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This Dystopia Depends On Hiding Inconvenient Truths

This is a civilization made of deceitful thoughts, deceitful words, and deceitful deeds. Everything about it is fraudulent.


It isn't just the propagandist who lies to us. We also lie to ourselves!

The article, and video within at the top of the page which contains the same context, uses the term propaganda. A term I have covered on multiple occasions in my post and cover in a pinned page. In which part of my agenda here has been to expose those who come here of being guilty of such, the statement above. Lying to yourselves. It isn't an intention to ridicule anyone, it's an intention towards helping others break the chains of servitude to the capitalist slavery. We're all guilty of it on some level. I once was more guilty of it before my awakening. Please, do not confuse that {awake} with the newest perversion by western propaganda, woke, which has also been purposely manufactured in a manipulative way to combat against awake. Propaganda was purposely manufactured for us all to fall into a manipulated trap. A number of other terms in this article and video are also covered in that pinned page.

Propaganda is merely another term for information. The term propaganda began to be used by western constructs long ago to use against their manufactured enemies. Manipulative information. As though their information is to be seen as the only factual information, while their enemies only provide mis/disinformation. I assure you, their enemies provide much more factual information and a supportive history to go with it in most cases. Which you should use to help break the chains. Stop lying to ourselves. We're currently living in an environment where we can't possibly remove ourselves from just the chains, but we also need to remove ourselves from the room we're locked in. That will require a complete eradication of the construct working against us. The politicians. The MSMs. The system being ran by the ruling class. The ruling class who own our politicians and medias. It isn't just the elite and their corporations in the US, but a conglomerate of international ruling class. Which began building especially after WWll.

We've been going through another highly extensive manipulative propaganda campaign again since the Gaza genocide campaign was unleashed. I covered how the propaganda campaign was unleashed in regards to Ukraine in 2014. Along with the correlating discussion between Abby Martin and Peter Phillips, where Phillips delivered a break down of exactly how the process works. Robert Parry outlined a few details of the Ukraine incident. And how it has evolved from the various degrees of the CIA in the past to PR {public relation} firms and NGOs {non government organizations}. These entities work via funding from billionaires and or western governments and intelligence agencies.

RT has recently come out with a new documentary that goes much deeper into the construct of players involved in the Ukraine program. It is a program! A program of intentional deception. While you witness the construction of the Ukraine media apparatus in this documentary, know that Israel has had their own such construct for decades also. Israel basically owns our government. They orchestrate a large PR and NGO information construct of mis/disinformation. Anyone within our government, or society quite frankly, who produces any public awareness of negativity towards Israel, doesn't tow the Israeli agendas will find themselves a target of a campaign of cancel out. Eradication. You can't believe anything we're being told by these constructs. You must do the work to break the chains. So we can't break down the door to the room together. Over half a billion dollars, known of, was put into the Ukraine false propaganda campaign. That's what deceiving us is worth! Over 300 billion has been spent funding and supporting a overthrow of a democratic elected government in 2014 to install a WWll fascist glorying government and now ideology society. In which a genocide campaign was unleashed on the people of the eastern part of the country to prepared for a manufactured war against a falsely manufactured enemy.

Make sure you turn on all the English capabilities at the bottom right. Two of them. Better used on a lap top or tower computer. Smart TV, I had a hard time keeping the English going on a constant basis. I doubt a cell phone will work properly? Quite frankly. Cell phones are a propagandist tool anyways. You'll never be directed to good information on a political sense, ever! Unless you directly put in an address of reliable sources yourself. Which is basically what I have to do on my lap top, except for those I have saved. Good reliable sources are blocked by algorithms to keep us dumbed down. There's only 4 ways this goes. You've been learning the truth alongside of me as it has been since 2014. You have at some point felt the deceptions and began seeking and found sources of the truth. Possibly through people like me. Will now begin to recognize the truth. Or, as Geoff Young, a US politician, states at the end of the documentary, will only come to realize the truth when it's well to late as the false propaganda campaign in regards to Ukraine collapses. In other words. You've been Iraqed again. People are essentially being purposely murdered, lives being torn apart, on a global scale within a delusional reality many put trust in. Too many! Help stop the madness! Spread the truth.

The Great Ukrainian PR Scam

More than 150 PR agencies from the U.S. and Europe are shaping Ukraine’s media image. This campaign began back in 2014 during the Maidan uprising. After the new government took power, the U.S. established propaganda networks, feeding deliberately false information to Western media. Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry became a puppet of the CIA. This strategy was first refined in Iraq, where the U.S. used the full force of modern PR technology during the conflict.

What was really behind the so-called «Bucha massacre»? How do the CIA and NSA control Western social media platforms? How many journalists have been killed for resisting Kiev’s propaganda? And who will win the bloodiest information war in history?


William_Mary 8 Nov 29
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