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I like this idea..

Charlene 9 Dec 31
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It would save money! We eliminate the billions of dollars wasted on executive salaries, CEO perks, staff in medical facilities who's only job is to fuck with insurance companies, and the expenses associated with delay of treatment due to all if that shit!

BitFlipper Level 8 Dec 31, 2019

Nothing wrong with extortion. Ask Trump and his crew. It happens, get over it!😈



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 31, 2019

Now that looks like a more effective form of trickle-down economics.

brentan Level 8 Dec 31, 2019

Welfare for all can be paid for - first go back to Clinton era taxation, reduce military spending, and for corporate welfare, well, give them medacare for all and, thus, no corporations need spend many on health insurance. There are many ways to make it work, and over time money would be saved. Access to foreign and cheaper drugs or laws to stop price gouging can be initiated.

Clinton era? Go back to Eisenhower's when their tax rate was 95%..


Not impressed. It is good for preaching the choir. Followers who are already convinced of Bernie or Warren will clap. I am not clapping.

Witty words don't make a good argument. He/she did not answer the question, just made a funny comment. "How to Pay for Medicare for All" is a very valid question and that has not been answered correctly by Warren, Bernie oir Biden. "By Taxing the Rich" is a bad argument and we all know it is not selling. Promising freebies... is like dangling a cherry in front your face.

St-Sinner Level 9 Dec 31, 2019

Still, many other countries manage to pay for it at less than half the cost it takes to deliver the US health/ insurance system now. Can you just imagine Bernie, Elizabeth or anyone else standing up at a town hall meeting or one of the CNN televised debates and explaining the ins and outs of medical costs that Americans are totally unfamiliar with? -- because I can't. They would only dig a deep hole for themselves thanks to "moderate" voters' ignorance and judgmentality.

Bernie has explained, in detail, over quite a few years, how it will be paid for, and it is All on YouTube, where you could take a few minutes to become informed in your opinions. You will also notice, when you watch, that every single bit of "Warren's Plan" was stolen almost verbatim from Bernie's ideas. Boring Biden is showing signs of dementia.

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