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It is time to fight Trump’s denying women’s reproductive rights and support Planned Parenthood.

SageDave 7 Aug 29
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Excuse me, nearly half of the country does not want abortions.

St-Sinner Level 9 Aug 29, 2019

4% of PPs budget is for abortions, 96% is for normal healthcare female and male.

@glennlab Ok, you agree that PP can operate without abortion and birth control services?

@St-Sinner I did not say that . And don't throw out unsupported facts. 59% of all people support choice and 2/3 of all women currebtly use birth control. facts from NPR and CDC [] []

@glennlab Yes, keeping it a woman's right is what the majority of Americans want I agree. But if you look deeper in the polls you will see that the majority also want restrictions on the right. I subscribe to that view.

I believe state governments should not put severe restrictions and also believe that the right to abort should not be absolute. It must be restricted and allowed only in exceptions. I can't be allowed after voluntary sex accidents. Some conservative states have put restrictions, not outright ban it.

I was a hard core pro-choice man before but after raising my daughter, watching her at birth and since infancy for the last 20 years, my view has changed. I want to take the topic of abortion very very seriously. I believe there is a high sanctity to women's role as a child bearing, birth giving, nurturing, loving parent. A woman must take that role seriously, be aware that her body is different, her responsibility is different. Everything she does matters in the child bearing and planning stage... smoking drinking, eating right, drugs, some over the counter medicines excessive coffee etc. etc. I know this is an explosive subject but the possibility of someone using the right carelessly or just because we can makes me very nervous. That is why I talked about Planned Parenthood.

@St-Sinner It's not just about abortions. PP provides other services for the poor under Title X which will be greatly curtailed, such as cancer screenings, family planning, etc.

I am not pro-abortion but am pro-choice. A recent poll shows that 70 percent of abortions are from religious (Christian) women, which is proportional to our population. It is not my place as a male to determine how a woman is to decide what to do with her body. This is a personal religious and ethical question.

Your stats are wrong. 73% of the country, including 53% of Republicans (Harris poll), support a woman's right to choose. This is a personal ethics and religious question that legislatures should not be involved with.

I am for all services any organization, not just PP provides.

Look around, the world is left mostly to men to run. They are everywhere in majority... government, armed forces, aviation, manufacturing, public service and most families are also run this day and age by men. Men are the vast majority of providers even in the U.S. ... Men should not make a policy based on the existing sense of the right and wrong? Men making decisions does not mean they are deciding what they like. Men have mothers, sisters, wives, daughters. Give them some credit.

The NPR article we were discussing in the answers states that ... The majority of Americans want to have a choice but the choice should be limited. In other words, the choice is not absolute.


Already doing it in my state

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 29, 2019

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