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In The Guardian, says a lot about Biden's history, not everything that is wrong with him but some of it. []

Theresa_N 8 June 22
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Never Biden..

Charlene Level 9 June 22, 2020

So, then,drump?

@AnneWimsey nope..

@Charlene ???????????????????? "Protest votes, or not voting, Are votes for drump, and you know that!

@AnneWimsey My vote goes to the candidate that best fits my beliefs..Notice I didn't say perfectly fits..neither Biden nor Drump do so..I'll vote my conscience..


Nobody is perfect, nobody will look at the issues the same as you do....but I am starting to rethink Biden (been for Bernie since last time, sigh). Anybody with a severe stuttering problem who chooses a life where public speaking is mandatory has Guts! I like that!

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 22, 2020

Do you really think it's a stutter to blame for all of his mental slip ups?

@RoboGraham name a few...pausing whlle speaking is a recognized technique for dealing with stuttering. And do You have perfect recall?


I certainly don't, and I'm not running for president.

It's not a matter of pausing or stuttering when he says things like "poor kids can be as smart as white kids". Or like when he forgets which state he's in. There is a reason why his campaign is keeping him hid away and avoiding allowing him to speak in public as much as possible. It's a good strategy when you are running a candidate like Joe, it's working well for them. All they need to do is keep Biden out of the spotlight, kick back, and watch Trump implode while attempting to deal with the multiple crises going on right now.

@RoboGraham having lived in the South when there were Whites Only everything, one of the reasons no effort was made to make segregated schools as good as White Only schools was the idea that black kids could not learn as well, so why bother. This needed to be said for the racist asshats that still believe crap like this! Learn some of the Reasons black people heavily support him!


You know he was on the side of the segregationists who wanted to prevent black kids being bused into white schools right?

Biden having said that poor kids can be smart like white kids in 2019 doesn't prove that he is standing up to the racists. It was a mental slip in which he revealed his outdated thinking on these issues. What he said assumes that poor kids are minorities and white kids are smarter.

@RoboGraham sorry, you have White Blindness


That's a weird claim. I'm not even a rabbit.


Well written and thorough study of JB... I'm just scared that he will be outmaneuvered by DJT😡😬

I think tRump is currently disintegrating in front of everyone. His illness, his cronies either charged with crimes or being fired, his flop of a campaign event, all point to him falling apart. This election if for Biden to lose which I'm afraid he's doing. He hasn't appealed to me in any way other than being the anyone but tRump candidate.



Biden is immensely lucky to be where he is. Without the support of the democratic establishment, he would have been eliminated long ago. Now Trump is facing a health and economic emergency which is hurting him politically which gives Biden a golden opportunity.

Biden's strategy of staying out of the spotlight and speaking as little in public as possible is really paying off for him. All he has to do is not mess up too bad and let Trump implode.

It's a shame that it's Biden who gets to benefit from what appears to be an easy victory. We could have got in a real reformer for the people this cycle but the best we will get is republican lite again. That is, if Biden manages to pull it off, which is still up in the air. I've seen very little support or enthusiasm for the old man. I just returned from a road trip through Maryland and central Pennsylvania and I saw lots of Trump signs, flags, and bumper stickers. I saw nothing with Biden's name on it.

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