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Depoliticization Is a Deadly Weapon of Neoliberal Fascism


{Democratic public spheres such as the oppositional media, schools and other public institutions are disappearing under the toxic policies of austerity and privatization thus reinforcing a hyper-individualized, masculine and militarized culture that destroys notions of engaged and critical citizenship, along with any viable sense of individual and social agency.}

While Giroux's main target seems to be Trump, this agenda has been going since at least the Reagan era. And has been getting stronger and wider since each stage of progression in politics. Bluedog democrats, Clinton's deregulation of media and his war on African Americans, his neoliberal politics, the Tea Party, Obama's entire fake yes we can that gave the biggest welfare check to the wealthy, to Trumps fake fight against the establishment. All one has to do is look at how Pelosi has responded to many of the so called progressives lip service towards the green deal and healthcare. As watered down as they, still benefiting corporations, belittles such need for them. Leading to---

{This amounts to a form of depoliticization in which individuals develop a propensity to descend into a moral stupor, a deadening cynicism, all the while becoming increasingly susceptible to political shocks, and the seductive pleasure of the manufactured spectacle.}----We have no sense of governing. Reagan won.

{there are also signs of widespread apathy as more and more people refuse even the most elementary appeals to participate in elections or educate themselves about politics.}

And those ignorant to the reality of politics who comply to tribal division have become our and their own problem. I'm about to a point myself often asking my self why bother. I truly understand why so many just stay home.

{Depoliticization turns ignorance into a virtue, making it all the more difficult for individuals to balance reason and affect, distinguish between fact and fiction, and make critical and informed judgments. Increasingly, education both in schools and in the wider cultural apparatuses, such as the mainstream and conservative media, becomes a tool of repression and serve to promote and legitimate neoliberal fascist propaganda.}

The entire history of America would and should be rewritten!

{Rather than revealing humanity’s legacy of repression and violence, or its heroic moments of resistance, memory is trapped in the present. The politics of depoliticization — with its refiguring of the social sphere, individual responsibility, historical memory, critical thinking and collective identity — now begins to take the form of an acute indifference, withdrawal from public life and a disdain for politics that amounts to a political catastrophe.}

This is what 3 years of a manufactured Russiagate brings us. The public becomes ignorant of the 7 countries being devastated by the western war machine. How long did it take to get Yemen into the news? How quickly it left the news. How little we hear about Venezuela today while our actions slowly kill that country off. Syria anyone? ISIS are escaping thanks to Turkey. I think we just discovered why Trump suddenly just pulled out? We need more terrorist about creating chaos and another war to fight. Where to now? Let me draw you into Ukrainegate! No need for you to think about or ask questions about ISIS.

William_Mary 8 Oct 16
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"And those ignorant to the reality of politics who comply to tribal division have become our and their own problem. I'm about to a point myself often asking my self why bother. I truly understand why so many just stay home."

And those who are led to believe otherwise will smear you for it. Partisan hacks believe in the fight between "good and evil" in politics. Their side is right. The other side is wrong. The people who don't partake in the system or agree with their side are worse than the other side to them. People who don't vote are "the problem". Talk about delusional and not being able to reflect. They will vote for the same shit time after time with no change. The lesser of two evils. That's just fine to them.

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