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I wonder why if you do a search for Beon Lomberg on Bill Maher show it doesn't come up on google or youtube. 😏

Captnfeelgood 5 Oct 9

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Dave Rubin introduces Lomborg as a "climate scientist." This is false. Lomborg is NOT a climate scientist. This is typical of the kind of half-assed reporting we get from right-wing political commentators like Rubin. Well, to be fair, he was left-wing before he was right-wing. In fact, he's just a self-promoting, garrulous, dork trying to make an easy living for himself (not unlike Bill Maher, but at least Maher is occasionally funny).


I know very little about this man but I do know how to find him. Try search for Bjorn Lomberg. You were trying your search with an Americanization of his name. Use Bjorn Lomberg to find him.


This is why we have such a serious problem with people like this guy making cc a monetary issue. How about all the insurance companies going bankrupt because of all the destruction world-wide? This guy pushes anthropocentrism to the max and disregards such things a species loss and the externalities (unintended consequences) of climate change. Talk about being misinformed. He is a main source of mis/disinformation!

Indeed, billing himself as a "scientist" introduces confusion and garners him attention and credibility that he does not deserve.

@Flyingsaucesir And this only feeds the conspiracy idiots. Shame on Maher. Hope he learned a lesson.


You might try spelling his name correctly. It's Bjørn Lomborg.

BTW, the guy's ideas on climate science are not very insightful. He vastly underestimates the potential for harm from rising temperatures. But then he's not a climate scientist, or even an Earth scientist; he's a political scientist, which is to say he is not a natural scientist, he's a social scientist. Social science is "soft" science, meaning it's "squishy;" it's more interpretive and less constrained by actual measurements of the real world.

How do we know that Lomborg underestimates the potential for harm from rising temperatures? Because natural scientists, specifically, geologists, have pieced together the history of the Earth going back hundreds of millions of years. From the work of natural scientists we know what that climate has been like, how fast it can change, how high the temperatures can go, and which species survived and which went extinct. We know about things like positive feedback loops, and tipping points.

Bottom line: global temperatures can spike very quickly due to rising greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere, and when certain tipping points are reached, positive feedbacks kick in, pushing the temperature even higher. Temperatures can spiral upward relatively quickly, to the point where most species alive at the time die out. It's called mass extinction, and it has happened many times already.

We are currently seeing the result of a 1°C rise in global temperature. Fires, floods, heat waves, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts,... they're already off the charts. Now imagine what it would be like with a 10°C rise. (Hint: no one would be around to see it.)


Lomberg cherry picks his data and has been discredited by many scientists who Actually work in these fields.

I can see evidence of warming oceans in the waters where I live and see the impacts of warmer and drier summer conditions on forests here too.


Context helps see things in perspective. In this instance, it seems that Maher is pressing on with the narrative that oceans are dying because of climate change and he is not interesting in acknowledging facts and details that indicate otherwise. However, Maher does mention that oceans are being damaged due to industrial pollution and plastic pollution (as well as climate change), so he is actually capable of discussing the matter in context. Well, he is the host of the show, so he is obliged to entertain the audience - call me cynical.

Ryo1 Level 8 Oct 10, 2024

Only the illiterate would wonder why they can't find Beon Lomberg on their gootube when it's the discredited political science graduate Bjørn Lomborg they desire.

If you read the CC from the YT video, that is how they spell it. Not knowing who he was, that is what I went by.


He faiks to show up in your searches because he is an AI invention of the Deep State, that's why.
Clearly, The End Is Near!

OR, maybe because you are severly misspelling his name, you fool.
Try Bjorn Lomburg.


Because he is only a POLITICAL "SCIENTIST" not a real one and knows nothing of what he is talking about.... as a consequence he bores people to death and nobody is interested in what he is saying or bothers to search for him...


Youtube has been deplatforming aggressively lately, mainly those who question the Ukraine narrative and are critical of Israel.

puff Level 8 Oct 9, 2024

I get what he is saying but he looks at it from a point of economy. We do need to change what we are doing and yes the economy is going to suffer. People who make money from plastic do not want it to change neither do the fishing industry even though it is to their detriment. They want some kind of miracle to suddenly happen and that everything is going to be all right.

Yea like the religious notion that we can pollute and rape the earth with impunity because a 2000 old dead man will arise from the dead and will fix everything.

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