This is why we don't question what ought to be questioned.
Despite our self-image, we have been conditioned for war all of our lives. Through a combination of cultural forces, some overt and others subtle, Americans are taught from a young age to accept their country’s militarism without question. This conditioning has numerous ingredients. Themes of nationalism and militarism are frequently injected into public life through the media and other institutions, for example, as is a sense of righteousness, a rarely challenged belief that the country is almost always a force for good.
Glorification of the police and military goes back to the post-Vietnam War period, when the Pentagon decided something had to be done to improve the military's image in the public mind. So, they began offering grants to film producers, who were making films that glorified the US military. Likewise, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration began encouraging TV producers to create more television shows, glorifying the police.
@altschmerz Read Gen. Wesley Clark's "Waging Modern Wars", in which he describes some of the Pentagon's post-Vietnam psychological warfare planning for brainwashing the American public into a pro-military mindset.
It was drilled into my my young head by my Dad (a WWII vet) and by photos from the Viet Nam. War is a reprehensible and always a last action,it's the untimate failure of diplomacy.
My Dad, too, was a WWII vet - a medic (most likely with PTSD). He hated Vietnam, going as far as to say that we were aiding the wrong side. He wasn't happy when I went in the Navy (long story- etc etc).
@Beowulfsfriend my Dad would have brought my brothers to Canada,he vehemently opposed our involvement in Viet Nam. He always said none of my boys will ever serve in Nam..
@Charlene by the time I enlisted the war was over. I had been against the Vietnam war and my Mother said I could go to school in Canada if it continued. I was looking forward to that prospect, then the war ended and I was told I would go to the local stare school - a good school, but I wasn't set to stay around.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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