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Steve Bannon Indicted After Refusal to Comply with Jan. 6th Subpoena

Former White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon has been indicted by a grand jury in Washington and charged with two counts of contempt of Congress, after refusing to comply with a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Wow, now that was one helluva Friday! Britney freed, and Bannon charged! Hot dog! My, how I love the smell of fresh indictments in the morning. Anyway, speaking of Britney Spears, would love to see a little “Oops, Merrick Garland does it again!” You know what I’m talk’n about…Mark Meadows, Kayleigh McEnany, and Stephen Miller - come on down! Hey, maybe they could even let Bannon have Jeffrey Epstein’s old cell?

That said, my guess is Steve Bannon should be pretty safe while he’s in prison. After all, this is a dude so disgusting, I seriously doubt if even “Bubba” would have the stomach for any of that “nasty mess.” Bannon’s about the only guy I can think of who can put on “prison garb” - and look like he’s just gotten a major wardrobe upgrade. A guy whose normal fashion sense, is that of someone who just crawled out of the gutter, after just coming off a 3-day “bender.”

Speaking of “benders,” if the Feds really want to get Bannon to give up information, just threaten to waterboard him with pitchers full of “O’Doul’s.” I mean, what’s more frightening to a dedicated drunkard, than non-alcoholic beer? Wonder if that’d be considered “cruel and unusual punishment?” You see, Republicans are folks who love “law and order” - that is, until it comes for them! That’s when they become the weasels they truly are, insisting - “Hey, I am innocent! I was only ‘giving’ orders!”

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johnnyrobish 8 Nov 13
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And the cry went forth and spread throughout the country: "Banish Bannon!"

anglophone Level 9 Nov 14, 2021

Looks like a 60++ days unmade bed at the best of times

AnneWimsey Level 9 Nov 14, 2021

Not enough bad can happen to this Weasel Scumbag .

GEGR Level 7 Nov 14, 2021

At last now the prisoners can complain about cruel punishment

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 13, 2021

Yes, being banged up with Steve Bannon amounts to cruel AND UNUSUAL punishment.

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