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New to this site; new(ish) cat owner. 1yr old tabby (rescue kitty). Iā€™m still confused about something: exactly how much am I supposed to feed him each day? Thx!

Curlieq55 3 June 22
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A good practice is dry food and water out all day and wet food once or twice in small amounts. Male cats are prone to UTIs, and the wet food prevents the crystals from forming. Thank you for being a rescue mom!!!

poetdi56 Level 7 June 27, 2018

I give the girls a quarter can of food every morning. There is a large bowl of dry out all day. The younger likes to play with the dry food, I'm sure there is several cups of dry food underneath the stove from the pinhead knocking it under there. The bowl of water is on the far side of the room. If it is too close to the food they will drop dry food into the water.... ewwww.


I feed mine Fanci Feast twice a day...about half a can each time...I leave dry food and water out all the time.. Itā€™s important that you read labels. Meat by products should not be first on the ingredient should be turkey or chicken or whatever, and then broth. The ones that start out with ā€œwater sufficient for processingā€ are not healthy. When he gets bigger he may want a whole can. My vet says itā€™s important to give a cat wet food and leave out the dry food for snacking....and they should always have water available. Sorry for all the Good luck with your beautiful new baby.

IAmLove Level 7 June 23, 2018

Oh what a cutie pie! Bless you for rescuing her.

IAmLove Level 7 June 23, 2018

I can't free feed my boys because they are greedy beggars who tend to fat. If you look on your food of choice it will give you a measurement chart based on kitty's weight.

Mkonnick Level 5 June 23, 2018

Dry food out all day. Wet food as a reward, treat, or special occasion.

Mooolah Level 8 June 23, 2018

Whatever you do don't believe what he tells you! Kitties are known for gross exaggeration; especially when it comes to food. ??

kmdskit3 Level 8 June 23, 2018

Mine are free fed. They eat whenever they like. They will beg for snacks anytime!

Aqhajumper Level 5 June 22, 2018

While I allow my cats to "graze" which the vet says I shouldn't do (twice daily and pick up the food bowls). I feed mine a quarter of a can of food each (Pearl and Spot).


I feed mine a half can twice daily. I also put down a small amount of dry food to munch on in between. That might be too much food though as she looks kind of pregnant.

vita Level 7 June 22, 2018
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