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#MeToo provocation against Bernie Sanders organized by CNN and Elizabeth Warren

[The WSWS gives no support to Sanders, a phony “socialist” whose efforts are aimed at channeling working-class anger at social inequality, poverty and war back into the big business Democratic Party. He is only the latest in a long line of figures in American political history devoted to maintaining the Democrats’ stranglehold over popular opposition and blocking the development of a broad-based socialist movement.]


I believe WSWS sums the Warren, Sanders, CNN illusion up quite correctly. And as I have stated before, clearly working out of the Clinton playbook.

William_Mary 8 Jan 22
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It's sad to see your hatred of Hillary spilling over into this election cycle.

BitFlipper Level 8 Jan 22, 2020

@jorj like I said. Your hatred.

Says the man that seemingly supports a woman clearly bent towards retribution stemming from hatred. Where you lose, is that the media has managed that perception of Clinton having an agenda towards retribution on Sanders, Trump, and Russia, blaming these entities for her loss. While my conjecture is that it's all a facade. As you seemingly are ignorant of her past and the results of it. Possibly a willing compliant to her and those results against humanity supporting the harm shes staunchly played a part in. I hate the game!


Not enuff room for all the angry emoji faces I would want to leave.


I saw what Cliton said the other day. All I can say is I wish Cliton would stay out of the whole thing. Let the people make up their own mind as to who they want as the nominee. She is causing conflict where there does not need to be any.
I can see Bernie saying that he thinks a woman can't win, but I think what he meant by it and how the news is twisting it are two completely different things. He never said he thought a woman could not do the job just as well as a man, but there are a lot of men who will never vote for a woman, no mater how qualified she is to do the job.

Exactly my feelings.


Heavy reading! What I clearly see is that (surprise) the United States has no idea about socialism. It regards caring for weaker, poorer, sicker, wrong coloured etc. people as all signs of a weak economy. It refuses to look at the fairly socialist countries (Canada, Britain, France etc.) but completely ignores Scandinavia and the so much less inequalityexperienced there.
Warren is in the process of allowing Biden to be the candidate. She and Bernie should have joined forces years ago. This fight is making her look like Hillary and electing Hillary would have been like electing a normal GOP.

@jorj Thanks. Interesting. But she sure looked good over the past few years attacking wall street people and Trump nominees. Do you really believe she receives Wall Street money?

@rogerbenham she has proudly proclaimed it! Where have you been?

@AnneWimsey In the backwoods of Canada.

@jorj That is really depressing. So if Bernie were not there how would she be as the party candidate? Would she be as right wing as Hillary? I remember that in 2016 Hillary wanted to move more troops/weapons up against the Russian border which could only result in eventually Russia declaring war because otherwise they could be wiped out before they even knew it.




If you study the 2 articles above, what you'll get, in a 2018 to 2020 nut shell. Warren went from collecting big money to keep her seat 2018, transfer the remaining to 2020, to now excepting their money through PACs for 2020. It's basically the best of both worlds. A game of deceit if I may. It sounds quite good to run as a president behind the mask of claiming you don't except big money these days while hoping the population is to ignorant to understand the what, where, and how of what a PAC is and does. And those who don't do the work support out of ignorance for various reasons.

Approximately 3 months ago reports started coming out that Warren was initiating contact with Hillary Clinton. Or vise versa. Clinton was reported to be introducing her support system to Warren. Big money donors, campaign strategist, campaign dinners and meetings with corporations, etc. You get the picture.

I think it's fair to place a conjecture to the recent Sanders events as being a Clinton campaign strategy Warren pulled. It helps to take all eyes from the money issue when you're attempting to draw the votes of some of those I speak of above who are voting merely on wanting the first woman president while using the sexist narrative.

@rogerbenham I'll argue she is a Hillary Clinton! She claims to have been stabbed in the back by Clinton, then supports Clinton. Now works with Clinton. In 2016 she held back her choice in support for either Sanders or Clinton almost right up to the convention, then supported Clinton. Who I ask had a platform that closely resembles hers is all one need to ask to understand the hypocrisy here.

Below is a time Warren was a law professor at Harvard, on the Bill Moyer's show speaking about what Clinton did to her over bankruptcy legislature. Yet she works hand in hand now with the dog that bit her? I'll argue what you see in this video is a woman setting up her political career. That these types of dog and cat fights are merely a show of each other in bitter feuds are actually in compliance to provide entertainment. In time Warren and Sanders will carry on like nothing happened just as we see between Warren and Clinton. Because it means nothing to these people. The show must go on, towards the next show. Welcome to the grand illusion.

@William_Mary OK I fully take your information to heart. I find it incredibly depressing. Are we eventually going to find Bernie is as bad?
So Warren is really an establishment DNC apologist and electing her we likely would not see a large reversal of Trump dictates.

@rogerbenham Warren of course would apply some executive orders as all do reversing Trump's towards a resemblance of Obama era. But the shift to the right is already in place. So I agree with your assessment.

And as far as I'm concerned and stated here on many occasions, Sanders has already telegraphed what I see as the same. His actions and lack of actions in 2016 have already laid the path he is most likely going to follow.

I will continuously argue that if Sanders would have taken Jill Steins offer of running under the Green Party ticket we'd have a president Sanders today, not Trump. He was leading in the polls within double digits of beating Trump. A large amount of registered democratic and independent voters that don't participate in voting today would have came out in droves to support him. I seen people of all ages and from both republican and independent parties changing party affiliation to vote for him in the primary. He fucking blew all that support! Then gave up the fight at the convention in which he promised to fight through. Then joined in with the false Russiagate narrative. And to this day never has mentioned or will mention how the DNC screwed him and his supporters! How the Primary went down from state to state. Not one time did he question what was going on in caucus states especially to show any sense of supporting us. He basically just allowed himself to be walked all over.

@William_Mary Yes I remember that 2016 Green offer. As a 24 year Green Party member it was just what I wanted to see someone have the guts to do but I suppose that that is the problem. Not enough guts ... or worse a belief that the Democratic party will represent the people. No way under your present system.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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