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Republicans Cast Trump as the Best Choice for Women

Republicans Cast Trump as the Best Choice for Women: Republicans used the GOP convention this week to appeal directly to female voters, with prominent Republican women like White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany - attempting to portray the President as an “advocate for women” as he faces an overwhelming gender gap in his uphill battle for reelection.

Well…I’m not so sure about how much the President can be considered an “advocate for women,” but I do know he’s always been a huge supporter of hookers, porn stars and female escorts. I suppose that oughta count for something. Of course, the only way we’ll ever really know for sure, is to wait until Sean Hannity finally comments on the issue.

Not surprisingly, McEnany, Mike Pence and other Republicans, say this election boils down to nothing less than a choice between the Democrat’s far-left socialist agenda, one hell-bent on destroying America - and Donald Trump, who’s been busy protecting and preserving the “American Dream.”

OK, so let’s see - under Donald Trump, we have nearly 180,000 citizens dead because the president portrayed the virus as a hoax, tens of millions of Americans unemployed, and nearly an entire nation reporting they feel things are only likely to get worse. Now that’s - one helluva “dream.”


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 27
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I'm a third of the way through "Hoax" by Brian Stelter which is primarily about the sounding board interaction between Trump and Fox especially Hannity. Anyway, I liked the line about waiting for Sean. I actually tried to watch a bit of the RNC last night but after throwing up in my mouth several times I just called it a night.

gearl Level 8 Aug 27, 2020

Be careful throwing up in your mouth my friend, asphyxiation is a horrible way to go (lol).


The RNC. Convention has been nothing but gaslighting, lies and bullshit.


Fiction has officially replaced reality.

brentan Level 8 Aug 27, 2020


Charlene Level 9 Aug 27, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 Aug 27, 2020
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