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Chinagate: A Florida Massage Parlor Owner Has Been Selling Chinese Execs Access to Trump at Mar-a-Lago

Chinese spies staying in the White House, Trump's partner in running Florida human trafficking ring, our best Trump scandal ever


I don't know about all that spy shit. But obviously there are some questions to be raised here. A growing repeat going on this week however is that the trade deficit with China isn't any better than before. Some are saying quite the opposite, worse. How much more can his supporters keep turning a blind eye to the lies!?! Lies we've been exposing before the actions have even been acted on. They might as well just jump in the meat grinder and offer themselves to the dogs they serve.

William_Mary 8 Mar 9
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I like my conspiracies and scandals much better done than this. I can't get a fork n2 this or even cut it with a serrated knife.

BitinDawg Level 4 Mar 9, 2019

Mitch McConnell has a lot of ties to China.

I'm sure many do. Same as with Russia. This is the very reason everyone should have questioned the Russiagate narrative from the start. Every one of the top politicians around the world have some sort of relationship with other national politicians which also stretch into the intelligence and business areas. You simply can't have a sense of diplomacy without that. Outside of the business aspect anyways. But as far as world politics and intelligence issues, it's a must. And it's only obvious due to the corruption these people engage in on a regular basis business will filter into that arena. The Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin episode is a prime example. Since the 80's, who the hell knows how many relationships like that have and are going on between politicians and companies between us and China with all our manufacturing moving over their and the quagmire of social disruption taken place here since that era.

Which is why I often claim these countries are most likely all working together to hood wink us all. If you look at the involvement of Russia in Syria, what did they really do to deter death in all those major cities over there? They didn't provide much protection for those citizens in which these historic cities were turned to large mounds of rubble and 100's of thousands were killed. So either Russia has no air defense or to scared to really make a point? Basically, Clinton got her no fly zone without having to declare a no fly zone! So what's in store for Venezuela when shit hits the fan there? I sometimes think Russia is only there to play a part as a double spy on our manufactured enemies.


Oooh this going to be interesting to watch. ?

48thRonin Level 8 Mar 9, 2019

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