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Gladio, The CIA And Freemasonry War On Christian Values


(And I for one, believing in the imminence of the danger, am convinced that it only can be met effectively by reaching the ordinary reader – call him the man in the street if you will — and telling him in popular language what Freemasonism in reality is, and thus exploding many misleading views… … … PAGE-10: The real heart, core, soul and spirit of Masonry is centred in the inner circles. They are the inner personality.

This portion — the main portion — is definitely Anti-Christian, Pagan, and anarchical. In the words of one of the Brethren, Professor J. Ferguson of Edinburgh, in his book on Masonry, “Its objects are to abolish all religion and all government,” the meaning being every government that it cannot control and is not Masonic in spirit. Although it has a duplicate personality, it is the same organization, the outer circles are the recruiting grounds where the real Masonic soldiers get their early training, are tested as it were; and, if found worthy and reliable, are sent forward for active service in the field in the Anti-Christian army)

Does this not resonate the republican agenda? Hypocrisy of politicians is nothing new. While often standing on the soapbox of religion, I think it's safe to say the actions of our politicians have little to no indication of religious practice or understanding when it comes to the outcomes of their actions. Don't go there with me! I put the democrats under a collaborate entity with the republicans. I also often delve into the thought of the founding fathers to also being quite deceptive. From even our first president we have been given warnings of outside shadow governments, religion, and the wills of corporations to attempt to bring harm to our democracy. But yet, were many of them not also members of these types of shadow Mason clubs? Just about every president of the past have given said types of warnings and speeches of this sort, after having served and supporting the very like of them.

I admit I have little knowledge of Mason's. I post this because it seems to relate to a lot going on around the world today. It's impossible to intelligently go into something as secretive as this is. But I can see a relation between what one of them exposes to what I see around me as little comes out at a time.

William_Mary 8 Feb 2
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I know very little about the Masons. What I do know is they have secrecy and a lot of religious symbolism. Secret hand signs can let others know you belong to them if you do not wear their ring. Often this helps you in a court of law if the judge is a Mason. They seem to trust each other. Are they part of the New World Order? IDK, but those words rile every believer you might meet. Then you get into Illuminati and various other nonsense that believers try to mix in with their bible teaching.

Recently on another site a person told me how You Tube is now blocking the truth. This is supposedly because they have decided not to continue with UFO's, chem trails, and certain other things. Not that I considered any of it true, but I'll just have to search You Tube to see what all is blocked.

DenoPenno Level 9 Feb 2, 2019

I have been to a guest evening at freemasonry ! I must say that one of the rules is you cannot join if you have cheated on your wife ! How many millions of cheaters are in there? It’s all nonsense and a place for bored old men to go! The person I know has connected up to witchcraft 18 months after becoming a mason

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