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For the past several years, I’ve been Facebook friends with a woman I "met" through an emotional support group. Last month she made a post complaining about sports team members taking a knee and I nearly unfriended her. I don’t know why I didn’t.

She posts many photographs of herself and her new husband but very few with her children and I've never seen her a photo of her grandchildren until today. Two of them are adopted and are black, both male. One looks like a young teenager and the other a couple of years younger. I just about fell out of my chair.

I’ve definitely decided not to unfriend or unfollow her because I want to witness the epiphany when it comes.

DaisyMaeNot 7 Nov 28
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People like that seldom have an epiphany unless something dramatic actually happens close to them. For those kids sake, I hope nothing really bad does happen. Maybe, when they become adults they will explain to her how non-lily-white their lives were. A teacher I worked with once said that a mixed race student, my son's best friend, wasn't really black because he lived in a white group. For me it was a bite my tongue, "holy shit dumb ass you always bitch about people not understanding your Jewishness, exMormonness, wake the fuck up" moment.
In other words, black kids, even well to do ones, suffer racially.


I doubt she'll ever have that particular epiphany. Some how any trouble will always be their fault..

Charlene Level 9 Nov 28, 2020

Here’s hoping.

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