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How (And How Not) To Beat A Smear Campaign


I haven't been posting Johnstone's articles as much as I use to for a couple of reasons. She's obviously obsessed with US politics while ignoring her own country's participation in the same issues, movement towards the right, and colonialism, of both past history and present. If you didn't know she is in Australia. Don't get me wrong, she has done some great work and I often refer back to her piece [] as I attempt to draw attention to our 2 establishment parties as actually working against us in collaboration. Which I'll tie these 2 articles together in a minute.

In the world according to William, it would be more beneficial for the people around the world to unite together, recognizing the collaboration of each of our MSM's, politicians, and the worlds wealthiest elite, and expose the delusional reality they have managed to engulf a majority of the population under. Well, those in the westernized part of the world who have not been a victim of their agenda, that is. Truth is, there are scores more on this planet that have felt the wrath of the perception management outcome than those benefiting from it. They know all to well what many have been conditioned to overlook. Johnstone is not benefiting us with her constant targeting of the US, as so many others do also. I have and will still argue that the US is the lap dog of those world elite because we have the military might they rely on most to achieve their goals.

Recently I've taken notice to Johnstone's seemingly new love for some of these newer progressives, and some of the incumbents. While a number of independent journalist have taken their time to warn us to proceed with caution on about every one of them, with due reason I would say and have talked about here, she has not. Within the initial post she finally gives hits that at least 2 named in the article show signs of relenting to the second article I often refer to at times. Although without actually acknowledging such. Accident or purposely? Omar and Gabbard. Teodrose Fikre caught on to this also. []

(This time around, it was Ilhan Omar, Minnesota’s freshman Representative–and a refugee from Mogadishu, Somalia–who was mauled by her own party and the media-politico complex for daring to criticize AIPAC.

The charges of antisemitism were thrown at a furious clip as politicians on both sides of the aisle and media personalities across the spectrum were hell-bent on making an example out of Omar and lashing her into submission. Within short order, Representative Omar was forced to backtrack and apologize for saying something she never said.)

Here in lays the problem. If these politicians allow themselves to be "forced" into submission, how, why, wouldn't we see this as a means of apparent collaboration described in Johnstone's 1-2 punch? Which many independent investigative journalist have proven over time also. If these politicians in the democratic party refuse to stand their ground, then they prove my point when I state you can't change this party from inside it! Not only did she not stand her ground, but she apologized for something she didn't say!?! Does this not lead one to contemplate that there is an agenda at hand? Does it not provide a fuel for opposition to use against our cause? Which always, as the 1-2 punch reminds us, leads the country further to the right.

William_Mary 8 Mar 3
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How can you change the party/system from within when it's leaders, policies, hidden ideals that are different from their public rhetoric, and inherent power structure are corrupt and concede no power to those lower than them on the totem pole? The power that is does not let in those that are anti-system into decision making positions. They can sniff it out a mile away. It's pretty easy to do it. How much has the basic system changed since any real progressive or liberal has been a part of it? No matter how much someone pretends to go along with the system and share their ideals, as soon as they do otherwise in their actions, their cover is blown and they are excluded from the group. There is nobody that is that much of a master of disguise to infiltrate them.

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