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Interstate cross check, that handed him (Donald Trump) the election more than anything. But you didn't hear that from Clinton, the DNC, or the media. !Or anyone of those democrats running today! A system used by republicans, Democrats though, silence, media, silence. Palast exposes the truth behind Trump's secret funders. Claiming Trump isn't a billionaire, he's in hock up to his kiester.

Part of what he talks about with voting machines was pulled across Ohio in 2004 to give Bush the win. They pulled a majority of voting machines in large African American populations, and other middle class areas, moving them to lower populated upper class areas where they weren't needed creating long lines. Several hundred to thousands in each of these areas didn't make it to a voting machine before the precinct was closed with a limited time frame. Some reports in sparsely populated areas precincts just simply closed early and wouldn't open the doors to allow voters in. Handing absentee ballots out on an election day will not be counted. And we're to believe that democrats who are suppose to also be overseeing this have our best interest in mind within silence to these occurrences?

Well, @ 23:48, Abby ask Palast the very question you should all be asking yourselves, that very narrative I on this post and a number of others before have been attempting to expose. And the answer has been repeated many time here by myself and others here. If you don't believe us, get the answer from Palast who has been covering elections for you.

"Out Of The Illusion " Group

With all the discussion of the contentious 2016 election, the most shocking fact is often ignored: that millions of people had their votes stolen through malicious, means. The Republican Party is currently working to purge millions more voters leading up to the 2018 election.

To explain this major attack on our supposed democratic process, Abby Martin interviews investigative reporter Greg Palast, who has done the most extensive work uncovering this massive disenfranchisement campaign.

William_Mary 8 Feb 8
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Amazing reporting into our fractured system of voting and the powers that be, currently and before. Hillary did not want help where she needed it because she thought she had it all sewed up. "Business as usual" backfired and today even Obama says the Dems should not go progressive. Sorry, folks. You cannot beat Donald Trump by trying to keep the DNC within its ranks. This is a part of wishful thinking that allows Trump and his GOP to remain ahead. Steve Bannon recently said that we are actually a Republic (not a Democracy) and that Trump and the current GOP are "the salvation of the Democratic Party." I can't go that far with it but I think he means the Dems are also going to have to change.

Hillary and Trump trade barbs as to which one was a "Russian puppet" when current facts show Trump had (and still has) the defunct Cambridge Analytica on his side. The info they had did not vanish and the tactics are still around. Many of them are still working for Trump. Then Koch Industries, the Mercers, and others come along to "purify" the voting roles and make the votes all white. The reason is that brown skinned people are mostly for Democracy and not the white demagogues in power.

Yes, my polling place locally also has equal people of both parties running it and an officer of the law there also. I'm in a GOP locale where many of the officials still rant against illegal voting. Apparently they think we have bus loads of illegals coming in. Sorry, folks. Impossible in my area for the way things are set up. Those that argue otherwise know it and they still argue with you about it. They would rather have dictatorship than Democratic Socialism.

DenoPenno Level 9 Feb 9, 2020

Here in Connecticut an equal number of Dems & Repugs Must man the polling stations, so they can keep an eye on things. I believe this is the Federal Law everywhere... check the facts by calling your local party (either one) headquarters or your Town Clerk.

"I believe this is the Federal Law everywhere"

Yet 2016 was seen as the most corrupt election cycle than any other by both sides. Who's watching what for whom? We are not a member of that club to be watched over for. When neither party is calling out the other there's no other way to look at it other than a collaborate effort to suppress democracy.

From the start of this nation democracy has always been at odds with wealth and power with intentional limitations put on the people to produce a fully functioning democracy. From start to today they have always managed to suppress the peoples will. Much of it from the hypocritical Constitution, to today's technology in various ways.

Do you seriously think headquarters are going to make a difference when they are working within the same system that has an agenda to suppress your vote for the benefit of the oligarch that controls them?

Iowa was a charade and perfect example of my point! Both in 2016 and now 2020. Quit fooling yourself!

@William_Mary it has been this way since I first voted here, 60+ years). The (several) representatives for each party double-check addresses/i.d's as each voter comes forward, then stands by to assist if asked (a chair, a fresh pencil,closing the booth curtains or whatever, and then watch as the ballots are put in the reader.
Afterwards the # of voters must match the # of ballots received. You should go try voting & observe!

@AnneWimsey that may be the case and I understand what you're saying. But interstate cross check takes place before you vote. The suppression is occurring behind the scenes without those effected knowing until they go to vote.

In Iowa last week, if the one precinct hadn't posted their numbers publicly then they wouldn't have known headquarters fudged their numbers when they recorded them in the official count. Where was that check and balance at there? And how many precincts where they didn't post publicly went undetected and went in the official count wrong. Information coming out has been stopped, which is was the case in 2016.

Discrepancies were reported, ballots were left uncounted, law suits were filed, then no information came out. ! million votes as Palast reported were not counted. Do you remember the California quagmire? He wasn't talking nation wide, that's 1 million in California alone! It was a state Sanders was expected to win and reports were that some 3 million ballots were never counted. So Palast even gives us a quite lower number. And that type of ballot issue went nationwide with no information after complaints were filed.

I really don't mean to harp on you! I just want to get the idea out that our elections are not realistically democratic and flawed in a number of aspects. And the point the discussion rises is that both parties are involved in suppressing our rights to vote in a democratic nature for a reason. And neither of them have any intent to change that for a reason.

If we were to have a real sense of a voting democracy the country would become a different place that they don't want to take us.

@William_Mary inc. You can register on the voting day with "some form of ID" so if you show up, you can vote...even a piece of mail will do!
The problem is "showing up" and I think that is the major problem Everywhere


Democrats have traditionally avoided talking about things that would suppress voter turnout, and this is one of those things. They could do something about it if they were in the majority, but a lot of people would rather complain than vote.

Obviously you didn't watch the discussion or didn't even watch the point of the video I highlighted if any at all. And seem to have missed the national disgrace the democratic party made of democracy in 2016. Maybe you feel it went just fine? Palast statement in the time frame I highlighted nulls and voids your comment. Being from New York I find it hard to believe you missed all the discrepancies that came out of your state in 2016 during the democratic primary.

@William_Mary I can see that you're filled with rage. I don't accept your spin. I expect that fervor from a Bernie Bro. Just because I don't hate Democratic Party like you do is not a reason for you to hate me.

@BitFlipper I don't need to spin anything, the flavor is in the pudding. It's the people with no taste buds who for what ever reason miss the facts provided. When people like you claim to see rage from the screen of what ever device they are using are simply making my case as using the conditioned rhetoric the establishment and their media tool use of perception management have installed in them to base unsubstantial attacks from. If I was wrong you would have attacked the information from the substance I provided over attacking me in such a manor, conducting a useful debate.

So that leaves options open. You either didn't watch much if any of the discussion leaving you out there talking shit and attacking without knowledge which you can't base a decent debate over because you've been conditioned to react a certain way. Or you simply can't raise any amount of substance within fact to base a debate on that which goes against what you believe. The last one can be the result of a couple of issues. But I'll give you more respect than you give me being that one or more reason would be negative factors which would be disrespectful for me to assume on a public forum. Like you did in at least one occasion above if not two.

As you often do, or do not I should say, is provide any sense of substance on these forums towards helping solve the issues of today's politics. You really only hamper the issues more. So I must then ask, who then holds the rage? I think that one who attacks people, opinions on substance, rather than provide civil discussions with substance is the one who holds that rage.


Palast has been doing great investigative journalism for many years!

Haemish1 Level 8 Feb 8, 2020

I realize why I never clicked on this originally. I knew this Have you thought about posting some of this stuff in the politics group? It is educational and there are many dems, liberals and progressives that need educating as well as gop members.

Any post I make that includes this groups mention as above is also either posted to the Politics Page and or my new group, Out Of The Illusion----Video Versions. [] So that people on the Politics Page have knowledge of this group as I attempt to draw exposure to our establishment crime lords 🙂

I tend to try to keep that to most relevant post of that nature as not to flood this group with unwanted establishment rhetoric. I've found that if I share the group link to much with simple shit people should know about , it seemingly draws in the rhetoric hacks. It seems if I post content there that's hard to debunk, those types of hacks avoid coming here.

Which is why I started this group. I was spending way to much time on the Politics page and another group fighting that type of rhetoric with people who just don't want to see the truth or to lazy to redevelop their opinions with facts being presented. Lacking tolerance for alternative news sources and constantly spewing establishment rhetoric against sources like RT America displaying cognitive dissonance. It was giving me mental issues sending me back to 2016 as I was advocating for Sanders 🙂 Some people just aren't ready to break the hold of their conditioned MSM reality.

@William_Mary I am coming to relize most simply do not want to see the truth. 😟


This is a totally shocking report and Greg Palast did an amazing job.

It really is fantastic. That the DNC would rather lose an election than allow Bernie to win a nomination. It does suggest that the Iowa debacle was just the start of a deliberate move to lose.

You really find this shocking? I find it difficult to believe more people do not already know this. I am starting to realize most just refuse to see reality. 😟

@silverotter11 Government for the people, by the people ...Somehow it just all went terribly wrong.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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