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Despite the sanctions and coup attempts, Chavez and Maduro have made great strides in helping their people recover from tyranny. A time when poverty was at 79%, Chavez vastly reduced that in 3 years. Within a deal selling oil to Cuba for a lower price he began providing socialized health care to his people. Cuba also providing some of their top doctors and nurses for a period to get the program off to a good start and their health care better equipped and people trained and educated. Below you'll find some other improvements. Like Maduro having just recently finishing a project of 3 million homes for the poor and working class.

{Venezuela expanded its free health care coverage to more than 60 percent of the population.
Earlier this year, the United Nations Program for Development placed Venezuela among the countries with the highest Human Development Index, surpassing most Latin American countries.
Venezuela has built 3 million homes for the poor and working class, 1.6 million under Maduro, to house up to ten million people in a population of 30 million.
Maduro’s administration has provided more than 4,800,000 computers, over 100 million technology textbooks to students across the country, and more than 20,000 schools have received new computer equipment.
Venezuela ranks sixth in the world in terms of enrollment in primary education and has increased its coverage of secondary education to 73 percent of the population.
There have also been gains in civil rights of historically oppressed sectors of Venezuelan society, like women, Afro-Indigenous people and the LGBTQ community.}

Our interference is a means to turn that all around and use it as an excuse to steal their resources. And it's been working, especially in the southwest on the Columbian border where the black market thrives most.

William_Mary 8 Feb 10
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Amazing that American led media have created the opposite impression and labelled them inhumane dictators.

It makes you wonder about Syria.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 11, 2019

Many things about Syria were also untrue. We have covered that quite well also. It just isn't dominating the news right now. And that is also a matter of purpose. We're still there and they want us to forget that.

@William_Mary Keep cross referencing so that it links for people to see the pattern.


Agree “when you want shit that people are sitting on you make them your enemy” Avatar movie

DiThor Level 6 Feb 10, 2019

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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