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LINK Ten Years After “The New Jim Crow” | The New Yorker

.... "No, we are not free of our racial history. Our nation has, in fact, done it again. We have birthed a system of mass incarceration unlike anything the world has ever seen. Millions of people have been relegated yet again to a permanent second-class status in which they are stripped of basic civil and human rights ... Decades ago, politicians were promising to build prison walls and new prisons. Today, politicians are promising border walls and the same politics of divide and conquer, fear-mongering, and scapegoating ... used to fuel anger and resentment towards immigrants and mass deportation and mass detention."
Question: Who sees that racism, white supremacy, the entire U.S. criminal justice system are all parts of how capitalist, conservative whites feel superior and, intend to stay powerful globally? Who feels U.S. politicians who are in favor of our current criminal justice system, are the most greedy, mendacious, draconian, hate-mongering, powerful people in the world currently?

AnonySchmoose 8 Jan 20
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And on top of all of that, some of those prisons are for profit. What a sure fire way to incentivize incarceration. So many prisoners are there for nonviolent drug offenses. People are losing their freedom because of their identity and lifestyle. It's modern day slavery.

RoboGraham Level 8 Jan 21, 2020

I feel it is probably much like slavery was in terms of the brutality and the horrible loss of autonomy in one's lifestyle.

@AnonySchmoose Yes it is similar int hat you lose your right to vote and you have no choice but to work for almost no reward.

I ashamed to live in a country that allows that to happen to other humans.

@AnonySchmoose Same here. Which is why we need to vote for the candidate who is dedicated to prison reform and ending the drug war.


All people have Mitochrondrial DNA that shows they are descended from the first humans the black aboriginal people of the Kahalari Desert in Southern Africa. Thus all white are not pure white, there are no pure white people on this planet.

The self-hate is obvious.

Maybe we all wish they would get over themselves and their ghastly egos. It would be a revitalization to witness elected people who aren't arrogant replace the ones who are abusing both power and a great many human lives at the same time.


I believe these redneck, backwoods, people believe their white skin is the thing they have going for them. They are wrong. With their attitudes they have nothing going for them.

freeofgod Level 8 Jan 20, 2020

Racism keeps the republicans in power.

A true statement if ever there was one!!!!


It all goes hand in hand..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 20, 2020

We need to seal all criminal records 10 years after a sentence has been completed. They should be available to law enforcement, but only on a need to know basis, but sealed to the public.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 20, 2020

The republicans

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 20, 2020
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