrence that is spread throughout their entire atmosphere.

There aren't enough workers in the US to fill all the positions that need to be filled. We can't find the type of workers who will do the type of farm work that consist of seasonal traveling like we get from immigrant workers. The housing building. In which like the last time sent shock waves through the country when Trump ramped up his campaign on immigrants, we'll likely see another. Shortages in building, seasonal vacation spots unable to open, transportation shortages on multiple levels . Also involving immigrants willing to move about the country.

Your can't force employers to raise wages in cases where our own policies allow companies to evade laws who use the help of immigrants. Even if they were to enforce those laws, we again run into shortages. I can tell you from experience as I once was and over the road trucker, our country is littered with immigrants in metropolitan areas, large cities, and large transfer hubs, in shipping and receiving docks. In many of these places that they are called lumpers who load and unload trailers for truckers. It's a large scale scam that the trucking industry and corporations play a part in. In which these companies are paid major bucks for unloading trailers while these immigrants work for peanuts. I can't count the number of times I paid an electronic payment in the hundreds for a mere few minutes of work, well under half an hour that I know these workers weren't getting a fair share of. Imagine that going on all day long! 24/7 365 in a lot of cases where multiple shipping and receiving docks are. It's a billion dollar industry that they aren't going to allow to be changed any time soon. The problem is the policies, not the people. Not the immigrants. Most people don't have a clue how these immigrants help to keep our country moving within various aspects as they're being highly exploited. As they're forced to live behind the curtain out of sight mostly, within multi living conditions, to avoid attention.

Have you ever considered how the vastness of Asian and Mexican restaurants survive? It's the same atmosphere. Take an Asian buffet, you see Asian ladies doing most of the work, in many you'll find Mexican's in the kitchen. It isn't likely you'll see them anywhere else. At the end of the night they're all carted off to a living arrangement where they all share a series of apartments or a house where they're put up until the next day. They work for very little money and probably forced to turn in the tips we give them. Unlikely get good healthcare. Take a good look at their teeth sometime. Often looks like they haven't had their teeth cleaned ever in some of the places I've eaten. Popular places in our area. They're slaves on some level.

You can't prevail on that without the knowledge of how deep it goes in the policies that most aren't aware of. And our medias aren't delivering the information about any of it. Box!

@William_Mary Ohferpetessake, you act like i and everyone here except a dumb few don't know all this...try looking 20 years down the line, like I said.


This an article my Dad would have really enjoyed. Sadly he passed in 1994 but he did see much of this coming. He was both fascinated and sadden by human nature.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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