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Trump Rants at Ungrateful Catholics and Jews Over Lack of Support

According to a report from the Religion News Service, the launch of Donald Trump's new “National Faith Advisory Board” got off to a rocky start, as former president Donald Trump began by complaining about Catholics and Jews who didn’t vote for him in the 2020 election, despite “all I did for their communities.” Trump added that “I did a lot for the Catholics,” and “Israel has never had a better friend, and yet I got 25% of the [Jewish] vote.”

Now, I certainly can’t speak for the Jewish community, but my guess is there might be a rather strong reluctance among Jews, to support a candidate who most neo-nazi and fascist organizations here in the US - consider to be their de facto leader. The funny thing about Jews is - they don’t really seem to trust nazis and fascists all that much.

Then, later in the call, Trump indicated he’d really like to “meet with the Catholics.” Terrific idea - only I suspect he’ll be rather shocked to learn how many Catholics are Hispanic. Not to mention, Joe Biden is Catholic. In fact, Joe Biden can actually be found in church on Sunday mornings, as opposed to the golf course - so there’s that…


johnnyrobish 8 Sep 6
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The only thing DJT knows about religion is what he sees in polling data

glennlab Level 10 Sep 6, 2021

Cannot imagine why Jews voted 25% for him.......this astounds me!!!!!!!

Yeah, what’s wrong with that 25%


We're Still talking about the Orange Grifter..ugh!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Charlene Level 9 Sep 6, 2021

hes still running things and making policy

@whiskywoman only Rethuglifascists..


So typical of him Twatwaffle

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 6, 2021

Uugh, so fuckin' sick of hearing this asshole. I can't wait until he fuckin' dies already.

me too


Conservatives assume the Jews forgot all that historic drama because Conservatives did.
Jews are as diverse as any other group of people, they even have their own fascist like Stephen Miller, but Stephen isn't a fascist because he's Jewish, he's a fascist because he's an asshole.


I know of a too big number of Jews, in my extended family, who have been Trump supporters. A cousin, and her husband could not get to Trump Tower too soon, after his frigging election, in order to take selfies while they ate Trump ice cream, with the Trump logo in the background!
Another cousin, both of whose parents were, literally, emancipated from concentration camps at the end of WWII, is a devout Republican. He used to "know" that global warming was fake news, and that the ACA's "Death Panels" were for real! In our last phone call he told me that the presence of a snowy owl, in Tennessee, that winter was "evidence" of "global cooling." Fuckwad!
I do to know what he believes now, as I've not spoken to him since those early Obama days.
WTF? indeed!

@BirdMan1 Thank you for proving my point. I once dated a Jew from Rochester New York. Alcoholic, loved ham and cheese. I guess they weren't a Jew, but they were certainly Jew..ish.

@Willow_Wisp You are welcome. This person might have been a Jew, might have emanated from a Jewish birth canal, one definition of a Jew, but might have had a brain that did not get caught up in the religious mumbo-jumbo.
I, for one, grew up loving ham and cheese sandwiches. Hell, I had a wrap with ham for lunch just yesterday. A grilled cheese and ham sandwich is both a french delight, (Croque Monsieur) and something I independently invented while working as a short-order cook during a college summer.

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