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People are predicting a larger war right now. Certainly Iran has every right to retaliate in some way for the deaths of their top military people near the Baghdad airport. USA IS GUILTY of illegally invading Iraq and killing Iranians everywhere US Presidents have been murdering Iranians since 1953..... But Iranians invaded Iraq also..... .... I predict this willl blow over and fake news will minimize if not censor any Iranian retaliation.....just as TrumpOLINI slowed down the war in Ukraine refusing awhile rockets to kill Soviet tank crews....this too will be politicized by demorats ....GREENS and Veterans for Peace correctly call for bringing home all troops except Embassy personnel and recind the illegal authority by Congress to all Presidents to wage illegal wars anywhere since 1941 when the last legal war was declared

Larry68Feminist 7 Jan 3
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Consider the other gunmen in LasVegas were muslim not just one nutcase with a "bumpstock"

What on earth does your statement have to do with the original post?

@Krish55 ask yourself that question....why was one alleged shooter allowed to kill so many people so fast with more than one gun in Las Vegas??? Why did the hallway videotapes/cds disappear as evidence of how all those hundreds if not thousands of bullets with weapons got into those hotel rooms ? Weapons money flows freely in Las Vegas money is "laundered" there by the likes of Sheldon Adelson and TrumpOLINI himself ....International gun trafficking is everywhere and NRA is global not just Montana hunters

@Krish55 war profiteering is well managed and touches USA on streets of Chicago Las Vegas Los ANGELES et al where the black market of guns profits in dope religions and sex TRAFFICKERS

@Krish55 you remember Vietnam... did you learn nothing about LBJ NIXON and dope money ?


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