5 13

This is my reading buddy, my going to the bathroom buddy, my going to bed buddy, my cleaning buddy; well let's just say that she likes to follow me around usually waiting for me to sit down to sit on me. Love my little girl.

Pamela74 4 Apr 10
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Sweet. My two come up to the loft when I come up here to get online.


Such a pretty girl!

kmdskit3 Level 8 Apr 10, 2018

This would make an excellent cover photo for an Atheist Ailurophiles group.

Oh, you are so naughty!! 😉

@I_dont_know I am? Pray tell?

@ailurophile My understanding of the word, ailurophobia, is a fear, or some definitions include a hatred, of cats. So, please, explain to me how the image should be used on any Ailurophiles group.

@I_dont_know -phobia is an antonym of-philia. []


Love! Love! Love!!!!!! What is her name? So sweet and cuddly!!

poetdi56 Level 7 Apr 10, 2018



What a face!! I just wanna kiss her all over!

She gets tons of kisses. Probably way more than she wants.

Lol. Pervert!

@Pamela74 Reminds me of what I call Corrective Cuddling, but the engineers of this video call it Corporal Cuddling, around 4:23.

@ailurophile These guys are just fun as hell! Here's part 2...

@phxbillcee Lol

@phxbillcee I hadn't seen auto-tuned cat yodeling! Trust a couple of engineers to improve on the original.

@ailurophile I actually think this is on this group, somewhere, but this may be close to what you want...

@ailurophile &, for the advanced student...

@ailurophile Enjoy!

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