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Fox News Host Shocked To Learn Children Can Also Get COVID-19

Referring to a new report which found that in last two weeks of July, more than 97,000 children tested positive for the coronavirus,” an astonished Fox & Friends co-host Ainsley Earhardt remarked ”that was such a shock to me, because I had heard kids really don’t get it.”

No, Ms. Earhardt - I pretty sure it’s you and not the children who “really don’t get it.” Now, in all fairness, it’s really not her fault. After all, being well-informed is not exactly a job requirement for hosting a show over at Fox News. On the other hand, being blonde is - and, she’s certainly well-qualified on that count.

Now, as to what she should do about finding herself to be totally ignorant about coronavirus facts like “children can also get the coronavirus,” about the only thing I can think to suggest to her is…“stop watching FOX News!”


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 11
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Ooopsy! AS IF any virus ever has been age specific, duuuuuhhhhh

AnneWimsey Level 9 Aug 12, 2020

All the blond bimbos at Faux Noise are talentless idiots only on TV because they are nice to look at! The lights may be on but nobody’s home!!🤣

To get really crude, the glint of light in their eyes is the reflection off the back of the inside of their brainpan.

@dalefvictor I need to remember to not be drinking anything when I read your comments!! I laughed at your comment just as I took a drink and it ended up on my computer.!! LOL

@Redheadedgammy Sorry! I hope it is still working.

@dalefvictor all is well, I got it dried off!😉


You are so right on "being well informed" not a requirement. Have you ever watched any of the local faux news shows? The local one has one guy, who has been delivering the local news since they started 30 years ago, and rotating young bimbos (sorry ladies) every few years to assist.

While I don't watch Fox, I see clips from their shows all the time. This show (Fox and Friends), is especially disturbing.


I think it's great that they're so sealed within their bubble that they don't bother to check guests before they appear.

BitFlipper Level 8 Aug 12, 2020

I detest Fux..

Charlene Level 9 Aug 11, 2020
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