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Fluoride the poison that the EPA has strict laws on disposing but it is consumed by the ton in toothpaste -

FrayedBear 9 Mar 3
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I have not used fluoride toothpaste for a lot of years, same with my drinking water no fluoride.

Got any teeth left?

@FrayedBear ALL of them! Except for the wisdom teeth they had to be removed. See profile photos, those are my teeth.

@silverotter11 Beautiful. You are a lucky girl.

@FrayedBear The rest of the body is falling into decrepitude 😉.

@silverotter11 lol, from the day we are long as the juicy bits stay sensitive and juicy!


I thought atheists were smarter than this. Fluoride is not a product used by Germany in WWII to control prisoners. It is not industrial waste that had been added to water. It is safe to drink and safe to use topically.


Rob1948 Level 7 Mar 3, 2019

So I have now discovered and contrary to my earlier comment. Where and why did the myth start?
I know that John McLean the communist Glaswegian teacher who was imprisoned in 1917 fo insurrection during the Red Clydeside panic in the UK. Some have claimed that he was force fed chemicals in order to prevent his spreading his communist ideas amongst the populace.
Red Clydeside resulted in the mobilisation of the British Army against its own citizens. From memory I believe that it was the same battle hardened Black and Tans who were subsequently sent to Ireland to quell the uprisings there.
See Wikipedia John McLean Scottish Socialist


For those doubting the above mentioned sit the US government Environmental Health Dept publishes the report at []


I stopped using fluoride toothpaste a few years after learning that my thyroid wasn’t functioning properly.
Amazing that we put something labeled as poison in our mouths.
The fluoride put in public drinking water is untreated waste product from the fertilizer industry that would have to be dealt with in ways less beneficial to the corporate bottom line.

Haemish1 Level 8 Mar 3, 2019

It was used inthe Stalags and Gulags when it was found that inmates receiving it needed 2/3 less guards to control them than those not receiving fluoride.


@Haemish1 very.

@Haemish1 And which unfluoridated country currently has yellow shirt agitation whereas fluoridated Australia and America doesn't.

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