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Does Israel Have a Right to Exist?

  • Did the Confederacy have a right to exist? Did Nazi Germany have a right to exist before the Holocaust? Did Apartheid South Africa have a right to exist?

  • No! No state based on Ethnic Cleansing and Ethnic Supremacy has a right to exist. The Jews already in Israel have a right to stay. And the Palestinians have the right to return. But not in an ethnic supremacist state.

  • As victims of an Ethnic Supremacy, Palestinian have a right to destroy Israel's racist political structure in the same manner that Mandela's ANC destroyed that of Apartheid South Africa - by armed resistance, diplomacy, and sanctions.

  • It was only after the world supported BDS against South Africa that it was forced to negotiate and give up Apartheid.

  • Support the BDS movement - Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel.

Boycott Israel and Israeli products!

Call for companies to divest from Israel!

Demand that your country stop aiding Israel!

Krish55 8
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Israeli here. Born and raised. Can’t stand some of the policies the country is getting away with. Many of us Israelis (about 80%) are pretty much Lefty Athiests (or at least secular). I stay away from Israeli politics since I want to remain sane.

My Grandfather escaped from Auschwitz in 1944 (where he became a lifelong atheist) and made his way to Palestine during the British occupation. I

FSMLion Level 7 Nov 22, 2021

They don't have the right to exist, but they do and have existed for so long it is a moot point. Britain and the USA created this situation, as we have most of the crap that goes on in the Middle East. What we should have done from the start is make sure the Palestinians had there own sovereign state.The Eurocentric ideas, which is where our country came from, and whose ideas we have used ourselves; have been the most detrimental policies on the planet for a few hundred years.

Sticks48 Level 9 Nov 21, 2021

Yes, Israel has the right to exist.
No, Israel will never agree to "the right to return." That would be the end of Israel.
They've already offered the Palestinians everything they ever will, and they said no.
They are welcome to continue to let the Hamas terrorists represent them, and try to sneak in and blow people up, and fill the Gaza Strip with all the hate speech they want. They are not only wasting their time, they're also condemning themselves to perpetual misery.
If you know anything about Jihad, you know they'll never give up. That's okay, neither will the Israelis.
I just love it that their very existence is the ultimate insult to Islam, a vicious, hateful abomination if there ever was one.

Storm1752 Level 8 Nov 2, 2021

Well for starters STOP FUNDING ISRAELS APARTEID RACISM AND GENOCIDE to bolster U.S. interests in the Middle East


I support Israel right to exist. The Jews have a right to have a home, but it shouldn't allow Israel to mistreat the palestinians at all. Just wish the Holy Land is shared.

If you have such a belief, offer them the state in which you live. Don't offer them someone else's country - Palestine.


When Jordan (which IS Palestine) held Jerusalem, Judaics were prevented access to worship at the Wailing Wall. Upon the 6 Day War conclusion, Israel olds Jerusalem & access to religious sites are permitted to the Moslems.
So what IS the solution to this centuries old struggle for control of the Holy Land. It has changed hands hundreds of times & the Judaics need a homeland. I would have liked to see the Danzig Strip as payment for the atrocities both National Socialist Germany & Poland contributed to the diaspora.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 23, 2021

Israel absolutely has the right to exist. The only country in the area to change governments thru the system of DEMOCRACY!!!! Not one of the Islamic countries can claim to do that. Hamas controls Gaza & will not make peace as they need an enemy in order to avoid a civil war which rages among many unstable Islamic countries of which Israel will not permit Gaza to become. This debacle is due to the past imperialistic colonial states enforcing artificial boundaries. Israel belongs to both societies as many peaceful ARAB citizens will attest. Accept the 2 country solution. Buy Israeli bonds. =0}

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 23, 2021

Who bestows nations' "Right to exist," anyway? I doubt there are many nations now on the planet that don't have serious ethnic blood on their hands somewhere in their history.

I am not arguing for the sanity of the creation of the Israeli state. I AM arguing that a pointed anti-Israel claim is a highly selective and hypocritical one.

Ask most Native Americans about from where the United States derives its "right" to exist.

There are 2 main differences that you overlook:

  1. The Israeli colonialism and ethnic cleansing is still ongoing and thus is a live issue as we speak.
  2. Israel has set up an Apartheid system which is as worthy of rejection as South Africa's.

Thus, pointing to the past abuses of other nations which currently have legal equality for all ethnicities is a Red Herring. This invalid comparison is meant to divert attention from Israel's current Colonialism and Apartheid.

@Krish55 You make a good point. I did overlook those points, but largely because I was focused on the title question of the post, which fails to clarify what makes a right a right. I dare say in the history of the world, the number one factor underlying nations' "rights" is their military might. Your wording implies a call to dismantle their nation. Obviously not only is that proposition a direct threat that Israelis at large will reject, but so will the U.S. so long as we, the U.S., remain so heavily influenced politically by evangelical Christians. I think our own very recent past governing administration proves that we are not beyond the capacity for committing atrocities of our own. White Nationalism is alive and well.


You are definitely right that in the past it was a question of Might make Right. However, the development of International Law sought to counteract that.

The horror of the holocaust strengthened this tendency towards acceptable standards Thus, the Nuremberg Trials and the subsequent Geneva Conventions established that Might does not make Right.

Israel is the major country that routinely violates these International Laws willy-nilly without repercussions.

Israel is able to engage in such violations because of its manipulation of Western guilt about the holocaust...


Nope.... it does as much as Narnia.


When you get surrounded by enemies, let's see how you react.

Alienbeing Level 8 June 15, 2021

Germany was also surrounded by enemies in 1944. For the same reason that Israel is now.

@Krish55 A foolish reply.

Germany was not surrounded by enemies. It was surrounded by countries it attached, NOT by countries that attacked them. If you can't see and understnd that difference you are more prejudice than I thought.


Britain and France declared war on Germany first!

Israel started the 1956 and 1967 wars by attacking the Arab states.

In 1948 it was attacked by those states because it had started ethnically cleaning Palestinians in 1947 through the use of terror. This is similar to Britain and France declaring war on Germany for its aggression against Poland.

Substitute Palestine for Poland and substitute the Arab allies for European allies. Their defense of Palestine is just as valid, actually even more so!

In its ethnic Supremacy and expansionism, Israel is the descendant on Nazi Germany.

@Krish55 When you learn history you'll sound at least half educated. Please tell us why England & France declared war on Germany? Any Treaties involved?

Please tell us if you know anything about preemptive strikes. While you are at it tell us why in '56 and '67 preemptive strike were necessary.


You are merely promoting Zionist propaganda.

The 1956 war was a scheme with Britain and France to seize the Suez and Sinai. Nothing pre-emptive abut it. The fact that Eisenhower forced them to withdraw showed that.

The 1967 war was a repeat after the Israel Lobby has more control over US politicians. In the course of that war, Israel deliberately attacked a US spyship, the USS Liberty, that was monitoring the Israeli massacres of Egyptian prisoners and its expansion. Israel was afraid that its reports would make the US force it to withdraw again.

34 American sailors were murdered by Israel in the course of the attack. The survivors say it was deliberate and that subsequent investigations were whitewashed to protect Israel.

Since you claim to be a Navy veteran yourself, you should check out the survivor website:

From an Israeli newspaper:

@Krish55 I PROVE to you that Hamas launches missels from school grounds and you say I promote Zionist propaganda. What that proves is you choose to ignore fact, making your pronouncements worthless.

Additionally you are obviously confused. I NEVER said I was a Navy veteran. I am an Air Force Vet, but that has nothing to do with the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization, or the strong hint that you are prejudice.

@Alienbeing You claim to be a veteran but refuse to comment on a deliberate Israeli attack that killed 34 US servicemen? You are merely being a shill for Israel!

Hitler was surrounded by Enemies.

@Krish55 So true.... he may go back to his Alien Tent.

@Krish55 ..............did you actually JUSTsay "britain and france declared war on germany first"? in ww 2? you did sir. A HAMSTER, READING YOUR STUFF, CAN SEE WHAT YOU ARE, but again, you are freshly self revealed.

@holdenc98 Do you disagree? Look it up and cite the opposite if that's the case...

@Captain_Feelgood That was a physical threat. I've taken a screenshot and reported it to the FBI and local police. You and your White Supremacist buddies can't go around making threats at will anymore.


Tho Hamas is actually a provocative terrorist org, Israel actually helped create them to replace the more secular PLO. That being said, Israel has become an apartheid State & many of its actions have been deemed illegal by most of the rest of the world & they deliberately just caused this latest round of violence by firing into a mosque on a Muslim Holy Day, stealing property & evicting Palestinians from their homes in areas that are NOT theirs, just to take pressure off 'Bibi's' other illegal actions so he can retain his position.
A lot of this could have been avoided if Israel stopped stealing land by using the same excuses that refuse to grant Palestinians in Israel!
I am not "pro-Muslim", nor "pro-Jewish", I'm an atheist, & while I despise Israel's actions I do not blame either all Jews, or even all Israelis.
Tho Posted elsewhere in this Group, I guess I'll have to dredge some things back up here as it seems that some either don't realize that this conflict is NOT thousands or even hundreds of years old, the manipulation in the area by the West for decades, & how Israel, tho justified in trying to survive, has overstepped that prerogative & made things much worse.

phxbillcee Level 10 June 3, 2021

Israel in many ways is not only just as bad as Hamas, but much worse. It has, usually for internal political reasons, exacerbated the situation w/ Palestine, behaved reprehensibly, played the victim card even when not warranted at all & disregarded world opinions & rulings.
I don't wish to see the Country destroyed, but there needs to be a Palestinian solution that is not handled by Israel, but dictated to them. & the US needs to grow a spine in this matter & cut off any military aid until this is accomplished!


Boycotts don't work , with the woes of the world it will be back to the back burner I fear, unless USA stops cutting the check

NHwoodsman Level 4 May 20, 2021

Boycuts will build consciousness for sanctions that you recommend

What Krish55 said. Boycotts brought the end of apartheid in South Africa. Once they are big enough to hurt the economy, they work.


I'm not educated on the subject very much but am curious of a few things? Did this ethic cleansing happen back in the forties?

Tejas Level 8 May 19, 2021

The first ethnic cleansing occurred 1947-1949.

  • About 80% of Palestinians, 750,000 people, were kicked out by Jewish terrorist groups like the Irgun and Stern Gang who murdered people such as the entire population of the Arab village of Deir Yassin in April 1948. It was such Jewish atrocities that prompted surrounding Arab states to attack Israel in May 1948.

  • The Swedish UN ambassador, Folke Bernadotte, was murdered by these Jewish terrorists in September 1948 because he tried to stop the Ethnic Cleansing with a cease fire.

  • Since 1949, when Palestinian civilians tried to return, they have been shot by Israeli border guards.

  • Israel then replaced the Palestinians with Jewish immigrants from Europe.

  • Israel has also refused to le the refugees return in defiance of International Law and UN Resolutions based on such law.

  • Moreover, the ethnic cleansing has continued since 1948 with continued seizure of Arab land in Israel itself under various pretexts. Palestinians protest this with Land Day demonstrations every March 30.

  • In 1967, there was further Ethnic Cleansing when Israel seized the West Bank.

  • Since then, slow ethnic cleansing has continued up to the current evictions in Jerusalem. Palestinians are replaced with Jewish immigrants.

  • Palestinians in the West Bank are subject to terror attacks by Jewish settlers who try to get them to leave. Legally, these settlers are War Criminals according to the Geneva Convention which prohibit an occupying power to settle its people in occupied territory.

  • Thus, Israel's insistence on being a Jewish Supremacist state is what perpetuates the conflict, not the legally justified Palestinian resistance to Ethnic Cleansing, Occupation, and Apartheid.


If you'd asked me 100 years ago that would have been a different question. Isreal does now exist and so the alternative is for Isreal to be destroyed. I think Isreal has a right not to be destroyed. That does not mean I think their government and miliary have the right to act in the way that they have done so recently. It's a lie that they need to do so in order to perpetuate their existence.

MattHardy Level 7 May 19, 2021

I assume you are on the side of those listed as terrorist organizations??? That’s better than Israel???

  1. The Nazis considered the French, Czech, Polish, and other resistance movements as terrorist.

  2. South Africa considered Mandela a terrorist when he engaged in armed resistance.

  3. The Minutemen who fired at legitimate British authority at Lexington and Concord in 1775 would be terrorists in your definition. I take it then that you don't celebrate July 4th?
    Or are you just being another White Hypocrite?

  • Resistance to an occupier and colonialism is not terrorism and is permitted in International Law.
    Your question is thus a silly Jest in the Court of International Law.

@Krish55 Shooting rockets unprovoked into Israel under cover from school yards and nursing homes and having your headquarters in the basement of hospitals is terrorist activities. Can’t say I have even a little sympathy for the Palestinians.


  1. You are reciting Israeli propaganda to justify their attacks.

  2. The conduct of a war is totally separate from the justness of the war. The US killing of civilians in Hiroshima/Nagasaki and Dresden totally dwarfed anything the Japanese and Germans did in their war attacks. Does that mean that the latter were the good guys in WWII? Once again, your White Racism is showing in your selective morality

  3. The Gazans were ethnically cleansed from the areas where they are firing rockets towards. Israel settled its civilians there in violation to international law.

  • In your smugly assumed, moral superiority of White Privilege, you are merely reacting to the news rather than seeking to understand the history of the conflict.
  • You don't have sympathy for Palestinians because their suffering serves a useful purpose for you. It helps to absolve you of your White Guilt for murdering Jews for thousands of years!

@Krish55 have you been to Israel or have you just been watching CNN? I’ve been three times. The nice for 8 months. I’ve seen and felt the rockets.

And I have absolutely zero white guilt. I giggle at mentally bent liberals that are out of touch with reality, but no guilt.


  • I know that whites like you don't have any guilt or regrets about what you do to people of color like the Palestinians. That is quite evident in what you say.

  • But since 1945, the white countries have expressed their guilt about Anti-Semitism by making the Palestinians pay for white sins.

  • Nice that you had the White Privilege to visit Israel. That's something that the Palestinians who were born there don't have.

  • So you have sympathy for Israel because you had the White Privilege to visit this Apartheid state (so described by Human Rights Watch). I guess therefore that if you had visited Germany in March 1945 when it was besieged by American bombers and Soviets rockets, you would have had sympathy for Nazi Germany?

  • Or maybe it wouldn't even take a visit for such Nazi sympathy since you apparently like states created by White Supremacists. This is what the creators of Israel were - White Jews from Europe creating a state carved out from the land of the brown-skinned Palestinians.

@Krish55 You come off as being rather racist, one sided, and highly uneducated about the religion and the area customs and acceptances. I can only assume that your a democrat.

And the Palestinians are permitted to travel in to Israel. Israelis are killed if they travel into Palestine. You should travel more. The Palestinians are more like the German nazis and would kill every Jew on earth if given the ability. That’s why Hamas is considered a terrorist organization.

@CourtJester Your are pointing to the symptoms of oppression, the radicalization that results from it. Remember Israel aided the growth of these religious fanatics to weaken the secular PLO. Travelling does not change the facts of history. The places that are nice to live in are usually the ones that have benefitted from historical exploitation. You obviously are so focused on present privilege that you don't care where that comfort comes from.

@Krish55 Hahahaha. You’re a very special kind of person. That’s all I know to say from what you’ve posted. Just special. I’d also assume lazy, but definitely special.

@CourtJester Very relevant content posted there! I guess it took a lot of hard work to devise such great argumentation!!!

@Krish55 No. Not at all. Your’’re a racist that made it openly and amazingly simple for me. I appreciate it. Other posts I have to put some effort into and think about to argue.
You are on the side of a listed terrorist organization that has their head quarter’s in the basement of hospitals as they send rockets from school roofs.

It’s a no brainer man.


  • Racism is the imposition of power based on race. Power!

  • The relevant example here is the white countries imposing on the Palestinians a solution to the white problem of murdering Jews for thousands of years. Making the brown Palestinians pay for white sins.

  • Dismantling racism involves pointing it out where it occurs, as in the Palestine issue.

  • Such identification of racial power and privilege is not racist. It is a rebellion against racism which avoids the hypocritical pretense of being color-blind. Such a pretense enables systemic racism to endure.

  • What is indeed additionally racist is when the racist tries to protect his racist privilege by attacking the rebellion against racism as racist.

You’re special

@Krish55, @Court Jester Mr Krish55, your responses are over generalized and present a false scenario. Additionally if you don't kow that Hamas has launched attacks from schools and hospitals must be VERY ignorant. That fact has been well documented for over a decade.

@Alienbeing, @CourtJester all I see is the big man kicking the little man in the face while he is down if all the little man can do is put a tack in big mans shoe that's what he will do. This feud has been going on since Christ was stirring the pot. Feuds like that are well entrenched, waaaay beyond most of us

@NHwoodsman I see a lot of ignorance on here from very uneducated people that want to pat themselves on the back by screaming “racism”.
Krish will be okay and is fun to giggle at.

@NHwoodsman Actually the "feud" has existed since long before Christ, and the current hostilities are just another reflection that Hamas is in it for Hamas, NOT Palistinians.

@Alienbeing yep


Sadly it’s true.


I have explained this before. Intolerance is a symptom of the oppression they face.

Black culture is also intolerant toward gays. Both black and Palestinian cultures are oppressed and their intolerance is a symptom of the dysfunctions that result from the oppression they face.

One such dysfunction emanates from how they displace the aggression they face from the oppressor.

The oppressor is too strong to strike back with the same measure of violence they face. So that violence becomes directed inward - to each other - particularly to the weak in their own societies.

Women and gays are the weak targets in oppressed societies. The violence the societies face causes violence in turn to the women and gays in those societies.

When a culture ceases to be oppressed and can flower, the intolerance and internal violence diminishes.

Of course, those who are responsible for the opppression that causes the regression and intolerance in the suppressed culture don't like to acknowledge their responsibility for that regression in the culture that they brutalise.

@Krish55 Palestinians are shooting rockets at Israel 100% unprovoked and blacks have the absolute highest median household income in the United States than any other nation on the planet. How is either oppressed???


Ah, comparing US blacks to those in other countries instead of to US whites, as if they were somehow wards of the US. This is a common White Supremacist argument.

Now I know why you visited Israel. So that you could see how Jewish Supremacy works in order for you and you buddies to install White Supremacy here! I've seen you guys fly the Israeli flag at your White Supremacist rallies!

@Krish55 Hahaha. You know that the KKK was known for killing Jews too. I see that history was not your strong suit.

And comparing black in other countries to blacks in the US is perfectly suitable. It shows how much America has improved itself and also in comparison to others.

Now tell me what the racist Democrat Party has done to better the black community.


At the end of the day, you’re still supporting a terrorist organization


Rebuttal of the Israeli lie about "human shields"

@Krish55 Islam terrorist supporter is all I see from your argument

Jewish terrorists like the Irgun, Stern Gang, etc created Israel. Here is the ethnic terrorism that you White Supremacists want to carry out in the US to create your own white version of Israel:

@Krish55 like is said; Islamic terrorist supporter

@CourtJester Like the typical Trumper, you can't deal with facts, but can chant slogans really well!

British newsreel 1947:

@Krish55 hamas and the Palestinians lob rockets into Israel unprovoked so the facts are actually on my side.

@CourtJester Unprovoked? You don't consider the continual dispossession of Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank a provocation? The expansion of settlements? Both are War Crimes under the Geneva Convention.

@Krish55 you understand though that the West Bank actually belonged to Britain. I assume now the terrorists are entitled to it.

@Krish55 I’m guessing that you’re really just an anti-Semite

@Krish55 based on your comments; your concerns are based 100% on race and religion. You know what that makes you???


All of Palestine was part of the British Mandate. No "belonging" to Britain involved there.

As an American, you should be aware that Pres. Wilson insisted on self-determination for nationalities and on a League of Nations, to be both enacted after WWI.

Following Wilson's wishes, the former Ottoman lands of Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, and Trans-Jordan were assigned to Britain and France as Mandates. They were mandated by the League to PREPARE THE INHABITANTS FOR INDEPENDENCE. That's it! That was their mandate from the League. No possession implied!

Three got their independence: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan. The last one, Palestine, had 55% of its land assigned to Jewish immigrants who were only 33% of the population. Before Israel was even declared, Jewish terrorists expelled hundreds of thousands of Arabs. And murdered an Swedish UN diplomat, Folke Bernadotte, who complained about the ethnic cleansing and wanted a cease-fire.

By the end of this 1948 war that created Israel, Israeli forces has expelled about 80% of the Palestinians and seized up to 75% of Palestine. And they continue to violate International Law and seize Palestinian land to this day.

And you pretend that you don't know why Palestinians are upset and why they fight? No ordinary American would accept what the Palestinians have been asked to accept. If you have any shred of honesty, you would acknowledge that!

Your assumption is correct.

@Krish55 I previously gave you a link to numerous articles going back decades proving rockets have been sent into Israel from Palestinian areas, and specifically from school grounds.

You choose to ignore fact.

@Alienbeing We use human sources here, not Alien ones...

@Krish55 Your sources are poor sources, and very prejudice.

@Krish55 @CourtJester I am not a Trump supporter, quite the opposite and I see nothing incorrect about @CourtJesters replies. Additionally note this, which I previously showed you:

Hamas Quietly Admits It Fired Rockets from Civilian Areas ...
[] › archive › 2014/09 › ham...

Sep 12, 2014 — ... evidence about Hamas's use of residential areas as launching grounds fortheir rockets. ... The Israelis kept saying rockets were fired from schools or hospitals ... the entire launch process of a Hamas rocket, from the setting up of a ... (twice) that Hamas rockets had been found in UNRWA facilities that the ..."

Notice the source is The Atlantic, a Left leaning publication, very much anti Trump.

Hamas deserves everything it gets. If you can't see that then you display an obvious prejudice.


Israel and apartheid South Africa used to be tightly intertwined. Israel built their nuclear weapons with the old SA.


Boycott. Easy enough to do. Never plan to visit Israel, and, there are Israeli products?

KateOahu Level 8 May 19, 2021

Soda Stream is made in the occupied West Bank. Sabra Hummus comes from Israel. Try Google for more...

@Krish55 I do not drink soda from any country and I make my own hummus. I do check for country of origin on anything I buy, because I do not wish to contribute to the Chinese economy, and do not recall ever seeing Israel on anything. I am not a very good “Consumer”.

Sabra - owned by Pepsi. Been boycotting them, for other reasons, for years.

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