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LINK How to mess with Texas' anti-abortion bounty? Apply it to gun sales | TheHill

Interesting counter to the new law in Texas. They are right, though, that if this law stays in place, it could open Pandora's box of states passing laws like the one in Texas that doesn't technically make it illegal to perform or have an abortion, but discourages providers from performing them for fear of being sued by some random idiot. Imagine a law allowing anyone to sue a person for $10,000 if they said something negative about the president, or to sue a black person for going to vote.... the idea is terrifying

JonnaBononna 7 Sep 13
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Republican legislators will continue to tighten the screws on the abortion issue but they will not ever completely do away with abortion in their states because they're not stupid (we like to call them stupid but in reality they are just cunning and with a different goal than what we have). All I would have left run on is guns and gays.

They are gearing up for the election of 2022.

Lorajay Level 9 Sep 13, 2021

I love the idea of suing gun worshippers over improper use of the objects of their devotion.

BitFlipper Level 8 Sep 13, 2021

The Red State RethugliFacists are terrifying in their pursuit absolute power over the citizens lives.

Charlene Level 9 Sep 13, 2021

This law has so many problems that it baffles me that the SC didn't enjoin it. It is beyond unconstitutionally vague, It allows unsworn people to act as law enforcement, to name just two I'm sure that there are going to be many more.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 13, 2021

Scotus effectively gutted RvW by Not enjoined it..the Right-wing is now in control of the court.


Well it's Texas so go figure

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 13, 2021

Repubs never think about the consequences of their actions when they are trying to be cruel and hurt people. Cruelty is the only thing that crosses their mind!


I'm hoping someone will try to get that bounty soon and the case will eventually make it to the Supreme Court. I can't imagine even this court allowing that to proceed.

Lorajay Level 9 Sep 13, 2021

At this point I pretty much believe this has been in the works for quite a few years. They want to overturn Roe V Wade in the worst way. Just saw a story about the lawyer who came up with this idea. He’s been working at this since 2014! He finally found the state that would do it.


Just an extension of Trump's 'Rough him up, I'll pay your legal bills' approach.

SnowyOwl Level 8 Sep 13, 2021

It could be seen that way I guess, but this is much more dangerous if it's allowed.

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