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Her shirt says it all...
freedom41 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
A very bold t shirt she is wearing.
Welcome new member dixonrs85.
freedom41 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Welcome to the group.
freedom41 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I like pic 6 the best.
Come on now! If you don't like this pic or comment, I don't know what you people want !
freedom41 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
A very toned and lovely brunette ready for the day.
Welcome new members Josemanuel and Anonbene.
freedom41 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Welcome to the group.
LOL ?... Looks very close!
freedom41 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I'm sure it's was just accident. Your corps. like a buck any way they can.
Welcome new members dixonrs85 and Meme0309.
freedom41 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Welcome to the group.
Do you have a lot of people in your community with no High School education?
freedom41 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I have no idea.
Welcome new member Redmon17.
freedom41 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Welcome to the group.
Why Donald Trump's Concussion Remarks Are Dangerous
freedom41 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Majority of what comes out of his mouth is dangerous.
@the Drive-in Choose which movies would be good drive in movies.
freedom41 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Back to the Future. Trilogy
freedom41 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
That is one dumbest things I have ever heard. Hideing the truth from the there kids is not a good thing.
That poor bear.
freedom41 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Wow !! A nearly perfect red head and love those plump boobies and healthy legs.
Does trump really believe the things (lies) he says or is he just trying to confuse people?
freedom41 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
The man is off his rocker by no stretch of imagination. He probably does believe his lies. By doing so, he is not making America great again.
?You want some watermelon.... Or anything else.....?
freedom41 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I'm not hungry for watermelon right now. The melons I want have a bikini top on them and her healthy thighs are cool to.
I knead you to knead me.
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
A very sexy and curvy brunette. I like from head to knees.
Donald Trump Rejects Intelligence Briefing Facts | Time
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
He rejects it because it incriminates him. I wish he would resign.
7-Year-Old Boy Killed While Being Punished For Failing To Memorize Bible Verses | Michael Stone
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Yes it is. That makes the fools look worse than already are.
Welcome new members ZGadjanski and Monapearce.
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Welcome to the group.
Such a gorgeous day here.. hope everyone is out enjoying the cool/warm Sun if you can!
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
It's a nice day and weekend. However, I wish I didn't have to work it.
She looks like she is ready for some fun...
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I do love bondage, but it's going to be hard to remove her top with way she is now.
Think of your own caption...
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Latina delight is a wonderful thing.
Pretty woman
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I ? the boobies.
Welcome new members superdave and JoeReyes.
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Welcome to the group.
Welcome new members Acree and fatboy3488.
freedom41 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Well said! “This needs to fucking stop!” []
freedom41 comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I'm glad someone is standing up for gay community. We a new and caring president and vice president.
It’s official: The Trump tax cuts were a bust - MarketWatch
freedom41 comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Why am I not surprised? He is bigger liar than all of congress combined.
freedom41 comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Doesn't he realize that congress can impeach his ass any day now?
freedom41 comments on Feb 1, 2019:
If it gets him out of office and eventually Pence, it's a good thing. Trump/Pence are embarasements to this country and human race in general.
Superbowl is this Sunday! Are you going to watch the game?
freedom41 comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I'm not watching the game, because I have something better 5 hours of my day. Not to mention is foot ball is boring to watch in the first place.
freedom41 comments on Feb 1, 2019:
She has a very nice booty ! ?
Vatican's Chief Exorcist Warns That Yoga Causes 'Demonic Possession'
freedom41 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
They will say anything these days to get attention. I only thing that possessed me in yoga was a pulled muscle.
Hey Great humans enjoy your day....???
freedom41 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
The same to you and everyone who reads this post.
Hello my beautiful heathen friends.
freedom41 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I also find it scary that there is nothing after death. Unfortuntely believing in reality is not all sunshine and rainbows. Only religious fools believe in something after death, due them needing a crutch of religious belief.
Sending warm thoughts to those in the freezing temps in the mid west.
freedom41 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Thank you for the warm thoughts for us in the mid west. However, with global warming we might see again in the future.
freedom41 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
She is quite the cutie with bouncy upper torso region. I wonder if her hand is cold.
Sarah Sanders: God wanted Trump to become president
freedom41 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I think the "devil" would be closer term for Trump to be president. If, I believed in religious bs. Which, I haven't for nearly a year.
freedom41 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
It shows what the Boy Scouts tried to teach them, didn't last into their adult years. A lot could have happened to them in their adult life to force to do that act.
[] Stunning pair of eyes!?
freedom41 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I like southern eyes better.
So Greeters - has anyone else noticed a sizable down tick in greeting lately?
freedom41 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Yes, I have noticed I been getting my greeting has gone down. I like interacting with new people in hopes of helping them in some way.
freedom41 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I have never set foot in a Star Bucks. Due the simple fact, I can't stand coffee in any liquid form. That man has given me another reason not to go that business.
Judge rules against elderly lesbians rejected from retirement home
freedom41 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Most likely there not sexually active at that age. I don't see the problem. Lesbians need medical care just as much as straight females do. That judge must be homophobic with a passion.
KENTUCKY: Governor's Office Says Kim Davis Must Pay $225,000 To Gay Plaintiffs For "Violating Civil ...
freedom41 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Good that progress is being made for the gay community. I doubt she has the money to pay the plaintiffs of that case. Maybe jail time and thearpy would be better options.
Howard Schultz Former CEO Of Star Bucks, Considers 2020 Run as an Independent.
freedom41 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
The man is a white collar worker and has no clue how the other half lives. When he charged $5 for a regular cup of coffee.
Hi, y'all.
freedom41 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Go for it . Life is to short not to or retry new things.
First encounter
freedom41 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I haven't had to do so yet, but I think I'm ready to do so. If it ever comes up. Dogma free is the place to be.
Life isnt about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
freedom41 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I think a little of both in it makes life worth wild.
There's something so peaceful about this time of year.
freedom41 comments on Jan 29, 2019:
What do you call peaceful about a - 16 wind chill factor?
Chicago Will Be Colder Than Mount Everest, Antarctica, And Siberia On Wednesday
freedom41 comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Its no picnic for us who live in the central part of the state either.
US intel chiefs: Trump is wrong on just about everything he says
freedom41 comments on Jan 29, 2019:
How long did it take them to figure that out?
Howard Schultz and His Anti-Democratic Party Campaign – Talking Points Memo
freedom41 comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Since I have never been in a Star Bucks, because I can't stand coffee. That is not a problem.
This is why we love the humans...
freedom41 comments on Jan 29, 2019:
I love her fun bags, navel piercing, and the tattoo left of her piercing.
Americans don’t trust Trump, and women hate his guts
freedom41 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I bet his current wife isn't to thrilled with him.
Since I take requests... Sense of humor required...
freedom41 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I find the pic very tasteful in a sci fi kind of way. I do love the boobies. :)
freedom41 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
What else does congress need to impeach the bastard?
I made it to 8 I finally reached Level 8. Where is my chocolate ice-cream?
freedom41 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Congrats on reaching level 8. I hope to be there some day (July ?? is my guess).
Mesmoorizing Mammaries
freedom41 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
She is one smokin hot brunette that took that picture in a cold location or ready for adult activity. Judging by those nice nipples sticking out.
This looks like a repeat of the Spammer from Christmas Day.
freedom41 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I got same post 4 or 5 times and I just cleared the alert and didn't click the link. The person was a level 2 and I'm sure someone has reported this person by now.
Welcome new member ILAgnosticVegn.
freedom41 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Welcome to the group.
Does anyone here watch The Orville???
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
No i don't watch it.
Welcome new members PeacefulChaos and Sammidenver.
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Welcome to the group. I hope you find fulfilling on your path of enlightenment.
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Yes, they are.
What do you think?
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
It's your body and your choice to have children. If, you want to abort it is your choice, not some religious fool with backward ideas.
Mariah Carey, will perform in Saudi Arabia, for a man who hates women to bones.
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Yes, she should have turned it down on moral grounds and just for her safety in general.
Anyone else who’s a closeted atheist? Message me, let’s be friends:)
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
There a few reasons why I'm a closeted atheist. The biggest one is my religious parents that would give me so much grief over it. Plus, I'm afraid they will take me out of the will. Plus, I'm still getting use being an atheist, despite the fact I have been one for nearly an year. I guess another reason I like to keep some things private with my family and friends in my area.
what does peace look like for you? for me, it's this:
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
That looks very peaceful and similar to my version.
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Good for them. What NBA team would be stupid enough to visit the White House with current president in office?
I like dessert...Do you?
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
I prefer the red head over the baked goods for my desert. She looks delicious. :)
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Yes, that is discrimination. Service dogs are allowed to go any in public to help the person in need. That driver is hateful and lazy. Cleaning up messes in there car is part of them job. That person should be ashamed of his self for not allowing the dog in the car.
Transphobia: for or against?
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
I have an open minded person and willing interact with a trans person. Mostly religious fools have a problem with trans people and that is a shame.
Belief and knowledge
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Only the religious fools conflate knowledge with belief. They are so blinded by religious bs, that they can't think straight. I cleared my mind of that nearly an year ago. Now us atheists see the world as it is and have science to back our way of looking at things.
Healthy mind, healthy body
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Happiness does help with your health to release indorphines that repel some peoples health problems. It's not a cure all, but it does help some people.
Take a look at my little friend.... -Scarface Misquoted lol
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Those 2 gorgeous woman would nice presents to show up at my door step.
Anyone know any good jokes? Or is everyone grumpy today? lol.
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
I don't know any good jokes off the top of my head. I'm not grumpy. It's my birthday.
Amouranth, Cosplayer,fan of donations, etc..
freedom41 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
I like pics one and two the best.
freedom41 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
The system is very broken and may be beyond repair.
freedom41 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
He should be locked up for the rest of his life.
Do you take offense when the statement made on this site applies and fits you?
freedom41 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Everyone is entitled to there opinion here. This web site is more than sunshine and rainbows. I try to ignore the bad things to put less stress in my life. The positive things will give me a warm fuzzy feeling. If I got back at everyone that pissed me off, I wouldn't have any free time.
Maybe not a sexy classy pic but she's hot
freedom41 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
She seems like a very lovely and sweet girl. She would make a good girl friend or wife.
How do you like these beautiful ladies?
freedom41 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Both ladies are quite beautiful visions of womanhood. I like the right a little more, because her boobies are little bigger than one on the left.
Congratulations all members of &sexypics! We are only 1 member shy of the benchmark of 400 total ...
freedom41 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Getting one more member should be a piece of cake. It's quite an accomplishment on ranking in all the groups.
White House faces awkward questions over security clearances | MSNBC
freedom41 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Without looking at the link, what did that dumb bastard do now.
Drumpf CAVED
freedom41 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I wish it was long term funding and trump would take a right into the closet wall he can find.
freedom41 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I don't think I want to read what's on the link provided.
2018 Was the 4th Warmest Year on Record, Berkeley Group Announces - Scientific American
freedom41 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
That's more proof that global warming is real and not imaginary like god or jebus.
Islam a religion or cult?
freedom41 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
All religions are cults, due to there brain washing and want your money for some reason.
Good morning my open-minded friends! I hope you day is as beautiful as mine is.
freedom41 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Good morning. It's been ok so far due the very cold weather, but I have only been up for about an hour so far.
I’m sure I’ll get flagged on this one but dam!
freedom41 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Those are 2 nice booties. There is nothing wrong with a little junk in the trunk.
Left or right? Who you like the best?
freedom41 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
It's almost an tie for me. However, I will pick the one the left, because I'm a breast man.
Does the end justify the means?
freedom41 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Those are good questions that man has struggled with for millions of years. I'm not sure there is a straight answer for the questions you have posted.
She's Havana a jolly good time - I received this photo (she wasn't smoking) in my junk mail. "Junk?
freedom41 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Good looking from the neck now. The head shot is gross.
I don't know if this is true but I love the thought and picture.
freedom41 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Oh, that's why I'm alone and trying to find happiness. lol
Senate Intelligence Committee Just Issued A Subpoena That Could Make Trump Incriminate Himself ...
freedom41 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Hopefully that's enough to get Trump to resign. He is really crazy if he doesn't.
What's the best caption for this superb beauty?
freedom41 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
An younger version of Angelina Jolee and ready to peel clothes off. Maybe there is a nude beach near by.
Alice Eve,actress, OPEN gif to see bouncing BOOBS click on blue []:
freedom41 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Seems like a very fiesty blonde. :)
Is there such a thing as universal justice?
freedom41 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I've tried to remove my way of looking thinks from religious bs. You don't need religion to know difference from right and wrong or have a sense of justice. An secular view of justice is fair for all who inhabit the planet.
Sometimes less skin is more woman.
freedom41 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
She quite the cutie in her native dress. She could loose the hat though.
Hottie in red... Thoughts?
freedom41 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
A very hot and steamy brunette that has curves of pure delight.
Thoughts about this just posted intended joke by MissKathleen?
freedom41 comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I think that should have been kept to herself. We are all atheists no matter our outwards appearance.
Millions of Americans Flood Into Mexico for Health Care
freedom41 comments on Jan 23, 2019:
The system is broken by no stretch of the imagination.
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