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Marjorie Taylor Green Denies Knowing She Spoke at a White Supremacist Conference

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) is claiming she didn’t know anything about Holocaust denier, White Supremacist, and neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes prior to speaking at his extremist, right-wing “America First Political Action Conference” in Orlando this past week. An event that opened with Fuentes promising a “tidal wave of white identity,” where Vladimir Putin was openly celebrated, and Adolf Hitler was frequently praised.

Now, I’ve certainly made plenty of mistakes in my life, but I've never accidentally spoken at a Nazi rally. Not to be critical, but methinks the White lady speaks with forked tongue and cloven hoof. Gee, odd that she didn’t become a little suspicious with all the swastikas, antisemitic and xenophobic pamphlets everywhere, and participants shouting “Putin, Putin, Putin” at the top of their lungs as she entered the room.

Anyway, if I understand all this correctly, it appears Marjorie Taylor Green expects us to believe she’ll agree to speak at any gathering willing to pay to hear her, without investigating who the hell they are? Interesting! Why, if that’s the case, then she better be careful, or the next thing she knows, she’ll find herself speaking at some "Antifa" or “BLM” conference for Christ’s sake. Hell, if that wouldn’t liven up a conference, I don’t know what would.

Of course, MTG’s followers are gonna automatically believe anything she wants them to believe, especially when the words come straight from the “horse’s mouth.” Interestingly enough, it turns out that while MTG has her loyal followers, so does Nick Fuentes. His followers are called “Groypers.” Now, I admit I don’t know a lot about extremist right-wing terminology, but if you ask me - a “Groyper” sure sounds a helluva lot like one of those perverts, who get off by stealing women’s underwear.

That said, in introducing Greene - Fuentes joked about how "People have been comparing Putin to Hitler. Like that's a bad thing.” Then Greene took the podium and talked about the sympathy she felt for these poor neo-fascists, who’ve been canceled by “mainstream society,” simply because of the racist, bigoted, and violent threats they make. It was all quite touching. It kind of reminds me of an old adage about how they first came for the white racists, but not being a white racist myself - I said “oh sure, they’re all right over there!”

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johnnyrobish 8 Feb 28
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Even dumber than I thought, or a Major liar...oh, wait, that "or" should have been "and".........

AnneWimsey Level 9 Feb 28, 2022


bobwjr Level 10 Feb 28, 2022

Nailed it, the GQP is openly Fascist and embracing it with open arms..and thighs, and dropping soap, to accommodate them by any means necessary..

Charlene Level 9 Feb 28, 2022

When she says she's a dumbass that doesn't know what's she's doing, why, or with who... who am I to argue?

Buttercup Level 8 Feb 28, 2022

When they come looking for the white racists, I'll just direct them to the GOP conventions.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 28, 2022
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