5 11

At least something is in the Donate box.

AmiSue 8 June 2
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And fresh laundry! 5 minutes out of the dryer. I go to take a quick shower before putting it all away. I'm confronted with this situation upon returning:

Oh yes!!!! Thanks for the memories!!!!
Previous black cat named "Bob"....
In his elder years would puke on the carpets. ALWAYS ON THE CARPETS.
Of course this would happen in the wee hours.
Then, especially in Winter. I'd be heading to the kitchen to start up some coffee....half asleep.
NEVER ANY SLIPPERS when this would happen.
ALWAYS bare-foot. You'd think I'd have learned.
Step in the cat puke. Always the toes.
What's worse? Ice cold cat puke? Or, hot, steaming, fresh from the tummy!!?
One foot raised off the floor, maybe heel touching. Dancing "The Strut" to the nearest bathroom to wash the foot. What fun!!!!


Keep the cat - donate the box.... lol

RavenCT Level 9 June 2, 2018

I hope that's a donation to me!

kmdskit3 Level 8 June 2, 2018

@AmiSue Shared custody? 😉


You know, I was always fascinated by our cats' love of boxes. Then, one day, we had an appliance delivered.... in a box. So, I told the delivery guys to leave it. Later, my wife found me asleep in it. They're VERY NICE....


So good. I had a cat that would sit in paper grocery bags. As I emptyed the bags he would jump in one.

Mooolah Level 8 June 2, 2018
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