Out Of The Illusion

Political analysis and commentary using independent journalism sources in opposition of MSCM for creative dissent against empire building and a failed capitalist system. Supported by a MSCM using manufactured fake news created by public relation firms to manage our perceptions .. Read more

Political analysis and commentary using independent journalism sources in opposition of MSCM for creative dissent against empire building and a failed capitalist system. Supported by a MSCM using manufactured fake news created by public relation firms to manage our perceptions .. Read more

By William_Mary Posts by members only

Shared from Politics
Mar 31Mar 31

Posted by William_MarySticky
“When we look at modern man, we have to face the fact that modern man suffers from a kind of ‘poverty of the spirit,’ which stands in glaring contrast to his scientific and technological abundance.”— Martin Luther King Jr. All of ...
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Shared from Politics
Mar 31Mar 31

Posted by William_MarySticky
"Capitalism vs Blahblah-ism" | Culture in Decline's "Yelling at the Wind" "Debt Ceiling Bullsht" | Culture in Decline's "Yelling at the Wind" 2 The "Activist Industrial Complex" | Culture in Decline's "Yelling at...
Shared from Politics
Jan 14Jan 14

Posted by William_MarySticky
They lied to you about Vietnam. They lied to you about Iraq. They lied to you about Afghanistan. They lied to you about Syria. They lied to you about Venezuela. They lied to you about Honduras. They've been lying to you about all of ...
Out Of The Illusion
Nov 7, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by William_MarySticky
In regards to yesterdays post, here's a list of the RT America talk shows and news cast I have extensive time in watching or some relative knowledge on. The first link is the scope of the available shows. Those I don't mention are because I don't ...
Out Of The Illusion
Nov 20, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by William_MarySticky
Welcome to Out Of The Illusion In a world raised by kings and queens who used jesters and religious men to capture and bind humanity in a gross state of a delusional reality, we have since gravitated from their Feudalism system to another ...
Out Of The Illusion
Nov 19, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by William_MarySticky
PROPAGANDA----NARRATIVE CONTROL----CONDITIONING----CONSPIRACY THEORIES----PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT These are all articulative techniques towards delivering a message towards conforming information to develop a foundation of opinion. Propaganda is ...
Shared from Politics
1 week ago1w

Posted by William_Mary
‘Vote Joy’ — a Delusion of Nostalgia Those populating the vice president’s joy-and-vibes crowd can pretend to celebrate a state of elation while acquiescing to their candidate’s approval of mass murder. :-( This is “Kamala” ...
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Shared from Politics
1 month ago1m

Posted by William_Mary
The battle for Syrian oil and territory in north-east Syria Syrian Tribal Forces clash with US proxies and threaten Al Omar oil field with liberation There is a very real risk of Israel expanding the war in the West Asia region - Netanyahu is ...
Out Of The Illusion
Aug 4Aug 4

Posted by William_Mary
German army declares itself rooted in the “traditions” of Hitler’s Wehrmacht Despite the unspeakable crimes top Nazi officers committed during the Second World War, it hails them as “role models” and “heroes,” as the German ruling ...
Shared from Politics
Aug 3Aug 3

Posted by William_Mary
Col. Douglas Macgregor: US is UNPREPARED for war on Iran, Netanyahu trying to create GREATER ISRAEL Col. Douglas Macgregor, former senior advisor to the US Secretary of Defense in the Trump Administration, and CEO of Our Country, Our Choice. He...
Out Of The Illusion
Jul 21Jul 21

Posted by William_Mary
What should be done? Despite the various crimes that come with genocide, the fact that others are doing the work we should be doing, is another crime on those crimes. The fact that our MSMs and representation have suppressed the truths of these ...
Shared from Politics
Jun 16Jun 16

Posted by William_Mary
Stop the US-NATO escalation toward nuclear war! Unite the international working class against imperialist war and genocide! This is the most reckless decision ever taken by any American government. As for its European allies, their collaboration...
Shared from Politics
Jun 16Jun 16

Posted by William_Mary
After Macron’s snap election call, which way forward against neofascism and war? But Mélenchon’s Popular Front is not a force for peace and democracy. Its perspective is a government standing on capitalist property relations, defending the ...
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Shared from Politics
Jun 15Jun 15

Posted by William_Mary
It rarely never fails. No matter what facts you provide, the deepest negatively indoctrinated people will resort to insults and then name calling. After one or more rounds of attempts to change narratives and avoiding context, with a challenge to ...
1 comment
Shared from Politics
Jun 9Jun 9

Posted by William_Mary
Never Forget That Donald Trump Snookered His Own Voters To Pass Ukraine Funding Whether you're a Trump supporter or one that leans towards the better evil, I know you're out there, follow the history and the money that went with...
Shared from Politics
Jun 2Jun 2

Posted by William_Mary
Trump: ‘I’m political prisoner’; Biden: The look of a criminal who has managed to get away with 5 decades of playing a part in supporting and funding illegal overthrows of legitimate governments and installing western puppets for hegemony ...
Shared from Politics
Jun 2Jun 2

Posted by William_Mary
Whether it be Ukraine or Gaza, Europe has had enough punishment from their governments. Riot police detain pro-Palestine demonstrators at (yet another) chaotic protest -- 'Europe must be prevented from rushing into war' | Huge crowd ...
Shared from Politics
May 19May 19

Posted by William_Mary
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children, because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was caught ...
Shared from Politics
May 18May 18

Posted by William_Mary
Active Participants in Genocide In obedience to Israel, the Western political and media class is isolating itself from public opinion on Gaza in ways hard to believe. But here are a few examples. Incredibly the Israeli genocide in Gaza is now ...
Shared from Politics
May 12May 12

Posted by William_Mary
FROM PROPORNOT TO NEW LINES: HOW WASHINGTON IS WEAPONIZING MEDIA New Lines Magazine purports to be an independent media organization. Yet it constantly attacks genuine alternative media who stray from Washington’s official foreign policy line,...
1 comment
Shared from Politics
May 11May 11

Posted by William_Mary
Victory and Peace --- May 9 is a venerated day on the Russian calendar. It marks the victory over fascism in Europe in 1945. Tragically, the Collective West has forgotten this day. The ministry of truth is recreating the past. “Who ...
1 comment
Shared from Politics
May 11May 11

Posted by William_Mary
Whistleblowers Further Expose Israel’s Torture of Detainees The details provided to CNN are consistent with those that a doctor at the field hospital of the Sde Teiman prison camp included in a recent letter to top Israeli officials. ...
Shared from Politics
May 5May 5

Posted by William_Mary
It Won't Stop With Palestine and the Palestinians! ---- Armenian Christians under siege by Israel Jeremy Loffredo visits the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, where a community of Armenian Christians dating back to the 4th century face...
1 comment
Out Of The Illusion
May 5May 5

Posted by William_Mary
Money Is Needed To Keep You Position Of Power. All You Have To Do Is Lose You Sense Of Good Ethics And Morals. And Keep The Junior Class Below You In Line With The Agenda. Because morals involve a personal code of conduct, it is possible for ...
1 comment
Shared from Politics
May 4May 4

Posted by William_Mary
The new law on mobilization: Is Ukraine turning into a giant prison? This article was submitted to the World Socialist Web Site by Maxim Goldarb, a Ukrainian socialist who opposes the US-NATO war against Russia in Ukraine. Goldarb is the head of...

Photos 121 More

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

Posted by of-the-mountainHas sanity and respect for all female, male, and children’s healthcare been suspended by these obstructionists republican fascists with their overt agenda against the people of this country!!! Are ...

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