Trump-Zelensky shouting match exposes clash between US and European powers
In publicly berating Zelensky, Trump sought to appeal to domestic disillusionment with the Ukraine war, which enjoys no significant support outside of the affluent upper-middle class base of the Democratic Party.
But whatever Trump’s intentions, the public confrontation in the Oval Office was a testament to the deep crisis of US imperialism, of which the collapse of the Ukraine war is a particularly acute expression.
Vastly, for the most part, it's what I'm seeing on social media. Facehack in my case. I rarely observe any other social media. Apparent support for an illegal overthrow of a democratically elected government in 2014. Support for the installment of a WWll Nazi glorifying puppet government after the Obama administrations illegal overthrow. Spearheaded by Biden and Victoria Nuland, John McCain, Chis Murphy. In which this country {Ukraine} had its own military divisions of fascist that collaborated with the German Nazis. Along side of forces loyal to the movements of Stepan Bandera over several years. In and out of prison, and in and out of collaboration with the German Nazis. See links below for clarifications. Support for the betrayal of agreements previously agreed on in the past. Support for the 3 occasions of deceptive actions by western governments towards avoiding diplomatic means to end the civil war twice, essentially a genocide campaign on the people of the Donbass, and once as Russia finally came to the defense of the people of 4 republics in the east and south.
I don't think by now that I should have to explain to many of you here of my political affiliation. I don't support the democrats or republicans. Any measure of that went out with the reality after 2016 that neither of these parties are representatives of the American people. They don't represent fair elections. They don't represent a republic. They don't represent democracy. They don't represent freedom. They don't represent sovereignty. They don't represent the Constitution. They don't represent the Bill of Rights. They don't represent International laws. They represent----We'll do what they hell we want to do when we want to do it. And it often involves murderous actions and chaotic societies left behind. Economic and environmental disasters and or stagnation, loss of rights, free speech, and free expression on a global scale. Ask the populations of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine how that works. There are various numbers of states within Africa currently under such conditions and more moving in that direction. All effected by western dominances within collaboration with our representation. Add our MSM to that also. Who are guilty of helping to keep a vast majority of our population of recognizing this reality. And why they are foolish enough to hold empathy for another murderer from Ukraine. Which is seemingly coming mostly from democratic supporters at the moment, because Trump is president.
This is a prime example of a purists sensed society in regards to a limited 2 party structured affiliation, how it ends up resulting within supporting a delusional reality that has been created for them. And we watch each side make the same mistake every time there's a political switch in power. Where the supporters lose right along with everyone else in the country. And dam, how we have been losing over the past 2 and a half decades. And it still isn't resonating with any of them. Outside of total ignorance. Do any of you democratic supporters not have family who fought in WWll? Understand the gist of the history to correlate with the Ukraine issue? You don't even have to have put the time in that I have in the history, just within layman terms understanding should prevent any sense of empathy for this asshat puppet.
{The Ukraine war was the central foreign policy project of the Biden administration. By drawing Russia into a war on its borders, the Biden administration hoped to unify the NATO alliance under US hegemony. One month after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Biden declared, “NATO has never, never been more united than it is today.”}
And don't be fooled, again. The western global power structure isn't losing the battle here under the pretense of the medias perception management, or Trump's, has geared up and delivering. It's the citizenships that are losing! Still! Stagnant! There's just a little bit of an alignment going on after their failure. The most essential questions right now is whether a major military introduction is going to be engaged in for Ukraine? If so, will our men and women be sent into another deceptive manufactured war to be sacrificed when Europe begins to get their asses handed to them? Will European leaders come to their senses and drop their threats of intervention? Will elections be held in Ukraine and the people be allowed to actually voice their will, without interferences to the final results? That will has been betrayed on the last 2 occasions. Once with an overthrow, and once by Zelensky who ran on ended the war. This war never happens without the interferences. Ukraine most likely goes on to restabilizing their country after decades of EU domineering economic and oligarchy plundering with the economic shift that was about to take place in 2014. That is what this war primarily became about. That, along with the essential long history, is what our representation and medias don't detail for you. They have many trapped in a new day collective. You wake up and everything begins now without context of yesterday being applied. History will not be tolerated. You might be granted a week at most in time at best. By the time a week goes by, you're trapped by another illusion they create. Don't miss the China effect!
"In publicly berating Zelensky, Trump sought to appeal to domestic disillusionment with the Ukraine war, which enjoys no significant support outside of the affluent upper-middle class base of the Democratic Party"
I have a news flash for you the war in Ukraine enjoys support in a majority of the people in this country... That includes many Republicans the only people who are against it are the fake "tech bros" like Musk and the low IQ Trumpanzees who spend more on their firearms than they do on the rusty old trailers they live in.
To me it looked like a soap opera! I'm embarrassed to be an American!
It was a really poor job of acting that even a soap opera would deem completely unacceptable...
American diplomacy is a lost art. Biden didn't employ it at all and Trump.................well...... Trump is Trump. I'm starting to miss the cold war because when conflict broke out anywhere, the world came together and imposed arms embargoes to stop fighting. Plus we all understood nuclear deterrence, that once a country had nukes that it would be MAD to wage war with them (Mutually Assured Destruction). Australia was quite neutral then and was often called upon to participate in negotiations as a neutral party. Now, we just do what we are told which is why my perverted sense of humour finds it amusing that the US is Israel's bitch, because Australia has been America's bitch for a long time now. It sucks when your country is another's bitch doesn't it?
@puff The twatwaffle is making America others bitch because he's going to gain money for it. He doesn't give a rats ass about anything else! America has fucked with other countries and not for good!
@puff America helped in overthrowing a socialist government who America, the Catholic Church helped getting elected. America realized they were not making more money than what they were getting. The Catholic Church didn't like that the people were getting educated and not having anything to do with religion, so they were not making money, so this happened.
Why did the US overthrow Allende?
They feared that Allende would push Chile into socialism, resulting in the loss of all the U.S. investments made in Chile. On 15 September 1970, before Allende took office, Richard Nixon gave the order to overthrow him.
@michelle666gar I don't really watch main stream news, but did tonight due to the cyclone about to hit Brisbane. Much of the news was about aid being cut to Ukraine by Trump and "leaders" in Europe, the West including us here, are aghast they may not be able to continue the war.
I get my news mainly youtube and a well covered story there today was how Israel is now blocking aid from entering Gaza along with cutting water and electricity. Also big news is Israel rearresting a Palestinian women recently released in the hostage exchange which directly goes against the terms of the ceasefire, snatched from her home in the middle of the night as the IDF does, from the West Bank. Gaza is under an old fashioned siege to starve them out, a war crime to deny civilians food, water and power.
It's so depressing for me that not a mention of this on Australian free to air news.
Cut military aid, huge story saturating the news. Cut humanitarian aid, not a peep.
I joke it's popcorn time but things seem so out of whack to me, hopefully not me alone but I wonder sometimes.
If Trump does something stupid re Mexico I hope you're far enough away you may avoid any "action". I dare say you will know the name Alfred soon enough, Aussies already saying Alfie.
@puff I don't watch mainstream news also, I only watch my local news to know what's going on in the city I live in. The news I do watch, the twatwaffle and his boss are trying to get rid of it and I know why but that's another long story.
What is going on here, isn't good and it's going to get worse! I'm just hoping for the best and trying to concentrate on my family and work. What is really going on is just too much, people are going to suffer and I will be around when the time comes. Just making this comment is saddening......
Very soon the IDF plan to drop 2000lb bombs on Gaza, supplied by the US, that are designed to suck the oxygen out of tunnels. This is the war Trump is gearing up for because the US establishment, including Trump, is Israel's bitch. I have no doubt this is being talked about right now in Turkey, where diplomacy has broken out. Trump/ Israel will want Russia to stay out of it but the Russians and Chinese both will not stand idly by and watch Persia (Iran) be destroyed.
Once the first bomb is dropped, or Palestinians are rounded up forcibly by the IDF, and we will have our world war. Recent news seems to indicate Hamas are pre-empting this new assault, very similar to what Russia did to Ukraine ie preempt the cunning plans of neocons.
Isn't it nice how all this Ukraine crap distracts from Israel's genocide.
Thank your god DonOld Dumbass for that...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Do you like your country being Israel's bitch? Trump acknowledges reality, military math, that Russia has won the war, something that has been obvious a long time to anyone paying attention and predicted plenty by me here. Crazy how Trump mends relations with a nuclear power to avoid further war after zero diplomacy during genocide Joe's reign and people are aghast. But these same people will cheer once Israel gets going again, like Trump's first term eg the only time he was praised was when he sent missiles into Syria and assassinated an Iranian diplomat in Iraq. Pretty sick.
@puff You really are a stupid one aren't you?...
Russia is losing badly they can't keep together until the end of this year and Trump is going to be history soon....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz OK which is it?
It can't be both.
Zelenskyy was a fool rejecting peace April 2022. Why did he do it? Because neutrality was unacceptable to NATO, a defense pact which was Ukraine's back door into the EU as the front door was slammed shut due to corruption. He chose his own fate and his country goes down with him. And guess who has cut and run as per usual?
I find the whole Ukraine situation very sad, should never have happened. But all wars end in negotiation and my prediction is it will be total surrender, the terms dictated by Moscow in line with BRICS values and there ain't nothing NATO, UK, EU or the USA can do about it.
I hope the Russian Federation hold trials afterwards and a few warmongers swing. Boris Johnson top of the list.
@puff Russia is out of everything they need and their economy is worse that it was when the USSR collapsed. Putin can NOT afford to either end the war or continue it and China is absorbing the old Mongolian territory they lost in "the century of humiliation". My suggestion to you is to get an education Ukraine is now going to receive the missiles it needs from Germany but someone like you listens to drivel being fed to you by Putin and has no knowledge of history yet you think you are intelligent...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Russia don't need nukes, they have hypersonic missiles. How are them Houthi's going? UK and France are yet to click their greatness is long dead, UK 73K odd active troops with 26K actual front line soldiers (rest logistics etc).
I do love how Putin is playing psycho Trump, the Ruskies have him sussed. He's into deals so they are talking with the Russian Federation displaying some tempting chips so they can start "dealing", start bartering eg Putin has expressed a willingness to jointly exploit minerals and Trump thinks he's the great deal maker, a big win in his psycho head (use his vanity against him, the way to defeat psycho's). But this is now a chip in play and will be used ie if Trump threatens something again, well, that deal will be back off the table.
Popcorn time.
@puff Their "hyper-sonic missiles" aren't actually hyper-sonic and are being shot-down consistently. About the only thing they have been able to hit Ukraine with consistently are the North Korean KN93 ballistic missiles which are short range and not very powerful as well as in short supply and not very dependable as they tend to blow up when launched....
You must really enjoy looking stupid you do it all the time...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz We haven't seen all they have yet, hardly used their airforce. Their radar lit up IDF F-35's in Iran so no stealth fighter there, no sneaky first strike.
Sorry to burst your bubble regarding hypersonic's
@Lizard_of_Ahaz You shouldn't talk about your next potus like that! pmsl
My dickhead PM just floated the idea of sending Aussie troops to Ukraine. So we have the AUKUS defense pact, US, UK and Aust divided over Ukraine. We also have NATO countries divided over Ukraine eg UK yes, US no.
Australia is also criticising Israel cutting off aid/ electricity and water to Gaza with the US, being Israel's bitch, unconcerned with this war crime.
But Russia is weak with the Western alliances strong.
Popcorn time.
@puff Why don't you just go to live in Russia if you think they are so wonderful?... Probably the only way you will even learn what reality is anyway and we could be rid of another useless drain on society.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I prefer to watch the US implode from here (munch munch......think I need more butter). No lover of Russia but fucking hate NATO, the imperial arm of US empire. Do tell me, what positive benefits have they bought Europe since the end of the cold war when they were required? Certainly not the former Yugoslavia.
@puff Lie I said you must love being stupid you love proving how stupid you are constantly... You hate everything capable of protecting you from Russia...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I don't need protection from Russia. Another country much more of a threat.
@puff Like I said you love bragging about how stupid you are...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz munch munch munch. See tariffs are working well. Want to talk about something else? Anything, like the price of eggs as we used to say?
Yes they are.... mostly on the people who support Trump... Meanwhile people in California are looking into leaving the Union...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Seriously, a break up of the united states is definitely on the cards and if that happens, I hope it is not as violent as your civil war. Highly ironic that an aim of this proxy war in Ukraine was to break the Russian Federation into smaller parts and the US is now in danger of it happening to them. Love irony.
American patriotism confuses me. I would have thought a patriot would remain in country, no matter how bad it got, and attempt to repair it. But many so called people who profess to love America seem willing to bail out at the first sign of something they disapprove of happening. The "cut and run" gene must run deep in the American psyche.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.
Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .
Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.
Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.
Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]
Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.
Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...
Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.
Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.
Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.
Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.