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Trump supporters
Freespirit64 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I'm plastering this all over ...good one, cause the asshats are out there...ugh
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
“Arse hats “ that’s a very true description of one of America’s vast array of different people. Without red necks we would never have Deliverance....moonshine....that distinctive accent best said thru toothless mouths. ...nascar .....roadkill surprise for dinner. ....Insest and cross generational breeding. ....haha... that brings to mind Pakistan’s Muslim rat people . Just that cousin to close..... urrrgh makes your skin crawl but it’s common practice.... “ arse hats .... very appropriate ....that they are.
Trump supporters
Seriousreason comments on Jun 26, 2018:
At least Christians allow red necks into the fold.... how many Muslims do you see with a mullet .
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@Captnron59 ha ha good one ... very true.
Men are now putting their sexist foot forward by getting their feet those sexy massage treatments ...
JenBeberstein comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Those do not look like male feet
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
It’s definitely debatable... or tho imagine the female owner... the rest must be a sight if a foot gets that much attention. Art maybe... ?
Men are now putting their sexist foot forward by getting their feet those sexy massage treatments ...
AntaresRose comments on Jun 25, 2018:
looks like the foot of a big dog.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
And we have the grosse feet hunting photo skills of Betty. To ponder the time better urilised productively.....tho i pose GQ foot poser thought the time worth it..... ha got his foot out there. Go Betty. Your sense of humour is priceless....
Are there any other 60 year old woman in this group??????I like metal!
Peeves comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Badass! What do you listen to?
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@hipchick57 Yes , hi I’m Mark and to meet a “ across the board heavy music freak” and female 60 yr old , gives a person faith in humanity. Consider yourself oozing with oppression points being in the minority. I’m 55 and am so into death to grind core to Hate breed , tribulation to dying fetus. Then back the other way to song of the week . The hunger by the distillers. ???? Enjoyed the Amon Amath clip Monsignor host..... ale.
Ann Coulter says the children crying after being separated from their parents at the border are ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Jun 20, 2018:
She is just a sick bitch. I wish I could smack this piece of white trash in the face.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 25, 2018:
I’m surprised you have time , with all the “ Nazi “ punching going on... delusional acts run deep in the Democratic Party . Shame you deems are so violent.... stop punching and try opening your eyes. Your blinkers are welded on.
Getting to level 8 seems to be the hardest thing I've had to do on this site.
Heart_Truth comments on May 16, 2018:
You can do eeeet!
Seriousreason replies on May 29, 2018:
Ha ha ha ? that’s hilarious.
Just got knockers inviting me to a world wide event. I ask, "Regarding what?
Seriousreason comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I find an inverted cross as a door knocker ,tends to thin out the disturbances.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@lhcoastal Just browsing and thought I’d take the opportunity to say hello. I enjoy meeting people,even if it’s only via the keyboard. Like your profile picture. Depicts your sense of humour isn’t lacking.
Who are you?
LadyAlyxandrea comments on Mar 17, 2018:
I give you one guess what my name is, so choose wisely lol
Seriousreason replies on Mar 17, 2018:
@LadyAlyxandrea that’s classic ... pleasure to met you I’m Mark... but honestly who would ever get Ezekiel from ... LadyAlyxadrea. ,!
The Bible Says The World Will End On June 24th 2018
Seriousreason comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I kinda wish the rapture would happen then. All religious people of every faith sucked up into the sky. Imagine 30 or so billion less humans sucking up our oxygen. Earth world begin healing again.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 17, 2018:
@BettyColeman thanks for the knowledge of the raptures invention. Those evangelicals certainly think they are above the rest of us don’t they.
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
Uncorrugated comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Since when did it become racist or terrorist to campaign against injustice? As far as I am aware, their protests are peaceful and designed to highlight the continued racism in society.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 27, 2018:
@colonialism is civilisation has more bearing on relalty than “ pigs in a blanket fry like bacon.” A BLM chant. iwe fought the American Indians for 400 yrs. truly a worthy foe. And Maoris from NZ by the way are the most pampered Welfare funded , privilege indigenous people ever to walk the planet. You can’t change history. So stop siding with delusional self serving peoples that want reperations from something done to them from probbably you’re great great grandpa. . Learn to be greatful for being American stop living in the past. What’s done is done. . Slavery other than in black African countries has been abolished.
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
NFAguy53 comments on Feb 26, 2018:
They just want white people to die and Cops to quit arresting them for breaking the law. No.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 27, 2018:
A gentleman who gets it . I feel so sorry for the white apologist amoungst humanity. No names mentioned. It’s saddening and pathetic that history has to be relived revived and today’s generations are expected to pay for past injustices. When will the victim squad get over it . White guilt is the slavery of modern times
Where do ladies love to be taken for a first date?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Probably some place I can't afford.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@silvereyes yay silver eyes. You are my kind of girl , if you were looking. Haha.nBut casual is the best first date option hands down. Buttoned up fancy country club pinky in the air , doesn’t mean you have to wear your best underwear.. is to much ....or tea. A smile and an ear . By the third date your taking off your gear. .or you running for the stair.
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
Uncorrugated comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Since when did it become racist or terrorist to campaign against injustice? As far as I am aware, their protests are peaceful and designed to highlight the continued racism in society.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 20, 2018:
Go to a black lives matter rally and unless your black yourself , you have nothing worthwhile to say. You are part of the problem and until all white devils pay reperations for past injustices then die. You are scum . As a white person just try to comment on what you would like to see happen. Cop supporting! trump voting , Whites are the enemy. The naivety shown by some members towards what they assume is BLMs end goal defies logic. So called allies are just race traitors. Self hating whites are a sad phenomenon. My banner will read (colonialism is civilisation}. Plus stop culturaly appropriating European clothes. Grass skirts, loin cloths and animal hides should be all they wear. Cultural appropriation goes both ways.
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
Crimson67 comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Based on my own personal interactions with the organization, NO! Their purpose is to bring attention to an issue that happens to them more often than anyone else. Their purpose is conversation, awareness and accountability. Do white, brown and all the other color lives matter? Yes BUT the ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 17, 2018:
Very true,, so why is recovery in minority run sections of metropolitan cities so stagnant and in some cases getting worse. The so called oppressed minority’s need to take the reigns . Steer there own ship , take responsibility instead of .. blame blame blame. Boo hoo I’m a victim. People often comment about the proud minority’s bringing certain injustices to the attention of media. Police or polititions. Does it happen though . Or just a catchy narrative keeping those you identify as oppressed and victimised. No better off. Why? Why? Wish I New.
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
noworry28 comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Black lives matter too(also). The too(also) is implied. It started as a way to bring attention to the high number of unarmed black men who are being killed by the police. Unfortunately some of the people who joined the movement are anti-police hating people and some racists. Blacks are treated ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 17, 2018:
What a very sad indictment on so called modern policing amoungst minorities. Train cops better. I realise blacks make up to much of a quotient in this equation. What are black men going to do. Continue idolising gangster rapping ,gun toteing ,hoe bashing drug taking cop killing mindset for ever ..mite add not very well. Call it racist but minority’s don’t handle intoxicating substances or difficult situations as good as they lead you to belive. Incasterating unfairly huge portions of you black males. Bill Clinton SHAME.l throwing young men in jail for what every male does to some extent. Take drugs and alcohol. Praising single stupid. We all know a complete family is a happier family. Let’s hope for Sense and self preservation become common place. .... otherwise.....
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
richiegtt comments on Feb 11, 2018:
The Black lives matter organization is not based on a racist foundation but unfortunately there are racist individuals in the organization.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2018:
So other than complete globalisation, what’s George Soros end game?
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
think-beyond comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Lately I have had a tete-a-tete with a someone who finally told me she doesn't ignore this. (Where was her outrage/) Then she said these stories sell papers. Then she told me not to believe these fake news stories. Sorry, but shooting down an eleven year old in a toy store because he was holding...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 14, 2018:
And the moral don’t point anything at police let alone a toy gun.
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
SamKerry comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Am I missing the second line to "Black Lives Matter". I feel like I'm missing something about the opposition to it. Is the second line "And yours don't."?
Seriousreason replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Black lives matter but not to blacks
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
SamKerry comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Am I missing the second line to "Black Lives Matter". I feel like I'm missing something about the opposition to it. Is the second line "And yours don't."?
Seriousreason replies on Feb 13, 2018:
Omg wow, the self hatred pours from your pores you wish your whiteness would go away. Fat luck you mite be ugly inside despised and fotcedvou.
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
VanValin comments on Feb 11, 2018:
BLM is not racist, people who claim it is usually are!
Seriousreason replies on Feb 12, 2018:
Wow live under a rock don't make the black kids angry
Is Black lives matter. Racist, terrorist organisation?
MrControversy comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I think that black lives DO matter but I'm not thrilled about the organization. It's run by SJWs. The worst sort of SJWs. I feel they they influenced to a certain degree the kidnapping and torture of a special needs kid just because he was a white Trump supporter. That is counterproductive and ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 12, 2018:
Very true blm has very little to do with black people
Can black people be racist?
LucifersPen comments on Feb 7, 2018:
So what is it called when someone is culturally prejudice? *As an example*, if I'm a white American man who hates British culture, what is that called? (And NO, I don't hate the Brits!)
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
That’s baffling my dear eel pie hating , royal family bashing , Islamic mayor electing British culture is bemusing. HATES maybe a bit strong. The Poms have contributed a lot.
Can black people be racist?
Akfishlady comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Silly question.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Yes true Black racists are rife.
Can black people be racist?
shockwaverider comments on Feb 8, 2018:
I think your definition of racism is racist. It isn't all about black and white and it isn't US centric. Sure black people can be racist. Anyone can be. Even within races. My BFF is from Korea. There is a lot of discrimination between different Asian groups. I work with a lot of people from...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Congrats, great comment . Racism sadly is here to stay.
Do you support Trump?
Chesan comments on Oct 16, 2017:
When Drumpf entered the race for President, I had a visceral negative reaction and nothing has happened since to change that. I'm offended by every indecent and immoral action he has made, i.e., his mockery toward a man with a physical disability, his inability to respect any woman *ever*, his ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
There is no such thing as white supremacy. Claiming it’s to blame for anyone’s woes is ignorant and racist . Denying history is being stupid . Just put your head in the sand. Colonisation is civilisation!
Do you support Trump?
strgazr63 comments on Nov 5, 2017:
I do not believe I need to respect him by proxy. He is not my president.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@RCAngel Very True Respect is a subjective concept. You may respect your husband for having a successful and satisfying bowel motion this morning. Trump needs no ones respect.
Do you support Trump?
OrmRich comments on Oct 20, 2017:
No, he is not my President, and OP, please be aware, we don't all live in the USA. He deserves no respect as he shows none to anyone who disagrees with him, either within the USA or that much larger territory, that part of the planet that is not the USA. The USA have had many past presidents, some ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
A chimp could follow on fron obama.
Do you support Trump?
Just_Me comments on Nov 10, 2017:
I support him and his entire administration being sent to Guantanamo and waterboarded until they each die of a stroke or heart attack. Divide their illegally-obtained billions among programs to improve homelessness and hunger throughout the world. Then everyone gets the chance to piss on their ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Commie!! . I hope all you regressives get what you deserve . Bernie, Nancy, and Maxine, . No military. Immigrants up to you eyeballs. White genocide. No boarders , just kiss your ass goodbye Red , white and blue. Post modern marxists want the end of you.
Do you support Trump?
drupert1 comments on Oct 18, 2017:
trump is the most dangerous man in the world.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@geeky1965 why should I rise above , I’m sick of pointing out logic , reason , self control and understanding. Can’t you see how destructive and divisive this hatred for one human being is ....Derailing Democrats bid for power by calling for impeachment. Like Russian collusion, Trumps impeachment has no basis in fact.
Do you support Trump?
drupert1 comments on Oct 18, 2017:
trump is the most dangerous man in the world.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
@“ support of the American press” wow . Lost for words.
Do you support Trump?
drupert1 comments on Oct 18, 2017:
trump is the most dangerous man in the world.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
Exaggerate much?
Do you support Trump?
Plainjane comments on Nov 4, 2017:
I support his impeachment.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 10, 2018:
What for . ? You do realise if Trumps impeached . Democrats have no idea what they are doing . The army will impose martial law until he’s reinstated. Please think scenarios through. ( with respect)
Why argue about God or any belief?
NewAgeHulk comments on Feb 6, 2018:
It took me 4 years to completely “UN”doctrinate myself. What helped me is watching debates on YouTube. Just seeing and hearing it was enough.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 7, 2018:
Hello , know that I understand the sheer overpowering conviction to delusion the religious ilk have in your fair country. You are the true American hero’s . Atheism is on huffington posts latest article the most oppressed, miss understood and vilified minority. A sad indictment of today’s grasp on reality. I’m pleased many like yourself had a chance to catch comments posted briefly before being taken down . Being a free speech purists and staunch believer in the beauty of your 1 st amendment..” I was baffled briefly “ why deny others the chance to argue , insult or debunk anything I may say. ( write) I misunderstood the boundaries tolerated by the majority . This forum of ideas and inspiration is a true delight in today’s offence taking , micro aggression imagining world. They either get offended by ideas or comments that go against the grain for them personally. Which I hasten to add is desired by myself and any searcher of truth and reason Understands objective truths are paramount for healthy discourse and mature debate and reasoning. So after 6 comments regarded as to incendiary they were taken down and shot in the back of the head yesterday . I might have to choose my words more selectively. . It’s a pleasure to meet a freethinker and may we continue to enlighten inspire or just downright annoy our fellow members of a great , rare and thought provoking web site as # I’m not the enemy.
Have you ever moved and packed something away so well, that when you unpack, you can't find it?
Seriousreason comments on Feb 6, 2018:
No that’s very rare my friend . Very rare indeed forgetfulness of that scale hint to onset dementia. . Joke ,,, joke I think everyone looses or miss places stuff . Did you hear “ true story “ man spent half hour looking for cell phone using torch on cellphone.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 7, 2018:
those kind of studies I can get behind.
Satan as the Hero
CapriKious comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Modern Satanism is a diverse affair. To lump them as righteous humanists or baby eating sex fiends is to graze the subject. It is somewhat amorphous in a sense, people project their default views upon it. For myself, I have little need of fictional superheros, much less new ones.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 7, 2018:
Satanist are really “ your comment”/ kids used to call themselves satanist just to piss there parents off. But seriously Adults feeding into the Satan hype and then putting any credulity at all in to that following is as silly as a episode of queer kids stuff.
Do men ever find women with short hair attractive?
NewAgeHulk comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I find all women attractive lol
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Wow you are what is referred to as a equal opportunity lover. Your way leaves you more options than fussy guys. Respect. The smell of a woman . One of life’s great pleasures. And a movie of course.
Do men ever find women with short hair attractive?
stinkeye_a comments on Feb 6, 2018:
In my experience, they're mostly not picky about anything: hair, body type, style of dress. Some are, sure--but most of the men I've come across (heh) wouldn't kick you out of bed for something like hairstyle. You like what you like, but that doesn't necessarily make it important when connecting ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Preferences are that just preference nothing set in stone.
Do men ever find women with short hair attractive?
NerdyOkieDude comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Oh yeah! I've told my wife many times that I'd like to clone her so one of her would have long hair, and another would have a pixie cut.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
At least the jelly monster can’t get to green eyed if your sleeping with @nother her. . Jealousy is complex but blaming you husband for adulterous behaviours when you are the other woman also. Make a great social experiment.
Do men ever find women with short hair attractive?
NothinnXpreVails comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Reverse the question and ask it of men with long hair. Does that change the perspective?
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Woman love long hair dudes it’s called the Sampson syndrome, yo nearly dread , locks shining in the sun. Or roped up in tribal dreads or weaves blinged up with rings and other jewels etc. . Liberal hippy Rasta l pro choice , Beyoncé loving , belive your a rapper or r& b star . Long hairs up there with clean toenails. Lol.
Do men ever find women with short hair attractive?
Elatcha comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Short hair is hot. I love being able to see the back of the neck.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Cool I like that necks can be very sexy.
Have you ever thought about or written your own eulogy as a motivational exercise?
I_dont_know comments on Feb 6, 2018:
It would be difficult to do because I would get carried away with explanation and it would wind up being a book.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
I’m @silvereyes I’m not thinking about a eulogy for real . Personally I fell nothing could be more pretensious ...but as silvereyes suggested a kick up yhe arse motivational exersise .
Have you ever thought about or written your own eulogy as a motivational exercise?
Coffeo comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I did so as part of a human relations exercise when I was in my early 30s and still unmarried. Now I'm 74 and it makes very strange reading. I've never shown it to anyone, either then or since.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Thanks for sharing that it’s interesting that time is very subjective to life’s ups and downs , good decisions and Bad. Lots of possible scenarios in 40 yrs. thank you.
Have you ever thought about or written your own eulogy as a motivational exercise?
Hicks66 comments on Feb 6, 2018:
My eulogy is as follows: What are you doing here? Go home. Be useful. Nothing to see here.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Haha brilliant
Have you ever thought about or written your own eulogy as a motivational exercise?
phil21 comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I've actually thought about videoing one. Have no idea what would be in it, other than I'd try to make everyone laugh.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Mate belive me grieving family trying to get over loosing you may absolutely enjoy your beyonfd the grave chat cracking jokes. Laughings not high on the desired emotive responses at funerals . Scenario. It’ll either go well or bomb like traumatise type of bomb. . Imagine if you made a joke about the way you died. . Thanks for your thort provoking suggestion. .
Let's celebrate the efforts and sacrifices of the Suffragettes who gained women the vote in Britain ...
Humanlove comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I think men too have played a role in this achievement, when will they be saluted too?
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@Twisty420 respect my galant white knight freind. You are a true defender of the helpless women . Evil men and their patriarchy Shame. I just got told by a man I might add that equality is the answer to all feminists woes. Ask any women if the will equally do chores , go to war , face baldness and please take on your share of male work place suicide. A few hundred extra suicidal woman to equal the tragic unessasary death.. Equal splitting of the bill on dates. Equality . I expected that from a women but some men have not thought about nuisance at all.
Let's celebrate the efforts and sacrifices of the Suffragettes who gained women the vote in Britain ...
Whathappensnow comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Hey think of the vegan Atheist please . Keep our community safe from sentient being abusers. @Whathappensnow
Let's celebrate the efforts and sacrifices of the Suffragettes who gained women the vote in Britain ...
Dwight comments on Feb 6, 2018:
We have a remarkable parallel history here in America. Even the long way to go part. Keep marching and making lots of noise, men will have to listen...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@Dwight egalitarian minded people who state equality !! Which sounds nice and is in practise,. It’s illegal to pay women less. The bbc will find that out over the next few weeks Discrimination laws are air tight. You cant honestly think stating equality is going to get you a get out of vacuous statement jail . That’s broad my friend and forgive me if I’m wrong but isn’t Dwight a male name . Men and women have equality. And weak points meant to support a previous statement are no better than saying. My wife wants an equal piece of steak as mine at dinner .although she can never eat it the left over steak enhances the dogs exsitance. Equality is subjective and to broad. Example . Women drink free nights at clubs. Woman and children 1 st off a sinking boat. Get half the husbands belongings in a divorce , have seperate schools are graduating said schools in larger numbers than men. Etc Dwight nice try but equality . It is a practical impossiblity . Try again .
Let's celebrate the efforts and sacrifices of the Suffragettes who gained women the vote in Britain ...
Seriousreason comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Please explain what is meant by the equal representation for woman quote. Is it equal cops, doctors scientists, garbage women , bridge builders, How is this equal ideology pan out in reality until woman truly have no more to gripe about. It never will ... you are hardwired to never be totally ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@273kelvin well thank you , I really appreciate your factual evidence backed account of a genuine pay gap. Why am I not surprised it’s the bbc though. Honestly a news organisation as left leaning and liberal as the BBC doing the most unfair and inexcusable practice of genuine Lee’s pay for same work sexual discrimination. I am shocked though not surprised it’s the bbc they have been struggling and now devouring their own staff in a intentionally sexist wage discrepancy. Thank you . I’m greatful to be given an anecdotal piece of evidence that I’m sure now outed will be rectified. Otherwise how could the BBC hold their head up in feminist circles again.
Let's celebrate the efforts and sacrifices of the Suffragettes who gained women the vote in Britain ...
Dwight comments on Feb 6, 2018:
We have a remarkable parallel history here in America. Even the long way to go part. Keep marching and making lots of noise, men will have to listen...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
To what? . Tell us what you want from men . Not this we are not happy because” Patriarchy capitalism, global warming tampons are to dear. 1 serious genuine point just 1 . I’m listening.
Let's celebrate the efforts and sacrifices of the Suffragettes who gained women the vote in Britain ...
Gabriel comments on Feb 6, 2018:
So you are supportive of terrorism for political gains? Suffragettes blew stuff up for the vote when they could have gained it peacefully like other countries.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Watch out you’ll get taken down like me . Your true words will be misconstrued, branded racist and shunned from feminist , how can we be a victim now club.. be careful you have a unisex name so lucky. Lol.
Did you notice Bernie Sander's did not say "god bless America" in his response to the state of the ...
KKGator comments on Feb 3, 2018:
They should ALL stop saying that. Good on Bernie.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Sad fact of life isn’t it. I always wonder how right thinking critical sceptical humans say conscious. = god free will where did that concept arise . No one know ,, must be that god character. General morals. Well I’d kill my neighbor if he wolf whistled my wife so 10 commandments must be the only realistic moral compass. Gods so vain though don’t dare worship your vibratiors ladies false idols are a no no.Christians all know atheists are deviant serial killers and general scum so Stevils god will oversee the Whitehouse until .... well I have no idea. It’s insilled , branded , repeatedly rammed down the young and naive. A frightening reality that is so widely unquestioned. Maybe 2065. That’s roughly the end of Islam’s 100 yr plant to rule the west. Enslave the unbeliever . All documented by Atheist or the century Christopher Hitchens, look at Europe already . Times the amount of children , wives, up to 15 per family. 45 more years of breeding and immigration” . Fastest growing religion “ easy to see why. So maybe humans won’t have Christianity anymore. Black polyester hoods as far as the eye can see, I truly hope a lifelong hero of mine is wrong. # go back to the desert.
Did you notice Bernie Sander's did not say "god bless America" in his response to the state of the ...
stinkeye_a comments on Feb 3, 2018:
A Jewish socialist who wants to give away free healthcare...I guess Jesus *has* returned...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
I would never want to stop voting for Bernie it would be great 20 x better than Killarney. 3 Nazis and a kkk member better than trump. Who else is there. What will America look like if our Bernie gets elected. . Well I reckon he should pull out the full on commie despot routine. take everything , explain nothing and have Black lives matter and Antifa as your muscle. Antifa muscle . That’s an ironic joke as they are all posers. Are you properly ready for a maxist utopia. No more rich . The 1% will wilfully disperse there money to a general make America Red again. Bank fund. Hollywood movies end as the actors get 15.00 an hour like normal people so no thanks says brad pit But happy to be virtued to the eyeballs . Mr @Marcus_Angelus it will be a period in American history that will be the bees knees or crash and burn. He has lots of support and he may pull 2020 off. Time will tell.
Did you notice Bernie Sander's did not say "god bless America" in his response to the state of the ...
stinkeye_a comments on Feb 3, 2018:
A Jewish socialist who wants to give away free healthcare...I guess Jesus *has* returned...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@Marcus_Angelus people please Bernie has no more right to demand services from medical professionals against there will or desire. It’s imorral and won’t work in practice. Like his commie ideals. Looks good on paper but no!
Did you notice Bernie Sander's did not say "god bless America" in his response to the state of the ...
Stevil comments on Feb 3, 2018:
That's why I love Bernie. Jesse " The Body is an atheist too. I would vote for him. A president should be able to wear a feather boa and look good doing it.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
No that’s cultural appropriation. Sorry not allowed . Queen of Sheba will be offended.
Did you notice Bernie Sander's did not say "god bless America" in his response to the state of the ...
Rudy1962 comments on Feb 3, 2018:
Pretty sure Bernie is a secular humanist. During one of the debates he was grilled some about the whole god thing. He answered it the way I would have if I didn't want to commit political suicide. I remember watching it and thinking, I didn't know I could love the man more
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
He’ll continue to stay closeted. But if he does declare his lack of religious dogma. They should give him Kaitlin Jenner’s hero medal . At least he is being courageous. Bruce is still an attention seeking person . A gender **** trans man like thousands of others . Come on you democrats she supports republicans . A trump junkie. Destroy him er her.
Some funny photos to make me feel better. Hope they will make you feel better too
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Dumbshit Geebush Gehobah GhostHole boy can't keep the talking snake Satan out slithering under them pearly gates little piggies can snort under
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Your well thought out labels and renaming obvious political players is excellent . You are intuitive and know your stuff . And punches are not pulled either. Maxine Insane Waters is I would of thought by now such an overreaching and delusional regressive embarrassment would be politely committed to her mansion by now. What’s your opinion Greenatheist. Fan or not.
If you could have a threesome with two other celebrities which two celebrities would you choose?
LukeJWalker comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Natalie Portman and Carrot Top. Since I am straight, that would leave me with Natalie to myself.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Natalie Portman . And carrot top. You sir are an incredibly selfless tolerant human. More than 5 mins with either would end in some form of prosecution for me.
If you could have a threesome with two other celebrities which two celebrities would you choose?
Markss76118 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
I'm not good with Imaginary Friends and don't know the real personalities of most celebrities. I guess off the top of my head Raquel Welch and Jayne Mansfield or Mae West.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
May west might be a bit ripe by now. That’s the sport of necrophiliacs .. oh yeah now I see the dead won’t yell rape. Clever.Forgive me I didn’t know the nuisances of the game. Bid pick Scarlett johanson an Jessica alba. And to show I’m not homophobic Milo.
I just want to say that some of you are jerks.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Excellent boundary setting. ...everyone stay on point ...make nice....think with brain not is a safe place to blow off steam if we all stick together in solidarity resisting patriarchal theocracy
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
I still hold hope for you kind man . Do not allow the women are less equal to men narrative spoil lively debate and ideas. This evil patriarchy floating in the ether needs to be identified and made factual . At the moment all it is or seems to acquaint to is theory , Political correctness and over all hatred for Trump. Has conjured up imaginary Nazis , white supremacy, fear of racial genocide. Now honestly folks that’s tin foil hat shit that is. Real Alex Jones territory. Factual evidence and truth are no longer required to produce a new demon to oppress anyone who imagines they are a victim . Truly a worrisome and destructive mindset . Your are born naked and crying . No one owes you anything
I just want to say that some of you are jerks.
AxeElf comments on Feb 5, 2018:
It's just that you're hawt and so the bad boys are hoping that you're the kind of person who is attracted to bad boys and so they're just trying to show that they are more bad than the others. After a while, they will give up and you'll only be left with the ones who think you're too good for ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
Classic bro you are truly a dying breed. Looking like you would give Beer Grills a run for his money you are in a dare I say “ privileged position of still being alpha enough to be a bad boy. Betas and cuckolding is more pro dominant current year than the leather clad throw the chick over your shoulder biker dude. Novels and movies Anita Sakisian would protest will soon be the only medium bad boys thrive. . That’s my 2 cents . Thank you . I’ve had the odd post taken down and I’m harmless . So less offence taking and more vibrant discussion and debate, .. please.
I just want to say that some of you are jerks.
Dougy comments on Feb 5, 2018:
I am familiar with the agenda that you had posted , & I had said why I replied more so than what you suggested . It was not my intent to offend by doing so . It has been sometime since I had seen the repeated post on FB . If it wasn't the group that I had guessed it was , & yes it not only exists , ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
@ isn’t jerk a bit harsh. Douglas seems a very level headed guy. Offence taking these days is a fine art. Did he personally attack you . Offend you or dox. Miss pronoun or use crass words. Please free speech people. I love your input SonderOpias . Smart funny , insightful. I refuse to cast you in a victim cause your female light. It disingenuous doing it to yourself. Words fellow atheists, opinions are subjective. If we all agree on everything. The world would be one big safe space. # not all men.
I just want to say that some of you are jerks.
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 5, 2018:
I block jerks who incriminate themselves like the one who said women's rights are assured and remedies currently in place are wrong. ...get a clue boys REAL MEN FIGHT FOR WOMEN's RIGHTs
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2018:
I agree that we men have to stand up against obvious injustices, and unfair outcomes for women. Please though kind sir...Do not fall into the all woman are helpless victims of the evil patriarchy, unfairly paid less.. ( debunked by every serious economist) nuisances people. Nothing is black and white. .. please take a minute to admire feminism’s latest victory ( extremely subjective) the Motor racing glamour girls , darts ladies making beer potted double chinned dart players look good. End of many woman’s employment, enjoyment and really ,,, who did it hurt. Women that’s who sexist objectification of the fairer sex is not tolerated any more. 2018 feminist 1 attractive models nil.
What are your opinions on prostitution?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Prostitution should be legal. It rids the sex industry of pimps. Alows sluts to excell at their chosen profession, and lowers the sexual assault accusations drops the rate of rape . Their are no Bad sides as the oldest profession can be less demonised , increases safe sex and protects sex workers ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@BlueWave imagine how high it would be without sex workers services. Think about it.?
What are your opinions on prostitution?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Prostitution should be legal. It rids the sex industry of pimps. Alows sluts to excell at their chosen profession, and lowers the sexual assault accusations drops the rate of rape . Their are no Bad sides as the oldest profession can be less demonised , increases safe sex and protects sex workers ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@BlueWave forgive me for not being an ardent follower of your posts . Your opinion of sex workers Whores, giggilos , whatever title or llable you prefer to stick on them is your personal choice. Just stop the self righteous policing of what others use as words in our rich language. The offence brigade is self consuming and will be at each other’s throats for merely making use of a word that describes perfectly the person or action in question. Words cannot hurt you. And if they do your a snowflake.
What are your opinions on prostitution?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Prostitution should be legal. It rids the sex industry of pimps. Alows sluts to excell at their chosen profession, and lowers the sexual assault accusations drops the rate of rape . Their are no Bad sides as the oldest profession can be less demonised , increases safe sex and protects sex workers ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 30, 2018:
@BlueWave with sexual assault as broad as including cat calls and butt taps. Or you Zane Joshi type over reaction. It’s now impossible to validate real from butt hurt. This insane PC word policing has to stop . Offence taking is now a profession and it’s a sad indictment of the current world we have to live in . Less feels more reals please.
What are your opinions on prostitution?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Prostitution should be legal. It rids the sex industry of pimps. Alows sluts to excell at their chosen profession, and lowers the sexual assault accusations drops the rate of rape . Their are no Bad sides as the oldest profession can be less demonised , increases safe sex and protects sex workers ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 29, 2018:
@BlueWave Stop the hate towards sluts. Ugly guys would never get laid. There would be no multi million dollar American porn industry, no more feminist slut walks. Please stop this pathetic language policing. Legal prostitution in NZ has prospered for over a decade so don’t demean sluts , men woman or in between s. Need the industry to freely engage in mutual intercourse. And yes the rape rate has plummeted . So I don’t understand your comment . It’s current year the start to death to PC culture I truly hope.
Do you support Trump?
Plainjane comments on Nov 4, 2017:
I support his impeachment.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 28, 2018:
@ Whoa projection anyone. Jelosy will get you nowhere. MAGA.
Is Trump a racist? []
atheist comments on Jan 12, 2018:
He's an asshole! (a person with a sense of entitlement to say or do whatever he wants)
Seriousreason replies on Jan 27, 2018:
@atheist you could very well be right. Not in my life time luckily. I have to damiit to enjoying our to and fro banter . I could only imagine what you could vocalise had we got heated . After all Atheist should not argue over mere politics. To rid shackles of religious indoctrination by ever delusional god squad members is an achievement sure Canada is great at stigmatising any strongly held belief That maybe needs regular guess work and validation. Don’t the States lead the believer stakes. I’m sure Canadas cool . You may of taken a butt plunge with bill C16. Time will tell. Just to add to your Myrth and misconception of NZ. The socialist Labour Party were voted in in NZ. . Give us strength through these next four years of identity politics. The indigenous people iin power ( more power to them) get caught embezzling $350.0000. Smackers. But once the needy , religious, homeless, crack addicts and violent offenders are given passes because of .....feelings......and religious fervour . The thieves laugh . poke their toungue out wave ferns and threaten curses. . Remember NZ is 10 yrs behind the rest of ya. Thankfully.
Is Trump a racist? []
atheist comments on Jan 12, 2018:
He's an asshole! (a person with a sense of entitlement to say or do whatever he wants)
Seriousreason replies on Jan 25, 2018:
@atheist seriously I wouldn’t piss on your frozen pc loving country. Not all shoe buying dicks are stupid enuff t9 go to Canada? Your best export is Gavin mc8nnes.
Is Trump a racist? []
atheist comments on Jan 12, 2018:
He's an asshole! (a person with a sense of entitlement to say or do whatever he wants)
Seriousreason replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@atheist I’m from NZ . So I don’t give a flying fuck about any of you. But Cuckanada. Trudeau has made that a haven for wimps and SJWs . At least Trumps got balls. People from shithole countries are dying to leave . As it’s oh so peachy in Haiti or Venezuela. Just get real dude.
I'm a weirdo (please don't sing radio head) a geek a sports enthusiast traveler covered in tattoos ...
Seriousreason comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I feel for you Holyhellkel. I to am considered a little weird, tattooed, nerdy, pierced, adore women and animals ( not nessasarily in that order) but find the man making the first move kinda old fashion these days of ultra feminism, I like to think so called strong independent women take what they ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 21, 2018:
@ ha “feminism is cancer” only 7 percent of women class themselves as 3rd wave feminists. Is rather die single and alone than be anywhere near a feminist.
I woke up as a what?
Naeem comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I dated a girl who later came out as a lesbian, so the first thing I'll do is to go to her and tell her that I'm a lesbian too! :D
Seriousreason replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@Naeem Fully respect your understanding and patience with the lady. You seem a genuine caring person and not alone in helping , unsure of sexual orientation people come to terms with their feelings and desires. . Lived with a tranny ooops un pc of me. I mean a man who wants to be a women. he didn’t do anything about it tho. So just a poser in my books. We still went out drinking together tho. It was funny watching him hit on guys . He proved to be very thick skinned.
Is Trump a racist? []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Trump doesn’t give a liberal lepers skin flakes wether delusional self entitled dimwits. Call him racist . He gets more than his fair share of ill informed , ignorant name calling. Racist , Nazi, white supremist . You all want to know who’s a racist, that evil witch Maxine Waters. Trump is ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 20, 2018:
B@phxbillcee that’s the beauty of free speech. You go for it. Are you truly suc( a cuck. Misogynist!! Really come on Melania would disagree. I’d be very surprised if yourve never grabbed a woman by the pussy... well then again,! I ma6 be wrong? Look forward to further postings , as misguided as they may be.
Is Trump a racist? []
atheist comments on Jan 12, 2018:
He's an asshole! (a person with a sense of entitlement to say or do whatever he wants)
Seriousreason replies on Jan 19, 2018:
He’s a hero. Who else is brave enough to tell the truth about shithole countries. If they weren’t shithole hellls ,, why is everone trying to get into America. Get real,, name calling and opinions luckily are like assholes everone has one.
What if God was one of us?
SonderOpia comments on Jan 19, 2018:
If he's anything like what's in the Bible I'd rather burn.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Song Lirics do provoke a thought process. Can’t recall the female who sang it though.Like if god was one of us, “he rode with us on a bus”what would he look like.? Would he or she ! Be black or white . I’m sure if hypothetically God was among us he should hang his head in shame “ what have I done” if he fixed all the worlds ills . Returned all monies stolen in his name , vaporised all Muslims because Allah is a false idol. Only Buddha would be beside him. . What a sight. ...If only!,
I woke up as a what?
Naeem comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I dated a girl who later came out as a lesbian, so the first thing I'll do is to go to her and tell her that I'm a lesbian too! :D
Seriousreason replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Wow dude dating a lesbian is now off your bucket list. I’m bemused as to why she wanted dick. Maybe she was hungry and just wanted a meal date.
If you found out the Christian God of the bible was real, would you worship him?
Benthoven comments on Dec 26, 2017:
NO! I would never give away my soul. I would never allow someone or something to control my actions based on IT's whim. My soul is my own, and I will do everything in my power to protect it.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 19, 2018:
soul? No offence but your flesh water and chemical electricity. . There is no soul.
Presumed to be religious.
EllenDale comments on Jan 18, 2018:
If you don't eat babies, how did you get on this site? Lol. Yes, people presume I'm Christian because most people are. I don't correct them, but if they were to ask I tell them I'm not Christian. If they ask more, I tell them I don't believe in god. They never ask any more questions and I ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Absolutely. Preaching from any position on the deity scale is abhorrent. No one likes a smug preachy better than thou atheist, that’s for sure.
What would make you believe in a God?
doxytux comments on Oct 21, 2017:
Nothing - there can't be proof of something that does not exist.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 1, 2018:
Very true! You cannot prove a negative.
How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?
SocraticAddict comments on Dec 20, 2017:
I think it helps people understand how many of us there are if we don't skirt around it with agnostic. It's not well understood that a much larger minority in america is secullar because there's naturally the fear with labeling yourself. To say agnostic is true because it can't be known without ...
Seriousreason replies on Dec 20, 2017:
Great comment. I agree ,Agnostic is saying if there is s god I believe .the atheist wants proof that a Devine eternal creator exists. Burden of proof on the godly. I have learned through the comments and various videos just how dominant and powerful Christianity in certain parts of America is. Many of my American cutural , political and even comedic heros are Christian. safe zone , accepted by God fearing salt of the earth folk. Faith, in a creator . Sounds simple . Not for we Atheists though. It just sounds silly.
Should religion be taught in schools?
engineer_in_nj comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Without it history classes would make almost no sense.
Seriousreason replies on Dec 20, 2017:
I agree. Wether we like it or not religion in it's many forms has to be taught . Especially the evils and abominations, human suffering and ignorant refusal to adhere to any other possibility. Ancient humans had an excuse , what does modern educated man use as an excuse.


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