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Trump Calls on Congress to Expunge His Impeachment

Talking to reporters on the White House lawn, President Trump called on Congress to "expunge" his impeachment for abuse of power following his acquittal in the Senate, claiming the whole thing “was a hoax.”

Gee, wonder where he could have learned a word like “expunge?” A term like that just seems a wee bit too “bigly” for a fellow like Donald Trump to be throwing around.

But hell, if impeachment really bothers him all that much - why not just pull out a Sharpie and expunge himself? Anyway, if it’s any consolation, I feel like “expunging” him ever time I see his big, bloated, orange face all over the TV screen.


johnnyrobish 8 Feb 8
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The republican's actions of gerrymandering fucked all the founder's safe guards.

And now we have experienced a true coup in the US. The republican criminal wanna bees have declared the US a Kingdom, bereft of law.

I never thought i would live during the downfall of the US.

JacarC Level 8 Feb 12, 2020

He should be impeached for giving Limbaugh a pres medal.


He's Impeached, they need to "Get Over It" as Mulvaney says..

Charlene Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

I wish he would just die already!!!😡


Bullshit he should be carrying that forever

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 8, 2020

He will, and there is nothing he can do about it!!

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