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Ukraine shells civilian refugee caravan with children, clearly marked. To add to the atrocity afterwards they attack with small arms. 30 poeple killed. Clarifing their true nature. 12eople rescued by near by Russian troops. This is eastward within the area western medias have been falsely glorifying Ukraine troops of retaking after Russian troops pulled out. Citizens fleeing the oppression of Azov. This gives the potential of another region who could ask for referendums to join the Russian federation. For updates go to and click on the hamburger then the live links. If you want a more realistic view of the war and effects it's having on Europe and Africa.

William_Mary 8 Sep 29
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Really, not just using the "women & children" fake thing to move arms?
Doubt, exactly, did any "women & children" end up there?


Source and date of incident please, since on the information given the only similar incident took place in April of this year when Russian forced killed thirty Ukrainians refugees

and I can find no mention of this story on

It was being reported on their live news yesterday and I told you how to find it. Their news plays at the top of every hour between the documentaries they show until around late afternoon when documentaries play for approximately 4 hours. News at the top of the hour begins being updated around 9pm.

Currently, since Feb most of he documentaries have been work by primarily independent journalist and film makers covering the war in the Donbass regions.

Again, 2 ways to find them are to add RT's free app to your TV if you have such a compatible TV. Click the RT box at the top left for live coverage, or the talk shows they also have. I highly suggest watching Cross Talk as one of my favorites. Or go to on any device and click on the red live button on the top of the page. If you add the app to a phone or tablet like I use while working, there's a stack of lines on the top of the page on the left I believe, which will open options. I understand that stack on lines is called a hamburger? Click on live and it should also give you a schedule of the days news and documentaries.

Kiev shells refugee convoy killing over 30 people including children



14000 dead in Ukrainian terror attacks in Eastern Ukraine since 2014, but the western press never mentions that.

Druvius Level 8 Sep 29, 2022

Do u have a source please?

@Charlene , did it ever occur to you that the MSM which is owned by & operated by & for the benefit of corporate america would not present news which could result in ppl seeing another side which may well be true but does not echo their message.

@Charlene if you missed the past 8 years as you obviously have, it's only obvious 4 more months wouldn't help clarify the mystery you're currently suffering from. My past history tells me you and Glenn live within and seemingly love the delusional reality served to you over facts and history which exposes its illusions. So why should any of us waste our time on it for you.

Even our MSMs have mentioned the amount of people killed in the Donbass regions since 2014 on occasions. Only their narrative falsely correlates it to being Russia's fault during that period when Russia wasn't even in the regions yet.

@William_Mary so in other words you got nothin..btw how goes your PM's War on Non Hindus?

@callmedubious I'm well aware of it..are you aware that RTNews is a Russian State owned station?

@Charlene , i'm aware that they have international commentators including Scott Ritter a retired American marine colonel.


{PM's War on Non Hindus?}

I don't even know what that means. As is it's in incoherently stated. Again, coherency has never been your strong suit.

{I'm well aware of it}

You're well aware of what? Which begs the question --- why did you ask for a source? Coherency issues again. Or you just felt this was a good place to add confusion to the discussion? While attempting to add insult. Comments with no substance or coherency provide those watching nothing to learn from. Except about the person lacking in such attributes. You're creating your own profile others judge you by.

{are you aware that RTNews is a Russian State owned station?}

Yes, I'm quite aware RT is a Russian state media. They don't hide that it is. Everyone with a fairly decent working brain knows RT is a state funded media. It's actually their international news media. That's why it's call RT International which also had an affiliated branch in the US in DC. They have reporters working for them around the world. In which I get a wide view of other perspectives from around the world from various X politicians, X military and intelligence, political and geopolitical strategist, and various other social specialist including political commentators from university professors.

This provides views of virtually every aspect of the world stage that often allows me to compare the information coming from our own MSCM and other MSM's of western societies on my own terms. I need this source, along with the independent sources I read, to keep from being indoctrinated into only one view of the world. Which in regards to world foreign affairs, our MSCM and MSMs, is full of lies and deception to manage only one view. Which is to support western governments, primarily the US here for me as a citizen, and the capitalist system they use to and need to oppress the rest of the world in to keep it running.

Because I also know our government helps to fund various news medias to project their agendas. I also know that the 6 major MSCMs are owned by billionaire corporations which are highly dependent on those same agendas to be successful. They have various groups behind them that they pay to develop 80% of the information content for their medias, to project onto us which are to support those agendas. In other words they primarily project a managed perception onto our population towards one view of their world. And anyone that questions that view is labeled and or prosecuted by some various means. And this view filters down to all the MSMs in which they must comply to or face those consequences.

Recognizing this, why wouldn't I seek other medias to compare. Not recognizing this only leads to indoctrination and suffering cognitive dissonance and ignorance. Those suffering from this self inflicted societal issue are those who get on social medias and attempt to discuss political issues with incoherent statements, often including ignorance, unsubstantiated accusations, often from repetitive news coverage or others suffering the same, a lack of historical knowledge, mis/disinformation, memory loss or acceptance to previous known deceptions. I'm sure I could up with more symptoms over time. Feel free to add your own or chose from the above. You know I'm right that you fit some of those indications. Or maybe you just have a need to be on the Internet and seen?

Russia has a right to apply their own views just as any nation does. Labeling RT as state owned isn't a legitimate reason to denounce it. Doing so rather than using it only shows multiple reasons one is conflicted within a controlled environment and acceptable to ignorance and deception. As citizens of the world we have a right, and quite frankly, a responsibility, to analyze all views to come to an intelligent developed opinion to avoid those negative attributes. They all have a purpose, and yes, agendas to deliver to us. I make that clear in my group, about my group and my agenda, just as you do within your participation here. Your participation here is a form of you delivering your opinion to us with an agenda behind it towards finding a sense of correlation. Whether you do this blissfully or not, that's what you're doing. It's your profile on here we observe.

I highly suggest you consider whether you want to build on that with more discovery, or continue to be seemingly locked into a one world view. I'll argue you're missing a lot and your profile lacks a lot for those seeing more of the world to desire. But hey, if you're happy just being seen, confrontational, and seemingly confused, just say it. Or maybe you're just one who supports fascism and wants a war with Russia like the US is seemingly propelling us towards. Don't care about your world citizens in Europe being plundered to death by their governments. As it's slowly creeping across our country. You're just that well off it isn't a concern. To fuck with everybody else.

You spend enough time on here it's obvious you have some time to expand. Are you afraid to challenge your views?

@William_Mary whatever seems you spent an awful lot of time analyzing my truly must suck having to speak down to people from your high perch on the intelligence tree..I am totes in awe of it and wish to express my gratitude for such an indepth, personalized Mansplaining of my derth of both social and intellectual shortcomings..

@callmedubious Is he the same Scott Ritter that was convicted in Pennsylvania of child sex offences?

@Charlene yes, it overwhelmingly disheartening to witness the vast ignorance of my fellow citizenship when it comes to especially foreign politics. As Feb rolled in with the amount of historical ignorance of at least the 20th century, especially the past 8 years, and the acceptance of our tax dollars going towards funding and supporting a fascist government that has been committing genocide against a people due to their ethnic and cultural back ground, their language and religion they follow. Who were oppressed against for 8 years and when people like myself attempted to educate others on chose to tune their opinions only on to dis/misinformation along with blatant lies of the western narrative, disallowing these people a voice and a right to a peaceful life.

Although more people have awaken since then and are speaking out, people like you continue to keep these crimes going within your cognitive dissonance which is profoundly sickening. Inevitably the truth will come out as it always does and people will again have to face or ignore they were wrong and duped into another delusional reality. The question is will it be before our government manages to end up sending their families off to another manufactured war like Iraq against a much more worthy adversary, which will lead to a hell of a lot more than 4800 deaths, maybe then you all will wake the fuck up. In the mere few months since Feb Ukraine has lost significantly more men and women than lost in Iraq in 20 years. They're losing 60 to 100 men and women a day. At times as many as 300 or more depending on the strikes. I've seen figures of 100,000 compared to 9000 Russian troops. We're talking about a country nations have been attempting to wipe off the planet for centuries and had their asses handed to them every time. And Russia isn't going to make the mistake the USSR made going into WWll being betrayed by western governments and Germany. And the supporting republics around them aren't about to let Putin forget either. Apparently, again, you have no idea of what is transforming.

And I respectfully attempting to provide an answer to that. But lye in the bed you make.

@William_Mary so More sourcing from RTnews?..wowza
Btw it's "you've made your bed, now lAy in it" Not lYe.. which is a metallic hydroxcide used in some soaps, candles and in food processing i.e white grits..

@callmedubious also he Was an 'Intelligence' officer..though obviously Not intelligent enough to not lure little kids into sending explicitly sexual photos to him..

@William_Mary I apologize..I confused you with another member... see

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