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The West Displays Its Insecurity Complex

The only complaint the U.S. allows is that the United States might not defend us enough, when the greater danger comes from being defended too much, writes Diana Johnstone on the Munich conference.


{And indeed, in historic terms, this particular “West” is essentially the heir and continuation of the British empire, centered in Washington after London was obliged to abdicate after World War II, while retaining its role as imperial tutor and closest partner.}

Well, those who have been around a while know I dispute that. I argue it really began with the founding fathers. So those new/ish to the group, I occasionally offer that the power structure from within "Little London" as the controlling apparatus of world power. Who's arms now reach across to DC, Wallstreet, and Hong Kong. I would even suggest this structure might actually have arisen from the Vatican. At least plays a large role in it if nothing else.

{It is notable that, while Western powers vigorously promoted international trade-based economies, they seem unable to react to the results except in terms of power rivalry and ideological conflict.}

In other words. In the case of China. International trade within their liberalization of globalism handed China the worlds fastest growing economy, in which they can't control now. Creating the fastest middle class growth known to humanity. Rather than spend their vast new wealth on militarism they seek to unite all of the world, that which they can achieve relations with anyways, within a sense of an advanced society. Within Russia they conquered communism turning it towards capitalism. Essentially just a lower form of communism, in which also helped Russia to prosper, however so slowly it was. In China's case they have been slowly moving from communism towards a more realistic sense of socialism and now attempting to spread that. It can not be tolerated by the "west". Between both Russian and China they've become a combined world power in all aspects. This can not be tolerated. So even in their win over these 2 countries they still can't find satisfaction in an ability to work with them for the benefit of a world society in peace. There must always be an enemy to keep a failing capitalist system going while suppressing the people within it.

William_Mary 8 Feb 23
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I believe it was with the founding fathers also. Just look at James Madison (who is known as being the "Father of the Constitution" ) and his Federalist Papers No. 10 where he talks about protecting the opulent minority against the majority. The entire writing is about the rich keeping their wealth, property, and influence. He said factions were a danger to non-equality and holding property and that it needed to be taken care of but at the same time there needed to be an illusion of having the spirit and form of popular government for the have nots.

Here's just one quote from the Federalist Papers No. 10 from Madison:

"A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect, and promises the cure for which we are seeking."

People just dismiss this stuff.

I get the argument often when I mention this that the US Constitution is like some glorified book of the Bible. But when you look at where the founding fathers came from and the secret societies some of them belonged to, it just might give one reason to think they weren't running from but expanding the empire. That the ruling arm was making sure it was guarding its new resource. Which is why, as you mention, the seats in the senate were placed by state representatives to protect wealth and property until 1913.

One of the very reasons, main reason, for guarding this new resource was the new abundance of lumber. Where Europe had drastically eradicated their lumber resources the new world provided them a means to keep their naval power.

Democracy has always been at odds with wealth and power here for a reason. We just need to get people to read between the lines!

@William_Mary People have had the opportunity and information and guidance to read between the lines for a long time and they still haven't done so. I have a feeling that a large portion of non-voters might be hep to the game, and also people who vote third party. The others are a big part of the problem and just like how you mention secret societies, people will read those certain words that have been etched in their mind to trigger the thought of "conspiracy theory". People have been conditioned to automatically dismiss certain issues when certain stimuli is triggered. It's Pavlovian. It's meant to not have them think, but just react based on what they've been brainwashed with over time. Even me using the term brainwashed triggers that stimuli in their brain. I know I'm preaching to the choir though.

By the way, 1913 is a trigger for me and every time I see it I think of the Federal Reserve being created that year lol. They just warned Congress to start planning for a recession too.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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