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Unmasking the GOP as the Party of Negligent Homicide


(When Republicans dismantle Obamacare, they kill people.)

I took a lot of bullshit from people the first year this went into effect speaking against it on facehack. And I'm still against it! When this went into effect I was paying through my employee program 31 and some change a week out of my check. Roughly 125 a month. My employer canceled that program the first year of Obamacare. Our office manager manged to get us insurance from one of our past insurers when we were an independent company. It was slightly cheaper for us than the government site. I went from 125 a month to 438 a month the first year! A lot of my co-workers couldn't afford it, especially those with families. The second year they force me to go to the government program being they were going to hike my rate. They quoted me a price about the same. 2 months in they gave me a story about an Ohio law and jacked me up to 550 a month, a 1200 hike for the year. End of story? Not a chance. I go in for my yearly wellness check at the end of October which is suppose to be covered by the insurer. They tell my doctor my insurance had been canceled. The one time I go to the doctor which is suppose to be covered, they screw me for the blood test and office visit. End of story? Not a chance. I'm getting the bills in Nov which they have already taken the money from my account for a canceled policy!?! As I'm trying to get it settled they feel free to also take my Dec payment. After half a year of trying to get them to settle my case, and quit bothering me to pay for insurance for the new year, I finally contact a lawyer. I'm pretty much told to eat it as he tells me it's 250 an hour for his services. I'm out 1100 in 2 months that I guess I didn't have insurance, unknown reasons, nearly 500 in blood test and office visit. End of story. Not a fucking chance. I go to do my income tax and I have no proof of insurance for Dec. I'm penalized for nearly half my usual refund! I finally get the tax form from the insurer in July, 3 months past the legal deadline to be sent out. For a policy I for unknown reasons was canceled and then somehow for unknown reasons was worthy of the Dec form that illegally came late. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad some people benefited from ACA. But it didn't even begin to solve any of the real issues with healthcare. It was simply a redistribution of wealth from certain groups of society as a mask to keep the healthcare industry making billions. It took the better part of 3 years before a lot of people started seeing the truth to ACA as they got to know people and family struggling because of it. This is why it is important for us not to allow partisan politics to divide us to the means of not being able to discuss issues intelligently. That other person may have a very legitimate story that needs heard.

(Neoliberal Democrats are complicit too. The devastating anti-poor measures that passed under the guise of “welfare reform” in 1996 were championed by Bill Clinton and supported by many Democrats in Congress. It cut cash payment to the poor and may have led to shorter life spans. It led to a 153 percent increase of deep poverty, with Americans living on $2 dollars a day. It led to people selling their plasma or food stamps for quick money.)

It also lead to a lot of people collecting scrap metal for an income. Poorer areas, raiding empty houses for siding and inside piping, theft at construction sites and factories, etc.

( In our nation of 325 million, the 40 million poor and 30 million without health care need the safety net to save them or save their lifespans from being cut by stress or sickness. )

(They die invisibly because we choose not to see them. They die away from the cameras. They die alone and scared.) 😟

Imagine a politics where they fixed vacant Wal_Marts for makeshift housing for immigrants fleeing horrific situations we created in their home countries! "Out Of The Illusion "

William_Mary 8 June 24
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It's a lot of financial thisthats that I can't even pretend to understand. I'm one of those people with pre-existing conditions who wouldn't have insurance at all if not for the ACA and probably won't again, soon.

Lets hope that isn't the case! If so, exhaust every local and government entity trying to find help.


Does anyone remember the Republican Primary Debate when they were talking about a poor man who was sick and didn't have healthcare and the audience began chanting...LET HIM DIE?

nicknotes Level 8 June 24, 2018

Yes! How profoundly sick have we become?

Yes...that was a very low point in Republican politics. @William_Mary

@nicknotes a low and telling point.

Sure it was terrible. But that's the problem with empathy for others. @memorylikeasieve

@nicknotes What the fuck are the high points?

In my view Republican policy is circling the bowl and going down. @Sticks48

@nicknotes That Is a high point.


I'm not sure how much of my medical care is coming out of the ACA (Obamacare) but I chose to leave everything alone. I retired and the government pushed us all to let private companies do our medical care. I chose Coventry which is now under the Aetna umbrella. Off and on there have been small charges for prescriptions. For quite some time now most of mine have been totally free. I would have certain co-pay for a surgical procedure.

Along came Trump and every effort to kill Obamacare. Constant announcements that the ACA is dead. That doesn't seem to be the case. My phone is going crazy with people wanting me to sign up for this new wonderful healthcare. I refuse and just hang up. Trump promised us cheaper and better healthcare at a decent price. I don't see it. My friends all complain because their healthcare is going up a lot higher. I don't know what they are doing but I simply left mine alone and did nothing.

Mr. Trump, where is that "cheaper and more affordable healthcare" that you promised? I don't see it. Been too busy with illegals at the border maybe, or did you just hope people would forget and let you slide on that one? Maybe we will finally get "trickle down" healthcare. Trump fought in court to end the healthcare of his own nephew, so why do people think he will give us access to good healthcare? It just is not happening.

I'm sorry you are having (and have also had) such a hard struggle for healthcare as is brought out in your first paragraph. Yours is a horror story that is much like I'm hearing from friends who used to have it all so much better. For some maybe ACA was not working. For most people healthcare is only getting worse. I guarantee you there is nothing Trump is doing that will make it any better. He's too busy making everything that happens actually be about himself. The show is Reality America now and he is the star.

DenoPenno Level 9 June 24, 2018

Thank you. The 3rd year I went into Mary's company program saving me close to 250 a month. Our employer did reinstall our program this year. It's still high but that's because the premiums have been going up an average of 20 to 25 % a year. I do hope you realize though the democrats are just as guilty in this also. But they are as corporate bought as the republicans. If they really wanted to do something about healthcare other than preach to the chore they'd be protesting on the floors of congress for us until something was done.

@William_Mary What I see the most about healthcare is that people in power are trying to take it away from everyone else. Everyone should have cheap and affordable healthcare.


It would have been way cheeper for you to go overseas and have any medical procedure done than doing it in the US. It is disgraceful that the richest country int he world doesn't take care of its citizens.

Jolanta Level 9 June 24, 2018

Whew! How do you feel about Single Payer?

Outlier Level 7 June 24, 2018

I'm leary. If it comes with taking the present healthcare industry out of the medical field and based on our taxes, I'm all for it. If it involves the same ritual of the healthcare industries helping to write the laws and dictate prices, it will just be another redistribution of wealth onto other groups of society again. We need to be able to be allowed to go out of country for cheaper medications! We are literally paying for the worlds medicines right here in the US.


Universal heathcare and an open border policy would solve much of the above concerns. Clinton was wrong to cave in to GOP welfare mythology.

Dwight Level 7 June 24, 2018

So many claim they are against an open border. Show me countries worldwide that are surrounded by walls. Where are these countries? Can you name me one? Maybe Israel. This seems to make the border walls a big bunch of bullshit to me.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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