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White Americans Can’t Escape the Consequences of Allowing Racism to Rise


And then they came after me.

William_Mary 8 Jan 6
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I think people are tolerant of wrongdoing as long as it's not affecting them, or if they THINK it won't affect them. When the rights of anyone get abused, it's only a matter of time before power keeps going down the line to amass more or retain that power. Power amassing is color blind.

I hate when people claim to be liberals, libertarians, or democratic and then wish to quell or be intolerent of the speech of those they don't agree with. These seem to always be the same type of people who easily fall for propaganda and never question it. I see it on both sides of the political aisle. We see it happening right now when Democrats are the new McCarthyists. They are in favor of those tactics when it benefits "their side", but it really doesn't favor them at all.


Great post. I loved the speech by James Baldwin, after listening I felt much the same after reading Leon Uris' "Trinity". How I can I be descended from the British, with the speech it's I'm sorta embarrassed to be white but mostly I do not understand how white people think about minorities. For anyone not white the dream is not real.
I have felt the disdain by white republican men when I as a woman voice my opinion or ask the common sense hard questions. No one is safe if you support racism - NO ONE is safe!


A very good, and sad read. Thank you for posting.

Thank you for your interest and participation! It really does mean a lot to me and gives us hope people are waking up.

@William_Mary I think more people are awakening than we realize. I believe 2020 is going to show a huge shift in our Government and those that have been fucking us little people will face a reckoning.

@Redheadedgammy lets hope so!


We've got to find a way to rise above the skin color meme. If I wanted to prep an area to be conquered, I would cause an irrational division amongst the inhabitants first.

beenthere Level 7 Jan 6, 2019

Sarcasm? That, "division", has already been achieved. Missing that point is a sign of delusion. Your compliance to conquer is also disturbing! I'll leave it at that being your reply lacks any substance to intelligently arrive to a clear understanding of meaning towards a fruitful united civilization.

@William_Mary Easy there. Not sarcasm. There is a tipping point for that division and thankfully we are not quite there yet. At those who want us to be there are to whom we should direct anger.

@beenthere you don't recognize the party division that creates a stalemate in our people and politics?

@William_Mary Not sure what you mean. Do you mean the quasi 2 party system? The 'us vs them' con game that occurs at each election?

@beenthere yea that's it!

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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