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Lauren Boebert Posts Christmas Photo of Young Sons Brandishing Assault Weapons

Just a little over a week after four people were shot and killed at Oxford High School in Michigan by a 15-year-old shooter whose parents had just bought him an assault weapon on Black Friday, Republicans such as Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Lauren Boebert (R-Co) have callously been posting proud photos of themselves and their young children brandishing assault rifles in front of a Christmas tree on their Twitter accounts.

Well, it sure looks like these folks are definitely well prepared to fight this year’s “War on Christmas.” Always said, there’s nothing more joyous than a heavily armed family, spending time with relatives who’ve dropped by unexpectedly for a few drinks over the holidays. Frankly, if I were Santa, I think I might just take a pass on coming down this family’s chimney.

Not to mention how challenging it must be for Christmas carolers who drop by their house to sing a few songs like “Silent Night,” with tons of gunfire going off in the background. Perhaps singing something like “Silencer Night” might be a better choice instead? How did we go from frankincense and myrrh to assault weapons?

Anyway, I’m glad these kids’ weapons didn’t “accidentally discharge.” On the other hand, I suppose an argument could be made that these kids were basically conceived because of an “accidental discharge.” And, speaking of “accidental discharges,” I wonder why Boebert’s hubby isn’t in this pic? After all, we know how much he enjoys whipping out his "pistol" in public. It’s not officially Christmas at the Boebert residence, until her husband exposes himself to teen girls.

Now is it just me, or does Boebert think we’re supposed to feel sorry for all those tiny tots who will not wake up on Christmas morning with high-caliber assault weapons in their stockings? I’m trying to remember when Jesus proclaimed “Behold - our future school shooters in training.” Remember, these gun-toting mongrels like Boebert, are the same folks who claimed “wearing masks” in school will forever traumatize children.

Anyway, if you ask me, it’s poor Santa we should be concerned about, because it appears that on top of everything else he has to lug around on Christmas Eve, now he’s gotta try and squeeze a bunch of high-powered assault weapons down the frigg’n chimney. Excuse me, but I don’t believe that was in Santa’s original job description. Gee, and to think about the boldest thing I ever asked for on Christmas - was a puppy.

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johnnyrobish 8 Dec 8
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Hubby is drunk on the floor behind the tree, silly!
But actually, since this is obviously a carefully planned & executed (oooh, see what i did there?) photo, I expect a divorce or death by "accidental discharge" announcement quite soon.

Haha! I think you're onto something my friend!


I want to know why Colorado kids are wearing Packers and Raiders sweatshirts

Buttercup Level 8 Dec 8, 2021

Vicious half wit dropout

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 8, 2021

With any luck a family argument will break out get the picture.

Sticks48 Level 9 Dec 8, 2021

A Majority of Gun Victims Know Their Assailant


And when the youngest has had enough of the wacky family bullying, time to send them all to heaven...

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 8, 2021

Interesting point!


Less cold blooded then Maga nuts

Buttercup Level 8 Dec 8, 2021

Yea, she has no talent for reading the public.
That will cost her job in the long run.
If you're in an insane splinter group of people with stupid ideas it takes awhile to understand your group isn't as populated as if feels when they're kissing your ass and telling you what a god send you are.
This is a lesson orange Mussolini is in danger of learning if he even has the ability to learn anything.


I don't understand their mentality. It's beyond me, honestly. The photo looks very odd to me. I can't relate.

Ryo1 Level 8 Dec 8, 2021

Deep, saturating paranoia. God fearing really means fear of libs.


Boebert knows how to pander to her base, the vast majority of which is rural western Coloradans. The most controversial thing about her Christmas picture for her constituents will be her son’s wearing of a Green Bay Packers hoodie instead of a Denver Broncos one!

I have no idea when Christmas portraits with an entire family holding guns became a thing, but if you’re going to allow your children access to weapons, you sure as hell better be responsible gun owners and teach firearms safety!

Letting kids wave guns around the living room? They've already failed safety class.

@Buttercup I was in the fourth or fifth grade (something around 10 years old) when I was taught how do use a shotgun. We didn’t grow up in the city, and guns were kept under lock and key. I would agree with you in this case that there is a failure, which has more to do, IMHO, with the young lads holding assault rifles which are not useful for hunting.

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