31 54

Priorities for next 14 days :
No matter what , making sure I have no wear down panties on and matching bra will be nice 🙄
Just in case my behind ends back on a stretcher again

Well . Kidney stone . Delightful . Decided to dislodge from kidney Friday at 0300 after vigorous chest compressions for 17 mnt on a dead man . He is alive . Honestly , I will like to go back on Monday night and punch him on the face 🙄
Less than 1 hr later , I found self on the floor screaming / vomiting / thinking I am dying / cold sweat / fuck me to tears , this is not happening ? A CT scan later , some morphine, that made me rant in both Italian and Greek and absolutely 0 English , and I was told I have I new best friend that I need to pee her out . I decided it’s a “ she “.

Made it home Friday morning some how , anticipating snow , which promptly came , and not going to leave my boys alone in the bedroom for 48 hrs , u know ? Since Friday I have been drinking an ocean of water and lemon juice, I live in the bathroom , I can’t get to ease enough to sleep , and motrin is Jesus

Speaking of Jesus , oh I saw Jesus Saturday morning too 🙄🤡 Doc F who I know for 100 yr at ER , and he knows that narcotics and I we don’t mix well , insisted of giving me Percocet as well just in case . Well . I broke down Saturday morning and took half of that crap . Last time I had any Opioid besides morphine at ER was 20 yrs ago for dental . Sure shit , Saturday morning was a spinning room here , a “ where can I hold to crawl to the bathroom , and who are these green people looking at me “. No thanks , motrin it is 💪

So . I haven’t peed that bitch yet , and I am getting nervous bcz sure I have to go to work tmrw . That’s not an option . We are so understaff , especially for critical care , not even funny . Plus I’m charge , and that species doesn’t exist in the menu anymore 🙄

I am f defeated , I will admit , I am f tired , and I try very hard to see the good in every shit
Epiphany , and the light up stairs turned on ,
I am gonna leave u and my drama w a good feeling / thought :
Hey , could had be worse , right ? When dr F came back to tell me what the deal was , I thought for sure I ll hear the “ cancer” word . I mean , realistically , smoked cigarets like a moron for many years , and cigarets free only the last 4. So I was ready to hear the bullshit . Hey . Kidney stone not bad after all , right ? Right . I wish to nobody the pain that I had Friday or the dull pain that I have now . Better , I wish u guys know what foods / habits prevent kidney stone formations . Water ( plenty )/ citrus fruits / juice , cucumbers , bananas , and avoid as much as possible salt / high calcium intake / and Uric acid producing foods . Ok I am done . I love u guys . ♥️
Stay healthy .” Wegonnamakeit “ 💪
Ps : the moment I pee that thing , u gonna hear about fireworks in Virginia Beach , bcz I am going to exhale like a happy dragon 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇

Pralina1 9 Jan 30

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I feel for ya, I really do. But, unfortunately, yes, it could be worse. Much worse. Believe or not, a kidney stone can kill you. I passed a mineral kidney stone without knowing it, because they tend to break up into sharp and jagged crystals. This one cut me up on it's way out, creating a "Raging Bacterial Infection", so the Doctor called it. My Fever would spike at 104 then crash to 94, I was shivering all over and thought I had a bad flue. I was talking to a friend on the phone and she said, "Hang up and call 911, your not making any sense." I did, they came and got me. I was septic. I spent 7 days in the hospital with that. The Doctor said if I had waited a couple more days I would have been dead.

Omfg . I am sorry . That’s terrifying . And yes it happens . I am glad u didn’t die . Wtf . Just a stone 🙁

@Pralina1 Just a stone. But there are two types. I can't remember the name of the other one.


There was a discussion about how overworked nurses are in the Canadian health care system tonight and how the Freedom Convoy that was really a bunch of lunatic fringe anti-vaxxers would further exasperate our already overworked nurses in the coming weeks after their super spreader event. My wife and I were discussing how disrespectful these Covidiots were and guess who's name came up in the conversation - Yours. We both just want you to know how great we think you are and how important the work you do is to the public at large, Covidiots aside.
Apple cider vinegar is your friend, it will not only help to dissolve the really nasty barbs that are giving you no joy at all but it will also help to clear further stones before they become an issue. Nothing weird about it, simple chemistry really, acid dissolves calcium and that's a fact. If you spend a few dollars more and get the good stuff with the mother in it, Bragg is a brand that is widely available, it will have other positive health benefits as well. My father is a Swiss trained naturopathic doctor so that's how i know this, not just quoting some crap off of Reddit.
Get well soon, the world needs people like you, now more than ever. Be Well.

I have heard of this at ER , and urology friend send me a text about it yesterday actually ! I am going to get some tmrw .
Thank u sweet heart . And wife too ♥️
Man , it has been an ugly ride . Very ugly .
Wegonnamakeit , we just have to 💪♥️🙌🦇

@Pralina1 My princess wife had them 3 years ago, it really did the trick. A good friend of mine had them last year and it worked well for him as well. I make my own apple cider vinegar from the century old apple orchard at the back of our property, so my apple cider vinegar is a little stronger but you don't want to take it straight in any case, warm it up and dilute it with some distilled water plus a dollop of honey.
Like Mary Poppins said - a spoon full of sugar (honey is better) helps the medicine go down, in the most delightful way. 🙂

Found it actually ! Thank u !!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

@SnowyOwl 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

@Pralina1 If you have a Whole Foods or any decent health food store near by, they will almost certainly carry it and you won't have to wait for delivery. Just don't take too much or too strong because you don't want to flush out any other kidney stones and create a blockage. Lemon juice will also work, just not as well.

@SnowyOwl yes I have Whole Foods but really no strength for extra drive . My plan for tmrw is to make it to work , sit in a chair and oversee care , and only jump if really trouble . That’s the best I can do , at least I won’t leave my work kids alone , those are ER cats at majority who are forced to transplant to covid micu and I am not going to leave them alone .
I am going to read directions carefully , and good point about more stones / blockage . Man , I just want this out 🙄🙄🙄

@Pralina1 You are dedicated, thanks for all that you do. Just remember that you also have to take care of yourself first if you are going to be able to take care of anybody else.

@darren316 I ll drink whatever you get this stone out , and keep others from visiting . This pain , even dull the last few hrs , is too much


So sorry you're going through this. Ultra sound will shatter the stone if you can find someone to do it for you, not the normal first treatment, but you do have access to the people with the expertise. If you need something call and I can be there.

No sweetheart u ain’t flying from texas for this crap . Next time u come make it be for fun , not this drama !
Thank u Glenn , u are the man 🙌
Yes, if nothing comes out in two weeks , it will be a stent or if it moves Frwd down , then lithotripsy will be an option . Man , I don’t need any of this right now , but ok ! Wegonnamakeit 💪


Even if you could avoid these foods you would not want to!

7 Greens With Low Oxalic Acid – So Have Your Green Smoothies!
Not all green leafy vegetables are high in oxalates.

There are a number of green vegetables that are lower in oxalates according to the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health and may be subbed to a green smoothie without fear. They include:

Kale (read about it)
Romaine lettuce
Bok choy
Mild low-oxalate Romaine lettuce and bok choy are super-packed with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber
Highly nutritious kale is perfect for a green smoothie with only 2% of the oxalic acid content of an equal serving of spinach
Bottom Line
Those desiring to stay healthy do not need to stop our routine green smoothie or avoid dark leafy greens just because they are high in oxalates. The vast majority of credentialed scientists and health experts agree unless foods high in oxalates are consumed to excess.


This is very helpful to all of us . This is great info . Thank u so much 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


I suspect your job might keep you from rinking as much water as you need and then there is the issue of being able to pee when you need to.
Oxalic acid in raw spinach can help cause calcium to precipitate out and form the kidney stone. I just quit eating raw spinach, cooking it gets rid of most of the oxalic acid bt I don't like cooked spinach. Been 40 years since since I had one so drinking plenty of water must make a difference and I can eat pretty much as much salt as I want.

So frozen spinach that I cook in pie , is ok right ???

Yes , water has been a challenge in isolation gear . So and bathroom . But that’s not news to me , for more than 20 yr I have learn to do the flamengo dance on one leg and I can hold it for 10 or 12 hrs if no time to get to bathroom . But yeah , u are right 🙁

@Pralina1 Should be bring the water out of it before putting it the pie.

@silverotter11 like drain the spinach , right ? Yes I do . Thank u sooo much ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

@Pralina1 Yeah, thing is I don't dance well 🤣🤣🤣.

@silverotter11 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂don’t make me laugh , it hurts 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@Pralina1 Sorry but laughing too hard can make me pee!

@silverotter11 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@Pralina1 When we were kids my twin and I would wrestle and the one who won had the other pinned down and tickled til she peed her pants! It was a 50 50 stand off by the time we stopped beatin' up on each other.

@silverotter11 I like your twin already 😂😂😂😂😂😂

@silverotter11, @SpikeTalon agree . No other way to do it . Laughing at self it helps 🤡

@Pralina1 I'm not sure what happened to her tho. She refuses to get vaccinated, voted for trump twice, very religious believer and is a bigot. We are 180 opposites and rarely talk to each other.


OhGIRL!! So sorry to hear you have a kidney stone😰😥😓🤗🥰. Been there on morphine helped and it was wonderful! But by the morning I'd not passed it and the stuff I was sent home with caused weird shit too.
I brewed up Burdock, Uva Ursi and Dandelion Root very strong and drank a gallon and kept drinking lots of fluids. Passed it within 24 hours. Peeing thru a sieve.
Then i quit eating raw spinach salads.

Oh Jesus ! That’s another damn thing that I eat ! Spinach ! I eat spinach like popay the sailor ! Oh wow ! Thank u !


You're one tough cookie. Hang in there girl. Hugs!!!



. . . can't imagine your suffering . . . 😟
A year ago I was (routinely) referred to a Urologist by my PC doc.
An xray and mri found a 1.2 cm stone ! ! ! 😮
I was able to schedule an outpatient Lithotripsy (broken up by sound, you know).

I dodged a 1.2 cm bullet. 🙂
. . . hope that doesn't make you laugh 🙂 🙂

That’s funny and u know it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Ouch 😂😂😂😂


Hang in there Pralina. Continue with lots of water mixed lightly with lemon juice and maybe also vinegar. Some say "no" to simple cheap black teas for this but they make me pee like a racehorse. A little lemon in that tea would be my thing. Hang in there. If worse comes to worse they can break the kidney stone with sound. I know people who have had this done. One of my former bosses was one such guy and he constantly had kidney stones.

Thank u man . I hope to avoid more drama and pee that thing out , but yeah , hey whatever it takes , just take that pain away 🙌🙁


Dem's little calculii are real mongrels to pee out aren't they, had 2 of them about 5 years apart a long time back what I went thyrough made me almost wish I had the "Red-back Spider Bite" episode al over again, at least that subsided a bit with every ice and cold water bath and the analgesics as well.

😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 what red back spider ? No no no no , hold on . Hold on , I ll take the kidney stone . I think ! Did u passed the stones or they had to take it out ?? And . Spider bite ???????

@Pralina1 Yes, a venomous Red-back Spider bit me where the family heritage is stored one dark evening when I was working on a Sheep Grazing Property.
All FEMALE Red-back Spiders are venomous and aggressive, the males are tiny, only seeking out females to mate with and HOPE to escape before she eats him as well.

@Triphid wth ! Omfg !!

@Pralina1 My 'comments' were far more 'expressive' than that, especially as the vehicle I being taken to hospital in seemed to hit every bump, rut, groove and stone in the dirt track until we reached paved highway.

@Triphid I will had just die . Wow .

@Pralina1 Thankfully Red-back bites are not fatal in most cases but can be with a person who has a serious heart condition for examp0le, in other cases they are extremely painful, cause severe swelling and can take anything up to 10 more days for it all to subside.

@Triphid I think I decided . I ll keep the kidney stone issue 😳


A Few Problems For the Very Few
When combined with calcium, oxalic acid produces calcium oxalate, which may form kidney and other types of stones. This occurs because calcium oxalate is relatively insoluble, so in some people it combines and hardens instead of harmlessly excreting as a waste product.

Individuals with kidney stones, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or vulvodynia – a condition causing vagina pain linked to oxalate deposits – are advised to restrict foods high in oxalic acid or oxalates.

The Murky Middle Ground
Oxalic acid occurs naturally in plants, animals, and in humans.
Less than 1% of people ever get kidney stones, but those people really do suffer. They occur when crystalline masses form in the urine, and in 80 percent, those crystals are based on oxalate combined with calcium. Most of the folk I’ve known had them 50 years before green smoothies were even a thing and ate bacon and eggs, grits and fried potatoes most of their lives.
If you had to really avoid oxalic acid that would be difficult. Foods high in oxalate (100–900 mg per serving) are:
wheat bran,
black pepper,
beet greens,
Swiss chard,
cocoa powder,
sweet potatoes,
peanuts (and PB),
cooked green beans,
turnip greens,
most nuts,
most berries (strawberries),
and dried beans
Oxalic acid is only reduced 30-87% by steaming, cooking, or wilting the leaves of any of these vegetables for 5 to 8 minutes. Seems it won’t go away and is there for a reason? If worried, dump the leftover water, because oxalic acid leaches out of the leaves and into the surrounding liquid. (PubMed)
Let Wisdom Rule -New Findings:

  1. Recently, it was thought that tea – due to its high oxalate content – increased kidney stone formation, but new research has shown it to have a preventive effect. It seems that green tea binds to calcium oxalate, creating flat crystals that break down more easily than other shapes.

  2. All the foods high in antioxidants are also high in oxalic acid. Avoiding them is not necessary for most people and would be unwise.

  3. Oxalic acid is mentioned as helpful in alternative cures or prevention of cancer according to Cancer Tutor:

When cancer is diagnosed there is always a low level of oxalic acid in the blood.
Every alternative cancer cure that is successful is filled with foods, herbs, grasses, and teas (such as Essiac tea) that are full of high amounts of oxalic acid.
When radiation is given for cancer patients as a “just in case”, the number, time and power of each treatment will determine how completely oxalic acid in the blood is decomposed. The decomposition of the oxalic acid in the blood by radiation may so weaken the immune system so that one cannot fight off any viral or bacterial disease. Therefore, it is understandable that many cancer patients die from cancer related to viral pneumonia.” (source)
Stop Green Smoothies? 7 Mild Greens With Low Oxalic Acid. A pile of beautiful greens

  1. Oxalic acid is important for colon health. When we do not get enough from our diet, the body makes it from Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

  2. Leafy greens are the backbone for any continuous full-body detox or cleanse. They are alkalizing, and an alkaline body is better at battling bad bacteria, yeast and keeping cravings at bay.

  3. Parsley and cilantro (coriander) bind heavy metals like mercury so they can be extracted from your body. They are also alkalizing and full of chlorophyll.

  4. While spinach may not give you superhuman strength to fight like Popeye, spinach does an excellent job fighting anemia. Cooking increases its iron content.

Even if you could avoid these foods you would not want to!

Wow . This is amazing . Wow


Stones of any kind ain't No fun at all..I passed One once..I bled a bit, screamed and just about tore a toilet off the floor..praise Jebus it was only heart and everything else goes out to Gf..hope you piss it out B4 work..❤❤❤

Me too !! That gives me hope ! So many here saying they had one and got it out ! Thank u diva ♥️♥️♥️🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

@Pralina1 don't thank me sis..just piss that fucker out..

@Charlene I love u 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🙌😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


I've never had the experience. But THREE of my good friends have been through that ordeal. So I've gotten them to the hospital and, in two cases, stayed there into the night and waited until doctors took over. Living with somebody for over a decade, eating and drinking the same things, and not getting stones suggests to me that it's probably an inherited trait. Maybe?

Oh might I mention, being of the male persuasion, I have this goddamn thing called a prostate. Through which all urine must flow. Back a few years I was rewarded with a prostate infection (probably caused, according to the urologist, by (1) long hours of work and little sleep, (2) too much coffee, (3) too much alcohol, and (4) not enough sex. So I had to have a delightful (aka egregiously painful) process which involved running various medical device up through the urethra and another couple devices up my butt. Now I understand the indignity of being physically violated. For a few days afterward, I FEARED urinating as though I was pissing gasoline.

U are lucky ! 🙌🙌🙌 I am not sure . I know that my dad had two kidney stones b4, and I have no available history from mother side . Man , u are lucky . Keep it that way pls !!!

@Pralina1 Thank you. Yes, I pay a lot of attention to health, both physical and mental. By the way, I wanted to ask you: What are wear down panties? (In the 2nd line of your post)


I hope you are able to piss this bugger out soon, hon. Based on your advice, going to Dumar's probably isn't the best way to celebrate (one of the few things I miss about when I lived in Hampton Roads).

Yeah ! I haven’t been there since 2019, it’s definitely a place to gather and just be 🙌
Man , I just want this to leave me .


PS. to your healthy diet advice to anyone reading. In order to avoid stones, especially bladder stones which can be nearly as bad. It is important to take the time to pee out and empty your bladder completely when you go, every time. A stone will waste a lot more time in the long term, than a few seconds saved when you pee. But don't go too far and start forcing it, that can be bad for you too.

Ughh . I know . It makes sense . Some times I am in the bathroom at work and I hear a vent alarm or people running , and it’s like , go go go , there are people who know u just went to the bathroom and come to ask u a question at the other side of the door . It’s ridiculus 🙄

@Pralina1 That is some nightmare work pressure. Take care of yourself first whatever.


Oh no! It's amazing (for those of us not suffering from anything currently) the incredible amounts of pain that so many non-fatal conditions can cause. You have your acute gout, abscessed tooth, diverticulitis, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and of course the kidney stone. AND you don't tolerate opioids. You are in a hell of a mess there, Pral. I wish there was something I could do to make it stop for you. All I got are my best wishes for a quick expulsion of your "Aunt Stony" and a virtual hug. hugs Hang in there, sweetie. <3

Thank u sweetie ♥️. I am hoping 🙌🙌🙌🙌


Hope you feel better soon. You don't deserve this with what you do. I had a couple many years ago and you have my sympathy and hopes for as easy a passage as possible. It'll be so much better on the other side...

I can’t wait man , I just can’t wait . Thank u ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


So very sorry to hear you’re in such pain. I’ve never had the issue but know several people who have. I know it is Excruciating pain, so I hope you pass it soon. Be gentle with yourself and try and drink water with lemon daily. Sending you healing energy! 😘

Thank u sweetheart ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Trust me I am doing nothing last 3 days , but tmrw evening I have to go in . W my lemon water and all 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

@Pralina1 I drink a little apple juice with apple cider vinegar every day. I’ve heard that helps kee your Urinary track system clear. 😘 speedy recovery!

@Redheadedgammy ordered some right now from Amazon !!!♥️♥️♥️♥️🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


I have no doubt you felt as bad as this poor dog, but I'm sure you still looked much better than the pooch. Sorry you went thru this.

U are sweet Tom 🤗 thank u man

@Pralina1 Never have had a kidney stone nor diverticulitus, and hope I never do. Family members have had one or the other and they sound terrible.

@TomMcGiverin they are . Trust me


💕 You have my deepest sympathies. I used to have them on a regular basis. Two of them put me in the ER for a couple of hours. When the suckers finally come out, it’s as close to heaven as I’ll ever get! From grit your teeth pain to total relief in like a second! Keep drowning that nasty bitch! 😍

Oh !!! That gives me hope !!! Thank u !!!! I am drinking like crazy , yes !!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

By the way, mine was caused by eating nuts. If you have it analyzed, they can tell you what caused it. All stones are not the same. My first wife had one so big they had to go in and drag it out 5mm.

@Barnie2years hmm . I am practically a squirrel . Interesting .. I eat almonds and hazelnuts daily , and macadamia nuts too . And of course , pralines . This is dinner for me the last two years , every 0200 if lucky to sit down . W the n95s , fork and a plate is not an option. So I get a bag w nuts and shove in my mouth so often . Hmmm . 🙁🙁🙁🙁

@Pralina1 I was doing the Atkins Diet at the time. Nuts were one of few carb free snacks I could eat, so I was eating a lot. Walnuts, almonds, macadamia, cashew and peanuts. It took a few years before I developed the first stone. You may have found your culprit. Since I mostly stopped eating nuts, I have not had a stone.

@Barnie2years Oh say no more . Trust me . I ll give up even my pralines , that’s fine ! Thank u sweetie !


Hope you passed that Bugger, and are feeling better!😐

No 🙁 pain on and off and at work . Man 🙁


Hope you’re feeling better!😔


What are “wear down panties”…..inquiring for a friend?!🤔

Anything that looks like should be in the garbage can a year ago !!!

@Pralina1 Well shit, my entire collection of undergarments falls into that category…..👀

@Buck Mine too. If they stretch too much or get rips they become an outside cleaning rag or a burning barrel fire starter.

@DenoPenno do panties start fires better than normal cloth?

@CallMeDave I’ve seen panties spontaneously combust before. In fact, they was on my ex wife when they burst into flames!!!?! 😶

@Buck the saddest part of that must be "ex"

@CallMeDave You clearly have never met the bitch?!🤨


🌹🌿🌻🌸🌺🏵️🌿🌷Am so sorry about the pain Pralina sweetie. I know pain does not let you rest or even sleep much. Treat yourself to the best care possible, and I hope the pain lessens soon, sweet caregiver. You so deserve to be painless darling.

Thank u sweetie , nothing came out yet , pain comes and goes , man , this needs to go !


Hang in there, sweetie.
I know right where you're coming from.
Horrible little bastards, kidney stones.

P.S. I can't tolerate morphine, either.

Feel better soon.

I am going to pee that thing out , I can do this 💪💪💪💪💪💪 . Thank u . I love u ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇

@Pralina1 Of course you can do this.
You're YOU!!
Love you, sweetie!!

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