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Most people don't realize that most of the current insurrection arrestees are only charged with misdemeanors. This is a tactic to place the perps in custody, place restrictions on them, and curtail their future activities while the DOJ investigates the crimes that were committed. It also gives them added pressure to apply to get arrestees to turn on their fellow insurrectionists.

This young woman quite possibly has booked her next 20 years in federal housing for espionage. But is currently only charged with misdemeanors as is zip tie man.


glennlab 10 Jan 19
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Bye bitch!


Say goodbye

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 19, 2021

Too many tiers of criminal judgement in this country!

When people shoplift or rob a store with little or no proof they sure sit in jail for a long time with out bail

Usually they sit in jail because they cannot make bail. I personally wish they'd eliminate the cash bail system. It favors those with money.

The vast majority of those arrested are for criminal trespass on the Federal property a misdemeanor with little or no bail!!!
This charge is being used to round up and Identify those involved in the these acts of seditious anarchy to be rearrested with Felony crimes!!!
They are being all out on the no fly list also!!!


Isn't it odd that they don't use the methods when dealing with BLM protesters?

Surfpirate Level 9 Jan 19, 2021

It show that they know how to use restraint, they chose not to. Not a few bad apples, a rotten apple cart

@glennlab ACAB

"The ACLU of Maryland just released a report about the Baltimore Police Department. It found over 1,800 officers who had received complaints against them from 2015 to 2019. More than 400 officers were the subjects of complaints of physical violence. The report also found that in 90% of the incidents in which officers used force, it was targeted at Black residents."


Is this the one that stole Pelosi's laptop and tried selling it to Russia?

Yep, I think it ironic that these super patriots were all about committing treason, and their right to hold arms will be surrendered by their own actions.

@glennlab Arrested finally!


No pity.

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