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There is actually a campaign, "Settle for Biden." People like Elizabeth Warren, Nom Chomsky, etc., are featured. This isn't surprising given that wife was one of the first to say, "...he's not the best, but..." but the fact there is a "campaign" is so sad. So so so sad.

Here's the info and a video that explains why so many of us HATE the vote-shaming that TOO many right-leaning Democrats have decided is a productive way to attempt to garner Biden votes & voters. (And the commentary is more than fair to the shamers out there, while still explaining the nonsensical nature of "not voting is a vote for Trump." )

Settle for Biden Campaign

Settle for Biden and those who vote-shame

SeaGreenEyez 9 Aug 4
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I would settle for a turnip if it could get us out of this mess 😟

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 6, 2020

So you think drumpy appointing 2 or more Supreme Court Justices is agood thing? Not to mention packing lower courts with right-wing weirdos, as he is doing right now? To name just one thing..


Are you equating BLM with this?

@SeaGreenEyez If this group supports BLM, why oppose Biden?

@BitFlipper ahh because he offers Nothing of substance to the 99%..No to M4A to start with
and his Voting record..btw He's MOST definitely Not a Progressive.

@Charlene so who is your BLM candidate? (This group has BLM in its name).

@BitFlipper Well seeing as the DNC in all it's infinite wisdom chose Joe Boi as candidate Howie Hawkins for me..don't like it, talk to the Wall St owners of the DNC..


Why oppose Biden? Biden has done a great deal to harm black lives.

The crime bill, the war on drugs, and he always sides with predatory lenders over debtors. The guy is terrible for black lives.


I'm down with Hawkins also.

@RoboGraham, @Charlene I urge each if you to expose yourselves to politics as an area of study. No law is perfect and no candidate perfect. Except, of course, every third party candidate.


I encourage you to look more deeply into Biden's record.

@RoboGraham I know Biden's record. Both his actual record and the twisted interpretation of it. I'm voting AGAINST TRUMP.


Me too

@RoboGraham I'd you're voting for anyone but Biden you may just as well stay home and jerk off - it will have the same result.

@Charlene if you're voting for Howie Hawkins you might just as well stay home and play with yourself. Either action will have the same result.

@BitFlipper My Vote, My Right..And voting for Biden is voting Rethuglican.. I've never voted Rethuglican ain't starting now..


If you don't vote for who I'm voting for, you aren't voting against Trump and your vote is worthless.

@RoboGraham ok then. I live in the real world where 1+1=2.


What I just said to you is literally what you are saying to me. And you don't even realize it.



The man belongs in the other party. But he has been calling himself a democrat for so long that naive people just make the assumption that the D in front of his name must make him better and they don't even realize they are voting for what they despise.

@SeaGreenEyez there will always be people who think that voting is like choosing a partner for the prom. If you won't use your one-and-only non-violent option to combat trumpism I hope you will do something, anything, to try to rescue your country from certain destruction.


I just watched the video this afternoon. I agree with Kulinski’s takes: The parts of the campaign that say, basically, “yeah he sucks for all the effed up policies he’s written and cheered for, but, yeah, let’s vote for him cuz trump sucks worse” at least are honest. But those shaming commercials are stupid. Dems suck.

Bobbyzen Level 8 Aug 4, 2020

They've sucked since forever..but mostly since Billy boi Klinton..

@Charlene The liberal women I know fawn over him. Makes me wanna puke that they don’t see the damage he wrought.

@Bobbyzen they chose Not to see they did with Hillary..

As a lifelong progressive, I don’t agree that all Dems suck. I’m registered Dem but am pretty far left(I get called a ‘socialist libtard’ a lot, lol).
Biden might be 1/2 plate of shit, but his advantage over Tweetolini is that he’s a politician. We can survive a Biden presidency better than four more years of the garbage nightmare we’re trying to live through now. I mean that literally, since so many thousands of us HAVEN’T survived.

@OwlInASack It IS appalling...but at this point, I’m focused on survival. I -thought- more people were thus focused last time, but no. The Berners stayed home/voted 3rd party(same difference), and here we are.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love for Bernie to have been the nominee, then and now. Since he wasn’t, I decided to do what I had in my power, which was vote Democratic ticket.
A presidential election isn’t the time, imho, to stick it to one’s party by not voting, writing in a candidate, or voting 3rd party. It wastes too many votes at a crucial time.
I agree the system has to change, but for that to happen we have to be alive, healthy, and able to fight for change.

@OwlInASack Joe Biden hasn't been in Congress since 2008. He hasn't voted for or against anything since then. Maybe you meant that he continues to oppose Medicare for All, which he does.

@CarolinaGirl60 I -thought- more people were thus focused last time, but no

Actually, with Biden being as terrible a candidate as the Dems could have chosen, and Trump being worse, the point of this "Settle for Biden" campaign is to encourage people to vote for him. Honestly, it's not easy for the 10's of millions of families severely impacted by his *tough-on-crime, soft-on-banks" policies and vote for the guy who has criminalized them for being poor or being black.

@Bobbyzen It’s not easy at all. Through all of this shit, I’ve had one thing going for me: I’m on disability. Medicare. I get that monthly income, and I can get medical care.
It’s been terrifying enough, even knowing I have income; I cannot imagine how it feels to the millions who have no jobs, no income, and are facing homelessness.
This system sucks; I’m not sure what it will take to change it.
I’ve long admired the NHS in the UK, and wished Americans weren’t so afraid of that dread ‘s’ word.

@OwlInASack You and I are in agreement. I’m just saying he hasn’t been in an elected position to vote for anything since 2008, other than as Vice President, where he could cast a vote in the Senate in the event of a tie. But Medicare for All was never brought to such a vote under Obama.

As a presidential candidate, and recently as the presumptive nominee, Biden has indeed clearly stated his opposition to Medicare for All, a despicable position especially in the time of the pandemic, with millions losing their employer-based health insurance due to layoffs.


1/2 a plate of shit is still shit..

Charlene Level 9 Aug 4, 2020

I keep saying Tina Turner, but I know Nina, and I like her take, calling Biden a piece of shit.

Yeah but if it's warm & you are freezing don't knock it unless a bigger plate or bowl is offered! 😁🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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