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My two furbabies like to jump onto computer keyboard when I chat with online friends. They seem to be annoyed that I spend time online.

SKH78 8 June 16
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Many of my online posts look like thisnkfqgmxm5gccvv.

vita Level 7 June 19, 2018

They are trying to help you and they want to get into the conversation. Cats especially do this, one has to realize that they do speek another language where there are many repeated characters.


Mine as well.

One has just the perfect spread of paws to hit Ctrl + Alt + an arrow key - I can't tell you how long it was before a friend was able to tell me how to turn my screen orientation back to upright! lol

RavenCT Level 9 June 16, 2018

I had that same issue at one time!! Annoying stuff. Now I had two screens at work and one is horizontal and one vertical, and I have to be careful where the mouse is when I change orientation.

@SACatWalker @HippieChick58 - I was on the phone with my sister when her cat did this to her. She said "Darn I'm going to have to turn my laptop sideways" - and I was "Oh no - don't do that - there's a simple keyboard shortcut!". lol

The struggle is real.


They want to be the center of attention. Try making a jigsaw puzzle...


You're not focusing on them so they're making it easier for you!

kmdskit3 Level 8 June 16, 2018

If it is not the key board it is the magazine or newspaper. WTF! =0}

Mooolah Level 8 June 16, 2018
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