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Evangelicals Claim the Mark of the Beast Will Be In Coronavirus Vaccine

Polls show Evangelical Christians say they will not get a vaccination to protect them from the coronavirus when one becomes available, because they see the whole coronavirus situation as a Deep State socialist plot, involving Bill Gates, George Soros and Dr. Anthony Fauci - to “gain control of us” through a vaccine that contains “some sort of human tracking device.”

Sure, makes sense to me! Especially, when you consider most of these same folks paid hundreds and hundreds for their smartphones, which have GPS, altimeters, location services, gyroscopes, accelerometers, you name it - not to mention additionally shelling out another $50-$125 a month to hook up to some ubiquitous cellphone network - and all so they can then post conspiracy theories about Bill Gates and Dr Anthony Fauci’s devious plot to use the coronavirus vaccine as a cover to inject them with a chip that can track them.

Brilliant! In fact, this kind of thinking goes way beyond “stable genius.” And, speaking of the “Mark of the Beast,” I wonder if anyone bothered to tell these good Christian folks that their glorious leader Donald Trump’s daughter and son-in-law’s address happens to be 666 Fifth Avenue? Let that one sink in for a minute Evangelicals. Anyway, one thing’s for sure, this kind of insanity allows the rest of us to fully comprehend exactly why those Founders saw fit to insist upon the “separation of church and state.”


johnnyrobish 8 May 16
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Evangelicals are nuts. I am surrounded by them. If the weren't playing this up as the mark. The would find something else. Also, two dimensional minds can't make the leap that they are already connected and tracked by modern tech.


If they get a vaccine, I'll take it and so will many others. And, if it were not for the few, mostly young or infirm who can't, I would say great, let the dipwads die.


Man, this stuff is unhinged. The Spanish Flu killed 675,000 Americans, and at least 20 million world-wide. Think people...

TO_BY Level 7 May 16, 2020

Delusional fuckwits

bobwjr Level 10 May 16, 2020

Drump is the beast and They wear his mark on Their

Charlene Level 9 May 16, 2020
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