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Zoe gave me another scratch. I bust my butt to support her. Some thanks I get. But I love her.

SKH78 8 Feb 14
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Mine continuously leaves the red lines of love on my arms and neck. I've been trying to teach him to retract his twenty switch blades when he wants to hug me or hold onto me. Zippy is only a year old now. He's learning.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Feb 14, 2019

I get them by accident all the time. And on purpose now and then.

I let them use scratchers rather than try to clip their nails - so they're very sharp - and that's part of the risk I take in not blunting them by snipping them back.

You might consider trying to trim them? I find a good towel wrap helps with the process. (I've done it when one has a snaggled one). They seem to prefer maintaining them themselves though - and as none are severe - I'm cool with that.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 14, 2019

I don't dare try trimming - they are both big and muscular and they are fighters. I just have to be careful. Sigh. I bought them a couple of scratching posts. They use them. They also use everything else in the house, including me.


As Sticks would say, all relationships have their rough patches, lol. My neighbor down the hall, whose cat I scam off of, said she once had something like that with her cat. Rascal had scratched her bad for the umpteenth time and Joan lost it and threw her TV remote at the cat and hit her in the head. They both sulked for several hours and then made up.

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