People's Party: [] I do see a difference between the democrats and repuglicans, just not much of one.
I don’t buy into the narrative that “some on the left” see a little difference between Trump and Biden and their Parties. Would I see is millions of Democrats sorely disappointed in their Party, I acknowledge that many on the left believe both Parties are corporatists, and they’re correct. Both take massive donations from corporations and PACs that influence their legislative agendas. But I know no leftist that thinks Trump and Biden are alike. They may not like either one. But it’s not because they’re alike. They acknowledge Trump as a huckster. And they acknowledge Biden’s devastating legislative history that has exacerbated the plight of the poor and working classes.
I agree with you, tRump and biden are not alike. You summed it up pretty well. Too bad the democratic party is so neo-liberal but the repuglican party is neo-fascist.
And don't forget his big Fat Fuck All Y'all with No M4A, in the middle of a Pandemic..
There isn't a big difference, true, but the cult of tRump, if allowed to win again may well take us over an unstoppable precipice. And, yes, some think that may be good. I doubt it; the top military leader came out and said they will not get involved in a disputed election - we can take this multiple ways, including: the military needs to always stay neutral; or, tRump can do whatever he wants and we don't care as long as we get our money; other possibilities....
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
Posted by HippieChick58Donnie thinks he had every right to interfere with the 2020 election
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!